Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sunday, 2/23/2025 to Saturday, 3/1/2025 --- IN PROGRESS

I walked 2 times this week, 3.30 miles.
I ran 2 times this week, 7.30 miles.
I took x steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate and floors climbed (take that last data point with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight (when it feels like connecting to our Wi-Fi).

WALKING/RUNNING: I have gotten over a nagging ache in my left hip/hamstring through lots and LOTS of stretching. So ... I do walks or runs and then stretch afterwards. A run is better than a walk in my 67-year-old mind but any exercise is good in the end.

Walk/Run electronics: I use my Garmin Venu for runs and walks. I listen to my CelsusSound S800C Bone Conduction Headphones.

BTW, I am on a 1705 day steak (4 years, 8 months) of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 2/22). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

Sunday, 2/23/2025
steps, avg/max HR, pounds, floors climbed
Run: 4.15 miles, 36:24, 8:46 pace, 30F, 64% RH, 14 mph W wind, wind chill 21F, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 109.23 miles
I got for a nice recovery run the day after Freezeroo #6. My right Achilles heel was a bit tight for 1/2 mile or so but it loosened up. I just kept a nice pace for an out and back on my new "Out to Lake Ave" route. My splits were 9:04, 8:40, 8:46, 8:39 and 8:13 over the last 0.15 mile.

Monday, 2/24/2025
steps, avg/max HR, pounds, floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 22:11, 13:27 pace, 101/118 avg/max HR, 125/136 avg/max cadence, 48F, 43% RH, 16 mph SW wind, wind chill 43F, partly cloudy
Shoes: blue/yellow Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 616.68 miles
I woke up at 5:20 AM with a really bad sore throat so I went back to sleep and bagged my run or walk. My darling wife, Christine, told me that I snored and peeled a lot of paint last night. It really warmed up durng the day. I could have worn shorts on my walk on my "Out to Ling Rd" route. My splits were 13:23 and 13:35 over the last 0.65 mile.

Tuesday, 2/25/2025
steps, avg/max HR, pounds, floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 21:18, 12:54 pace, 91/104 avg/max HR, 122 avg cadence, 43F, 70% RH, 18 mph W wind, wind chill 35F, cloudy
Shoes: blue/yellow Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 618.33 miles
I couldn't sleep right away due to phlegm running down the back of my throat so ... I didn't get to sleep until after midnight. I bagged my walk in the morning and got out for a brisk walk after work on my usual "Out to Ling Rd" route. My splits were 13:07 and 12:35 over the last 0.65 mile.

Wednesday, 2/26/2025
steps, avg/max HR, pounds, floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 27:52, 8:51, 127/145 avg/max HR, 155/165 avg/max cadence, 41F, 52% RH, 5 mph E wind, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 112.38 miles
I slept better but I was still coughing when I woke up at 5 AM so I bagged my walk. I felt better in the afternoon so I got out for ... a ... run. It was around 40F so I just put on my tights, my Brooks 1/4 zip long sleeve pullover, my Brooks beanie and light running gloves. I started out slow and easy. I sped up bit by bit as I loosened up. It turned out to be a good run! My splits were 9:11. 8:59, 8:31 and 7:46 over the last 0.15 mile.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Sunday, 2/16/2025 to Saturday, 2/22/2025 - Freezeroo #6

I walked 4 times this week, 2.39 miles.
I snowshoed 2 times this week, 3.78 miles.
I ran on the treadmill for 3.15 miles.
I ran 4 times this week, 11.59 miles.
I took 55,393 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate and floors climbed (take that last data point with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight (when it feels like connecting to our Wi-Fi).

WALKING/RUNNING: I have gotten over a nagging ache in my left hip/hamstring through lots and LOTS of stretching. So ... I do walks or runs and then stretch afterwards. A run is better than a walk in my 67-year-old mind but any exercise is good in the end.

Walk/Run electronics: I use my Garmin Venu for runs and walks. I listen to my CelsusSound S800C Bone Conduction Headphones.

BTW, I am on a 1698 day steak (4 years, 7 months) of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 2/15). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

Sunday, 2/16/2025
5496 steps, 49/106 avg/max HR, 172.9 pounds, 12 floors climbed
Snowshoe: 2.15 miles, 53:06, 24:45 pace, 94/112 avg/max HR, 101/159 avg/max cadence, 25°F, 86% RH, 14 mph NNE wind, light snow
Shoes: blue Salamon SpeedCross 4 trail shoes - 329.11 miles
It has snowed or a freezing rain fell off and on all yesterday afternoon, night and this morning as I lazed around and watched TV. I figured the roads were crappy so I strapped on my snowshoes and took a walk around the Lake Shoe Country Club. 
The snow was crunchy and a bit hard to walk in. Most of the branches had an 1/8 inch of ice on them. I was glad to stop when I got done. My splits were 25:05, 24:16 and 25:20 over the last 0.15 mile.

Monday, 2/17/2025
7037 steps, 44/118 avg/max HR, 172.6/172.5 pounds, 14 floors climbed
Walk: 1.15 miles, 24:22, 21:12 pace, 101/123 avg/max HR, 97/159 avg/max cadence, 18F, 79% RH, 15 mph WNW wind, wind chill 4F, light snow
Shoes: black Brooks Crossmax trail shoes with screws - 801.86 miles
Well ... it was still snowing when I woke up. I didn't sleep well ... I woke up at 3:51 AM and I doubt I went back to sleep. So ... I did what I do ... I got up and got out. There was about a foot of drifted snow in front of our door and about 6 inches of snow in the parking lot. I stayed off the road and trudged on my "Another mile" that put me on the LOSP Trail where I trudged through about 6 to 12 inches of snow.

Tuesday, 2/18/2025
9801 steps, 42/134 avg/max HR, 173.1/171.9 pounds, 10 floors climbed
Walk: 0.24 mile, 4:21, 18:11 pace, 92/99 avg/max HR, 117/127 avg/max cadence, 9F, 61% RH, 16 mph W wind, wind chill -8F, light snow
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 91.49 miles
Run: 3.15 miles, 30:34, 9:42 pace, 119/141 avg/max HR, 155/163 avg/max cadence
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 94.64 miles
Walk: 0.35 mile, 6:03, 17:19 pace, 84/97 avg/max HR, 9F, 61% RH, 16 mph W wind, wind chill -8F, light snow
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 94.99 miles
Well ... I decided that warmth and safety was more important than wind chill and slippery shoulders on Greenleaf Rd and Beach Ave. I walked down to the Exercise Center and did a Treadmill 5K. The guy that I usually see on my 6 AM runs or walks was there too. So ... I wasn't the only one who wanted warmth this morning. You have to dress differently to run indoors than outdoors. Outdoors I put my shorts over my tights and indoors I put on my shorts first over a pair of sweatpants. I peeled off everything besides my short and a short sleeve tech before I started running on the treadmill. I set the treadmill up at 9:13 pace but the Indoor Track setting on my Venu calculated a 9:42 pace based on my strides. No matter ... I did a 5K indoors ... and sweat instead of froze! Yes ... the treadmill was BORING ... but I was warm.

Wednesday, 2/19/2025
8756 steps, 45/106 avg/max HR, 172.4/172.3 pounds, 11 floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 26:10, 15:52, 92/104 avg/max HR, 110/161 avg/max cadence, 16F, 73% RH, 10 mph W wind, wind chill 4F, light snow
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 96.64 miles
Well ... I really didn't want to get out of the nice, warm bed ... but I did. I really wanted to run but it had snowed a bit overnight ... again. I dressed for a walk but put on my running shoes just in case. The footing was dicey so I chose a safer walk. I almost slipped a few time before I even got to Greenleaf Rd so I made the wise choice. I chose the plowed sidewalk instead the dicey shoulders on Greenleaf Rd. It had about 2 inches of snow but that gave me plenty of traction. The dicey part was the transition from snow to slush to road on the Greenleaf Meadows road. I saw one car that had NOT brushed off their side windows that had stopped for another car before they exited from their parking lot. Luckily I noticed and didn't try to walk in front of them. IDIOT! Don't get me started on the drivers that don't know that their headlights are NOT ON when it's dusk, dawn or even dark! Anyways ... my splits were 16:00 and 15:40 over the last 0.65 mile.

Thursday, 2/20/2025
6819 steps, 42/144 avg/max HR, 171.8/172.2 pounds, 16 floors climbed
Run: 3.16 mile, 29:27, 9:20 pace, 128/150 avg/max HR, 154/165 avg/max cadence, 19F, 67% RH, 9 mph NW wind, wind chill 10F, light snow
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 99.80 miles
Well ... another 4 inches of fluffy snow fell overnight ... what else is new? I had to use a Ricoh vacation day so I slept in until 7:10 AM. I surprised my darling wife, Christine, with the news when I woke her up ;-). The snow was still falling when I got out for a much needed run around 11 AM. The Greenleaf Meadows road was a bit slippery along with the Greenleaf Rd and Beach Ave shoulders on my "Out to Clematis St" route. I ran in the road 90% of the time except when cars were coming. No worries. My splits were 9:34, 9:43, 8:46 and 9:00 over the 0.16 mile.

Friday, 2/21/2025
5055 steps, 48/98 avg/max HR, 172.9/173.9 pounds, 11 floors climbed
Snowshoe: 1.63 miles, 48:27, 29:42 pace, 83/110 avg/max HR, 113/193 avg/max cadence, 18F, 62% RH, 21 mph WNW wind, wind chill 1F, partly cloudy
Shoes: blue Salamon SpeedCross 4 trail shoes - 330.74 miles
I heard on the TV last night that the Rochester airport (KROC) has had detectable snow flakes for 50/51 in 2025. Well ... it snowed in the morning up here at Lake Ontario so I bet it's 51/52 now. So ... there was ample snow for me to get out on my snowshoes for a "A snowshoe walk" in the Lake Shore Country Club. It was quite strenous as I sank between 6 to 12 inches with each step. I didn't do my usual route. I decided to cut it short when I sank up to the knees before I had even gone 100 feet. My splits were 29:30 and 29:58 over the last 0.63 mile.

Saturday, 2/22/2025
12429 steps, 43/161 avg/max HR, 172.7 pounds, 29 floors climbed
Today's race was Freezeroo #6, the last race of 6 in the 2024-2025 Greater Rochester Running Club (GRRC) Freezeroo series. The race venue was the White House on Lake Ontario in Webster. I got to the race venue in time to snag the second to last close parking spot. The weather conditions down at KROC (about 25 miles southwest) were 18F, 73% RH, 7 mph SW wind, wind chill 10F, partly cloudy.
Run: 0.9 mile, 8:20, 9:14 pace, 124/144 avg/max HR, 156/163 avg/max cadence
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 100.70 miles
I got for a little warm up run. I found that the shoulders on Lake Rd and Holt Rd were snow covered. I ran in the road as much as possible.
Run: 4.38 miles, 36:25, 8:22 pace, 137/166 avg/max HR, 163/173 avg/max cadence
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 104.08 miles
And ... we were off! We all turned left onto Holt Rd and immediately played chicken with oncoming cars until we turned left onto Woodhull Rd. The course is a double 2.2 mile loop. I maintained a steady pace on Loop 1. Loop 2 was more of the same. One foot in front of the other and maintain my position with my fellow runners. And ... last turn onto Lake Rd ... 0.4 mile to go ... 0.2 mile to go ... push ... turn onto Hold Rd ... last turn (wide to not fall) ... and done in 36:35 (36:34 official).
I did OK. I was 36th out of 99, results here. I was 2nd out of 7 in my M 65-69 age group, results here. I finished 2nd in the M 65-69 age group for the 6 race series behind the speedy Tim Dwyer. My splits were 8:27, 8:18, 8:38, 8:07 and 8:13 over the last 0.38 mile.

This week was an epic week of exercise ... 4 walks, 1 treadmill run, 2 snowshoe walks and 4 runs!!!

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sunday, 2/9/2025 to Saturday, 2/15/2025

I walked 3 times this week, 4.95 miles.
I ran 4 times this week, 14.90 miles.
I took 56,871 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate and floors climbed (take that last data point with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight (when it feels like connecting to our Wi-Fi).

WALKING/RUNNING: I have gotten over a nagging ache in my left hip/hamstring through lots and LOTS of stretching. So ... I do walks or runs and then stretch afterwards. A run is better than a walk in my 67-year-old mind but any exercise is good in the end.

Walk/Run electronics: I use my Garmin Venu for runs and walks. I listen to my CelsusSound S800C Bone Conduction Headphones.

BTW, I am on a 1691 day steak (4 years, 7 months) of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 2/8). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

Sunday, 2/9/2025
4912 steps, 45/99 avg/max HR, 176.0 pounds, 18 floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 22:11, 13:27 pace, 92/103 avg/max HR, 124/140 avg/max cadence, 28F, 80% RH, 7 mph WNW wind, wind chill 22F, cloudy
Shoes: blue Salomon SpeedCross 4 trail shoes: 325.31 miles
My thighs on the way down the stairs so I knew that a run would be very uncomfortable. I opted for a walk but my thighs loosened up after a 1/2 mile so I hiked up the pace on my "Out to Ling Rd" route. My splits were 13:51 and 12:51 over the last 0.65 mile. Then ... my thighs tightened right back up wile I did 6 loads of laundry. Oh, joy! OK ... maybe not.

Monday, 2/10/2025
8613 steps, 48/103 avg/max HR, 175.7/175.6 pounds, 10 floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 23:52, 14:27 pace, 88/103 avg/max HR, 119/136 avg/max cadence, 21F, 68% RH, 12 mph W wind, wind chill 10F, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Launch GTS8 - 551.36 miles
My thighs were still achy so I opted for another walk on my "Out to Ling Rd" route. I loosened up after a bit like usual. My splits were 14:51 and 13:50 over the last 0.65 mile.

Tuesday, 2/11/2025
8180 steps, 43/134 avg/max HR, 175.5/174.7 pounds, 15 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 29:06, 9:14 pace, 126/138 avg/max HR, 157/164, 10F, 85% RH, 6 mph WSW wind, wind chill 1F, partly cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 79.50 miles
I shivered a bit when Alexa woke me up at 5:20 AM and told me that it was 14F. But ... I did what I do ... get up, go downstairs, weigh myself, set up the coffee, get dressed (lots of layers!) and get outside. It's what I have done for 4.5 years now. My thighs were feeling better so I set up a really nice and easy pace on my "Out to Clematis St" route. A full moon hung low in the western sky as I turned down west towards Greenleaf Rd. I didn't push the pace and got the run done. My splits were 9:35, 9:08, 9:02 and 8:53 over the last 0.15 mile.

Wednesday, 2/12/2025
8186 steps, 49/138 avg/max HR, 174.2/173.4 pounds, 20 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 27:42, 8:47 pace, 128/144 avg/max HR, 159/171 avg/max cadence, 25F, 74% RH, 12 mph ENE wind, wind chill 15F, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 82.65 miles
I really didn't want to get out of bed this morning. But ... 6 AM rolled around ... so I got up and did what I do ... got out the door for a run. I set up a faster pace that yesterday. The wind was out of the north so I could hear the waves from Lake Ontario as I headed onto Greenleaf Rd. I noticed that the wind had blown snow across Beach Ave so the footing would have been tricky if I had turned right to run my "Out to Clematis St" route so I turned left and ran my "Out to Mann Rd" route. Sometimes you have to adapt ... no worries. My splits were 8:51, 9:10, 8:28 and 7:57 over the last 0.15 mile.

Thursday, 2/13/2025
6061 steps, 44/104 avg/max HR, 173.9 pounds, 9 floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 24:08, 13:47 pace, 95/112 avg/max HR, 120/147 avg/max cadence, 39F, 75% RH, 10 mph SSW wind, wind chill 33F, light rain
Shoes: blue Salamon SpeedCross 4 trail shoes - 326.96 miles
It looked like it was a bit icy so I opted for a walk instead of a run on my trail shoes. The complex road was icy but the shoulder were OK when I got to Greenleaf Rd. I picked up the pace and "got 'er done". My splits were 13:38 and 14:13 over the last 0.65 mile.

Friday, 2/14/2025
14148 steps, 45/136 avg/max HR, 176.1/175.1 pounds, 23 floors climbed
Run: 4.45 miles, 40:59, 9:12 pace, 127/140 avg/max HR, 157/171 avg/max cadence, 21F, 62% RH, 18 mph W wind, wind chill 7F, cloudy with a few flakes of snow
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 87.10 miles
I struggled to get out of bed yet again but ... 6 AM rolled around ... so I did what I do. I got out the door for a run. I wanted to go long so I ran my "Out to the Genesee River" route. A smidgen of snow had fallen overnight so I started out carefully on the road in Greenleaf Meadows. The shoulders on Greenleaf Rd and Beach Ave were OK but I still ran in the road when I could. Well ... the sidewalk in the Ontario Beach Park was a sheet of ice. I ran really slow until I had to duck walk so I could touch the fence at the Genesse River and turn around. I ran in the parking lot back to Beach Ave ... it was a bit less icy. Anyway ... I stayed upright. My splits were 9:12, 8:39, 10:25, 8:53 and 8:26 over the last 0.45 mile.

Saturday, 2/15/2025
6771 steps, 46/141 avg/max HR, 173.5/172.6 pounds, 17 floors climbed
Run: 4.15 miles, 36:45, 8:51 pace, 129/147 avg/max HR, 157/168 avg/max cadence, 27F, 54% RH, 9 mph SE wind, wind chill 18F, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 91.25 miles
I got out for a run around noon on my "Out to Dewey Ave" route. The sidewalk that I take for about 1/4 mile along Beach Ave was a bit icy so I took the road on the way back. No worries. My splits were 8:58, 9:01, 8:48, 8:44 and 8:02 pace over the last 0.15 mile.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Sunday, 2/2/2025 to Saturday, 2/8/2025 - Freezeroo #5

I walked 2 times this week, 3.30 miles.
I ran 6 times this week, 18.24 miles.
I didn't bike this week.
I took 56,951 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate and floors climbed (take that last data point with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight (when it feels like connecting to our Wi-Fi).

WALKING/RUNNING/BIKING: I have gotten over a nagging ache in my left hip/hamstring through lots and LOTS of stretching. So ... I do walks, runs or bike rides and then stretch afterwards. A run is better than a walk or bike in my 67-year-old mind but any exercise is good in the end.

Walk/Run/Bike electronics: I use my Garmin Venu for runs and walks (backup for the bike). I listen to my CelsusSound S800C Bone Conduction Headphones.

BTW, I am on a 1684 day steak (4 years, 6 months) of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 2/1). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

Sunday, 2/2/2025
7255 steps, 44/141 avg/max HR, 172.2/171.0 pounds, 22 floors climbed
Run: 4.45 miles, 39:33, 134/146 avg/max HR, 158/168 avg/max cadence, 8:53 pace, 16F, 67% RH, 10 mph ESE wind, wind chill 4F, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 61.57 miles
I heard a loudspeaker coming from the east so I ran my "Out to Genesee River" route. I found that the Polar Plunge was going on at the Ontario Beach Park, 13WHAM link here. Lots of people were down there! I slowly made my way around them without issue. I had no desire (or change of clothes) to join them! My splits were 9:14, 8:51, 8:51, 8:40 and 8:44 over the last 0.45 mile.

Monday, 2/3/2025
9356 steps, 43/135 avg/max HR, 172.8/171.1 pounds, 16 floors climbed
Run: 3.16 miles, 29:41, 9:24 pace, 123/139 avg/max HR, 155/168 avg/max cadence, 34F, 80% RH, calm, cloudy
Shoes: blue Salomon SpeedCross 4 trail shoes: 323.66 miles
It had warmed up overnight so I only wore 2 layers on top. But ... it had snowed a smidgen also so I switched to my trail shoes after I had looked out the door. It's better to safe than sorrry! I just ran a really nice and easy pace on my "Out to Mann Rd" route. My splits were 9:58, 9:35, 8:47 and 8:37 over the last 0.16 mile.

Tuesday, 2/4/2025
5614 steps, 42/105 avg/max HR, 173.4 pounds, 11 floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 22:34, 13:41 pace, 95/110 avg/max HR, 119/190 avg/max cadence, 30F, 80% RH, 8 mph WNW wind, wind chill 23F, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Launch GTS8 - 548.06 miles
I got out for a brisk walk after 5 running days. It was around freezing so the surface was either crunchy snow/slush in the complex or bare pavement on Greenleaf Rd. I slowed down a bit on the crunchy snow/slush. No worries. My splits were 13:23 and 14:07 over the last 0.65 mile.

Wednesday, 2/5/2025
9740 steps, 41/138 avg/max HR, 174.2/173.4 pounds, 16 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 29:21, 9:19 pace, 125/143 avg/max HR, 157/166 avg/max cadence, 19F, 79% RH, 3 mph NW wind, light snow
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 64.72 miles
I wanted to stay under the quilts (yes ... 2) with my darling wife, Christine, when Alexa told me at 5:20 AM that it was 17F. I did get up a bit late but I did what I go. I got out for a run on my "Out to Clematis St" route. There was a light snow falling but it hadn't really accumulated yet. I stayed on the road as much as possible since the shoulders were a bit dodgy in spots. Still ... the fluffy snow was pretty. My splits were 9:30, 9:17, 9:05 and 9:43 over the last 0.15 mile.

Thursday, 2/6/2025
8179 steps, 43/143 avg/max HR, 174.5/173.6 pounds, 14 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 29:10, 9:15 pace, 133/148 avg/max HR, 157/167 avg/max cadence, 25F, 80% RH, 13 mph SE wind, wind chill 14F, light snow
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 67.87 miles
I thought about a walk but I decided to do a run instead. A light snow had just decided to start when I headed out at a nice and easy pace. I almost slipped and fell when I encountered a 2 stride icy patch that was disguised as snow not even a 1/4 mile into my run before I even got to Greenleaf Rd. I whipped my arms and stayed upright. The 2 cars behind me probably felt I was going to fall for sure. I ran carefully on the shoulders and in the road as much as I could. I didn't have any trouble the rest of the way. My splits were 9:37, 9:09, 9:01 and 9:06 over the last 0.15 mile.

Friday, 2/7/2025
3332 steps, 43/90 avg/max HR, 173.5 pounds, 10 floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 21:34, 13:04 pace, 75/91 avg/max HR, 125/190 avg/max cadence, 25F, 18 mph W wind, wind chill 12F, sunny
Shoes: blue Brooks Launch GTS8 - 549.71 miles
I decided to sleep in this morning but I did get out a bit after noon. It was in the 20s and sunny but pretty windy. The sidewalk on Greenleaf Rd was snow covered so I walked on the shoulders. My splits were 12:55 and 13:19 over the last 0.65 mile.

Saturday, 2/8/2025
13475 steps, 47/140 avg/max HR, 175.6/175.2 pounds, 21 floors climbed
Today's race was the Freezeroo #5 in the GRRC 2024-2025 Freezeroo series. It was my 12th Freezeroo #5 and the 8th on this Braddock Bay course. I didn't have far to go ... only 6 miles and 8 minutes, lol! I met up for Andy and Laura Ciaio before the race. Andy told me I only had one shirt so I quickly put on another since he had 3 on, lol!
Run: 0.5 miles, 4:48, 9:20 pace, 109/117 avg/max HR, 153/161 avg/max cadence, 21F, 73% RH, 8 mph SW wind, wind chill 12F, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Steathfit GTS20 - 68.37 miles
I got for a little warm up run before the race to get used to the weather. The weather was about the best one could hope for when you run a Freezeroo #5.
Run: 7.98 miles, 1:08:58, 8:38 pace, 132/143 avg/max HR, 161/173 avg/max cadence, 21F, 73% RH, 7 mph SW wind, wind chill 13F, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Steathfit GTS20 - 76.35 miles
And ... we were off! I slowly got up to a nice and easy race pace. Eight miles was a bit long compared to what I was used to. I did get a bit tired after 4 miles and shortened my strides. The jog at the end of Edgemere Drive onto Braddock Rd and 3rd Ave was unplowed and slushy like usual. That 1/4 mile took so much energy! I almost ... almost ... slowed to a walk but I didn't ... not today! I got back up to my race pace and even found a bit of sprint at the end. And ... done in 1:08:59 chip time.
A picture at mile 6.5 by Barry Cherney
I was tired and went to eat several cookies and a couple cups of coffee. I did OK. I was 37th out of 100, 2nd out of 2 in my M 65-69 age group. I was almost 15 minutes behind the speedy Tim Dwyer, link here. My splits were 8:32, 8:37, 8:40, 8:33, 8:34, 8:40, 9:03 and 8:28.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Sunday, 1/26/2025 to Saturday, 2/1/2025

I walked twice this week, 3.30 miles.
I ran 5 times this week, 19.05 miles.
I didn't bike this week.
I took 57,024 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate and floors climbed (take that last data point with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight (when it feels like connecting to our Wi-Fi).

WALKING/RUNNING/BIKING: I have gotten over a nagging ache in my left hip/hamstring through lots and LOTS of stretching. So ... I do walks, runs or bike rides and then stretch afterwards. A run is better than a walk or bike in my 67-year-old mind but any exercise is good in the end.

Walk/Run/Bike electronics: I use my Garmin Venu for runs and walks (backup for the bike). I listen to my CelsusSound S800C Bone Conduction Headphones.

BTW, I am on a 1677 day steak (4 years, 6 months) of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 1/25). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

Sunday, 1/26/2025
7459 steps, 47/140 avg/max HR, 172.2/170.6 pounds, 22 floors climbed
Run: 4.15 miles, 36:37, 8:49 pace, 131/144 avg/max HR, 160/210 avg cadence, 30F, 64% RH, 18 mph W wind, wind chill 19F, clear
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 48.52 miles
I got out for a recovery run on my "Out to Dewey Ave" route. I will be running this route for a while since the LOSP Trail and most sideways are snow covered or icy in spots. It's a bit boring as are all out and backs but it's still 4 miles. My splits were 9:02, 9:10, 8:40, 8:35 and 7:42 over the last 0.15 mile.

Monday, 1/27/2025
9541 steps, 47/147 avg/max HR, 171.5/170.6 pounds, 22 floors climbed
Run: 4.15 miles, 37:52, 9:07 pace, 131/152 avg/max HR, 159/169 avg/max cadence, 25F, 68% RH, 16 mph WSW wind, wind chill 13F, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 52.67 miles
I had enough gumption to get out the door but it was a sluggish slog this morning on my "Out to Dewey Ave" route. I took 3 walk breaks. I just felt a bit blah. My splits were 9:12, 9:24, 8:40, 9:19 and 8:35 over the last 0.15 mile.

Tuesday, 1/28/2025
8480 steps, 47/104 avg/max HR, 172.7/172.6 pounds, 11 floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 23:49, 14:26 pace, 97/107 avg/max HR, 113/196 avg/max cadence, 25F, 74% RH, 25 mph NNW wind, blowing snow
Shoes: blue Salomon SpeedCross 3 trail shoes: 315.70 miles
The winds howled all yesterday and last night. Then it snowed a bit overnight. I wanted to run but I knew it was not a good idea at all. The roads weren't really plowed yet and the cars wouldn't have a good view of me due to the wind. So ... I threw on all clothes and got out for a walk on my "Out to Ling Rd" route. This route kept me on the sidewalk of Greenleaf Rd and just the Greenleaf Meadows roads. It wasn't really that cold either. My splits were 15:03 and 13:28 over the last 0.65 mile.

Wednesday, 1/29/2025
7260 steps, 44/97 avg/max HR, 174.1/174.2 pounds, 9 floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 24:56, 15:07 pace, 84/91 avg/max HR, 112/126 avg/max cadence, 37F, 70% RH, 21 mph WSW wind, wind chill 28F, cloudy
Shoes: blue Salomon SpeedCross 3 trail shoes: 318.85 miles
Two inches or so of wet snow fell overnight so I opted for a walk on my "Out to Ling Rd" route. It was above freezing so I opted for slightly less clothing. It did feel warmer for sure. I chose the sidewalk on way out to Ling. It was hard work crunching through wet snow so I switched to the road on the way back. It was easier and a lot faster. My splits were 15:28 and 14:35 on the way back.

Thursday, 1/30/2025
8795 steps, 44/137 avg/max HR, 172.4/171.9 pounds, 15 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 29:30, 9:22 pace, 128/142 avg/max HR, 156/167 avg/max cadence, 18F, 73% RH, calm, cloudy
Shoes: blue/yellow Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 615.03 miles
Alexa told me that it was 18F when she woke me up at 5:20 AM. I really, REALLY wanted to stay in a warm bed with Christine, my lovely wife, but ... after staying in bed for a bit longer than usual ... I kissed Christine on the cheek and dragged myself out of bed. I planned on going for a walk so I dressed for that. But ... my plans changed when I pressed my Venu up for a walk. Suddenly I cancelled and pressed my Venu for a run ... started up a really easy pace. My knees hurt but I ignored them. I thought about turning around at Beach Ave but turned right and ran my "Out to Clematis St" route (without the Secret Sidewalk). I held my really easy pace and "got it done". I thought out when I got back inside that I had chosen my really old blue/yellow Brooks Glycerin GTS20 shoes that I had worn in months. Oh well! My splits were 52, 22, 02 and 8:15 over the last 0.15 mile.
News of the day: A commercial jet carrying 64 people coming from Wichita Kansas and an Army BlackHawk helicopter carrying 3 people collided and crashed into the Potomac River near Reagon airport in DC. No one survived.
Trump immediately blamed ... the helicopter pilot and ATC almost before bodies were pulled out of the water and expressed no remorse for the victims. Trump blamed Obama, Biden, Buttigieg, DEI, the 2020 election and people with "low intelligence" (among other things) during a press conference later today. Nothing is ever HIS fault.

Wow .... only day 10 of Trump 2.0. My "I told you so" screams are so ready. I think anyone reading this blog can guess that I am NOT on the "Trump Train". Some might say "keep politics out of your blog" ... well ... I say "I can post what I want". I am 67 years old and I want to leave this world better than I found it. Trump is trashing this world and I don't like it. Ranting about Trump gives me a small amount of satisfaction.

Friday, 1/31/2025
9716 steps, 44/134 avg/max HR, 173.0/171.7 pounds, 16 floors climbed
Run: 4.45 miles, 39:38, 8:54 pace, 123/139 avg/max HR, 159/170 avg/max cadence, 39F, 56% RH, 3 mph SSW wind, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 57.12 miles
It was warmer this morning so I didn't have as much trouble getting out. Well ... less than yesterday. I wanted to keep on the road so I ran my "Out to the Genesee River" route. My splits were 9:13, 8:57, 9:03, 8:45 and 8:05 over the last 0.45 mile.
It's the end of January so it's stat time!!!
I took 266,892 steps in January.
I took 1 snowshoe walk in January for 2.1 miles.
I took 8 walks in January for 13.80 miles, 1.73 miles/walk
I took 24 runs in January for 88.52 miles, 3.69 miles/run
I ran 3 races in January:
 1/1 Freezeroo #2 7.5 miles, 1:04:21, 8:30 pace, 61st/172, 3rd/5 in my M 65-69 age group, 37F, 89% RH, 10 mph WNW wind, wind chill 30F, cloudy with light snow/rain
 1/18 Freezeroo #3 5.0 miles, 41:30, 8:18 pace, 49th/130, 2nd/5 in my M 65-69 age group, 39F, 60% RH, 13 mph SSW wind, wind chill 32F, cloudy with a bit of wet snow
 1/25 Freezeroo #4 4.85 miles, 39:55, 8:14 pace, 36th/122, 2nd/5 in my M 65-69 age group, 17F, 58% RH, 9 mph SW wind, wind chill 7F, cloudy

Saturday, 2/1/2025
5773 steps, 44/134 avg/max HR, 170.7/170.5 pounds, 17 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 30:24, 9:38 pace, 127/138 avg/max HR, 153/166 avg/max cadence, 14F, 72% RH, 10 mph N wind, wind chill 1F, partly cloudy
Shoes: blue Salomon SpeedCross 4 trail shoes - 320.50 miles
Well ... back down to 14F! So ... back to throwing on ALL my winter running gear ... no worries! It had snow about an inch overnight so I put on my trail shoes. I set up a "get it done" pace and "got it done". My splits were 10:17, 9:29, 9:13 and 9:14 over the last 0.15 mile.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sunday, 1/19/2025 to Saturday, 1/25/2025 - Freezeroo #4

I walked once this week, 1.65 miles.
I ran 5 times this week, 18.55 miles.
I snowshoed once this week, 2.1 miles
I didn't bike this week.
I took 52,401 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate and floors climbed (take that last data point with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight (when it feels like connecting to our Wi-Fi).

WALKING/RUNNING/BIKING: I have gotten over a nagging ache in my left hip/hamstring through lots and LOTS of stretching. So ... I do walks, runs or bike rides and then stretch afterwards. A run is better than a walk or bike in my 67-year-old mind but any exercise is good in the end.

Walk/Run/Bike electronics: I use my Garmin Venu for runs and walks (backup for the bike). I listen to my CelsusSound S800C Bone Conduction Headphones.

BTW, I am on a 1670 day steak (4 years, 6 months) of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 1/18). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

Sunday, 1/19/2025
6561 steps, 44/137 avg/max HR, 170.8/170.4 pounds, 19 floors climbed
Run: 4.25 miles, 36:57, 8:41 pace, 132/144 avg/max HR, 158/169 avg/max cadence 21F, 68% RH, 12 mph ENE wind, wind chill 10F, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 36.37 miles
I got out around noon for a run on my out and back "Out to Dewey Ave" route. I set up a recovery pace of around 9:00 but ... as always ... I sped up a bit. It's what I do. My splits were 9:02, 8:54, 8:31, 8:28 and 8:00 over the last 0.25 mile.

Monday, 1/20/2025
4694 steps, 46/108 avg/max HR, 171.2/171.0 pounds, 13 floors climbed
Snowshoe: 2.1 miles, 44:22, 21:09, 92/119 avg/max HR, 87/159 avg/max cadence, 14F, 72% RH, 16 mph W wind, wind chill -1F, partly cloudy
Shoes: blue Salomon Speedcross 4 trail shoes: 307.75 miles
It snowed 4 to 6 inches last night so I got out for a snowshoe on my "Snowshoe walk around Lake Shore Country Club" route. It was 14F and windy but I dressed well so I was quite warm on my walk. My splits were 21:03, 21:07 and 22:01 over the last 0.1 mile. 
Well ... just dropping these memes here ... since Felon47 was installed at noon down in Washington DC. 

You can probably figure out who I voted for in November 2024. The people in those 7 battleground states who voted for Felon47 will rue that day. President Biden wasn't the greatest president and I did disagree with his policy with Israel but he was and Harris would have been a damn better president than Trump45 was and Felon47 will be.
Just some of Biden's accomplishments ... Felon47 will try to undo all of them and then spew more misery to everyone (yes, even those who voted for him)
I will believe until the end of time that the 2024 election was rigged by Musk. He invested about 277 million and has gained 180 Billion in the month after the election so he had a great incentive. I hope it will come out eventually but it's probably hidden by NDAs. Trump seemingly admitted to it at his pre-inauguration rally on Sunday ... “He journeyed to Pennsylvania, where he spent a month and a half campaigning for me in Pennsylvania, and he’s a popular guy. He was very effective,” Trump said. “And he knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers. Those vote-counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide. So it was pretty good, pretty good. So thank you to Elon.” Aside ... Trump won 50.4% of the vote in PA ... not a landslide or a mandate.
My political rant doesn't mean two hoots, not will it be remembered, but there are a lot of people that I know that think the same way. I will never vote for any Republican ever!

Tuesday, 1/21/2025
9534 steps, 48/131 avg/max HR, 173.3/172.8 pounds, 21 floors climbed
Run: 3.15, 29:30, 9:22 pace, 123/133 avg/max HR, 158/168 avg/max cadence, 3F, 78% RH, 9 mph SW wind, wind chill -10F, partly cloudy
Shoes: blue Salomon Speedcross 4 trail shoes: 310.90 miles
Hell arrived in Washington DC yesterday and it seemed that hell froze over in Rochester. I put on all my layers again and got out for a slow run on my "Out to Mann Rd" route. No worries. I even sweat a bit under all those layers. A day may come when I can't run but today was not that day. My splits were 9:24, 9:21, 9:25 and 8:50 over the last 0.15 mile.

Wednesday, 1/22/2025
7790 steps, 44/143 avg/max HR, 173.7/173.0 pounds, 20 floors climbed
Run: 3.15, 28:59, 9:11 pace, 132/153 avg/max HR, 157/170 avg/max cadence, 0F, 65% RH, 8 mph SW wind, wind chill -14F, clear
Shoes: blue Salomon Speedcross 4 trail shoes: 314.05 miles
Well ... it was even colder than yesterday but a run was needed so I put on all my layers again and got out for another slow run on my "Out to Mann Rd" route. It wasn't so bad if you dress properly. My splits were 9:23, 9:11, 9:06 and 8:25 over the last 0.15 mile.

Thursday, 1/23/2025
8097 steps, 44/140 avg/max HR, 173.6/172.8 pounds, 19 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 27:32, 8:44 pace, 135/149 avg/max HR, 160/169 avg/max cadence, 18F, 41% RH, 10 mph SW wind, wind chill 7F, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 39.52 miles
 I had a somewhat upset stomach but I got up, did the usual stuff and got out. A habit is a habit. It was warmer ... I only wore 2 layers on top! I wore my regular road shoes since the roads were clear. I pushed the pace (compared to the last 2 mornings) on my "Out to Mann Rd" route. My splits were 8:34, 8:57, 8:45 and 8:14 over the last 0.15 mile.

Friday, 1/24/2025
5376 steps, 42/101 avg/max HR, 173.0/172.8 pounds, 9 floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 23:48, 14:26 pace, 83/100 avg/max HR, 115/133 avg/max cadence, 19F, 79% RH, 13 mph W wind, wind chill 8F, light snow
Shoes: black Brooks Crossmax trail shoes w/ screws - 800.71 miles
There was light snow falling and a smidgen of snow on the road when I stepped outside for my usual walk the day before a Freezeroo race on Saturday. I got about 100 yards on my Brooks Launch GTS8 shoes when I started slipping. So ... I went back to put on my trusty Brooks Crossmax trail shoes with screws. More traction ... no slipping. My running spreadsheet says I haven't worn these since 2/23/23. I keep around for special occasions that need traction! My splits were 14:38 and 14:07 over the last 0.65 mile.

Saturday, 1/25/2025
10349 steps, 47/148 avg/max HR, 172.5/172.3 pounds, 32 floors climbed
Run: 4.85 miles, 39:55, 8:14 pace, 140/151 avg/max HR, 162/175 avg/max cadence, 17F, 58% RH, 9 mph SW wind, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 44.37 miles
Today's race was my 14th Freezeroo #4 and the 8th on the current course at the Victor Town Park. I had a tough time getting all my stuff together. The corker was having to turn around after 2 miles to get my cell phone! But I got finally got underway 8:57 for the 35 minute drive. I saw the 9:30 AM early start runners set off as I drove in. I took my gear into the lodge and met up with Andy and Laura Ciaio. We talked about how many layers we wore ... lol! I regretted that I didn't take a warm up run but I didn't. 

And ... we were off! I slowly got up to something resembling a race pace on the 1/2 mile run out to Brace Rd. Then ... there were rolling hills almost all the way to Boughton Hill Rd. I wanted to slow to a walk but I dug deep and told my body ... "not today". I sped up once I got to level road and didn't have any more trouble. Sure ... I was running hard but it was what I was used to ... so no issue. This course is downhill after mile 3 ... nice! Soon ... I could see the finish ... and done in 39:55 (39:54 chip time). I had a couple pieces of pizza and 1/4 bagel before I headed home.
The finish by Vicky Beaver
The selfie by Vicky Beaver
I did OK. I was 36th out of 122 and 2nd out of 5 in my M 65-69 age group, results here. My splits were 8:45, 8:40, 8:04, 7:52 and 7:41 over the last 0.85 mile.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Sunday, 1/12/2025 to Saturday, 1/18/2025 - Freezeroo #3

I walked twice this week, 3.30 miles.
I ran 6 times this week, 22.03 miles.
I didn't bike this week.
I took 68,870 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate and floors climbed (take that last data point with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight (when it feels like connecting to our Wi-Fi).

WALKING/RUNNING/BIKING: I have gotten over a nagging ache in my left hip/hamstring through lots and LOTS of stretching. So ... I do walks, runs or bike rides and then stretch afterwards. A run is better than a walk or bike in my 67-year-old mind but any exercise is good in the end.

Walk/Run/Bike electronics: I use my Garmin Venu for runs and walks (backup for the bike). I listen to my CelsusSound S800C Bone Conduction Headphones.

BTW, I am on a 1663 day steak (4 years, 6 months) of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 1/11). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

Sunday, 1/12/2025
7310 steps, 46/136 avg/max HR, 19 floors climbed
Run: 4.05 miles, 35:41, 8:49 pace, 127/139 avg/max HR, 159/167 avg/max cadence, 28F, 80% RH, 7 mph WSW wind, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 17.29 miles
I got out for a cobbled together route that I will never run again. It's a "Out to Mann Rd" route with a turn onto Mann Rd which took onto me onto a unplowed road for a 1/2 mile out and back. I had to run a extra to get to 4.05 miles. Anyways ... my splits were 8:54, 9:00, 8:48 and 8:30.

Monday, 1/13/2025
8110 steps, 43/98 avg/max HR, 174.8/174.8 pounds, 14 floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 20:46, 12:35 pace, 85/101 avg/max HR, 110/141 avg/max cadence, 28F, 74% RH, 16 mph WSW wind, wind chill 17F, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Launch GTS8 - 546.41 miles
I didn't sleep well at all on Sunday night so I bagged my alarm at 5:20 AM rather than run on 5 hours of sleep. So ... I slept until 7:36 AM. I did get out for a very brisk walk after work on my "Out to Lake Ave" route. My splits were 12:38 and 12:30 over the last 0.65 mile.

Tuesday, 1/14/2025
11747 steps, 50/142 avg/max HR, 174.3/173.4 pounds, 22 floors climbed
Run: 4.55 miles, 41:44, 9:10 pace, 132/146 avg/max HR, 157/168 avg/max cadence, 19F, 62% RH, 17 mph W wind, wind chill 5F, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 21.84 miles
I had a bit of trouble sleeping but I got up with my Alexa alarm at 5:20 AM. I wanted to stay cuddled up with Christine when Alexa told me that it was 19F outside but ... I got up, set up the coffee, weighed me, put on ALL my cold weather gear and got outside before I could change my mind. I needed to run so I did. I set up a slow pace and headed into the west wind ... brr!!! I had on enough clothing so I was OK as long as I kept moving. It wasn't the best run ... but nothing hurt so ... it wasn't the worst run either. I got it done. My splits were 9:33, 9:03, 9:17, 9:05 and 8:36 over the last 0.55 mile.

Wednesday, 1/15/2025
10509 steps, 43/132 avg/max HR, 173.1/172.3 pounds, 11 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 30:39, 9:43, 124/137 avg/max HR, 157/166 avg/max cadence, 16F, 79% RH, 9 mph W wind, wind chill 5F, light snow
Shoes: blue Salomon SpeedCross 4 trail shoes - 304.00 miles
It was just as cold with less wind than yesterday but with an inch of fresh powdery snow. I went about 100 feet with regular shoes but went back to put on my Salomon SpeedCross 4 trail shoes for traction. I stayed off road to let the plows have their fun and went out my "Out to Dewey Ave" route on the LOSP Trail. The LOSP Trail had bare spots with some ice in shady spots yesterday but it was all covered with snow today. So ... I slipped when I pushed off about 10% of the time. I ran carefully and stayed upright on this out and back run. My splits were 10:00, 9:45, 9:31 and 9:00 over the last 0.15 mile.

Thursday, 1/16/2025
10326 steps, 45/157 avg/max HR, 170.9/170.1 pounds, 26 floors climbed
Run: 4.15 miles, 35:58, 8:40 pace, 144/164 avg/max HR, 160/171 avg/max cadence, 19F, 62% RH, 9 mph SSW wind, wind chill 10F, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 25.99 miles
It just as cold but almost calm this morning so I was quite comfortable. I chose my longer "Out to Dewey Ave" route. The road was bare and the 1/4 mile sidewalk section was a wee bit slippery. My splits were quicker than I thought: 8:51, 8:40, 8:30, 8:44 and 7:56 over the last 0.15 mile.

Friday, 1/17/2025
10140 steps, 45/103 avg/max HR, 170.8/170.6 pounds, 22 floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 24:01, 14:32 pace, A nice 14:32 pace. Weather: 30F, 86% RH, 9 mph W wind, wind chill 23F, light snow
I got out for my usual walk on the day before a race. A light dusting of snow had fallen overnight so I wore my trail shoes. The sidewalk out to Ling Rd was a bit icy in spots so I was glad that I did! My splits were 14:41 and 14:18 over the last 0.65 mile.

Saturday, 1/18/2025
10728 steps, 46/161 avg/max HR, 170.8/171.0 pounds, 18 floors climbed
Today's race was the 3rd Freezeroo of 6 in the GRRC 2024-2025 Freezeroo series. It was my 13th Freezeroo #3 and 10th at the Pinewood Ponds Park (PPP) venue in Spencerport. It was a 22 minute drive according to Google Maps. It was warm for January so I just wore my oldest CW-X tight, Brooks 1/4 zip long sleeve pullover, Brooks beanie and light running gloves. I met up with Andy and Laura Ciaio and talked shop while we waited for the race to start at 10 AM.
Run: 1.05 miles, 10:03, 9:33 pace, 127/152 avg/max HR, 153/161 avg/max cadence, 39F, 48% RH, 16 mph SW wind, wind chill 31F, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 27.04 miles
I got out for a warm up run at a slow 9:33 pace. The road conditions were bare pavement with a really light wet snow. I met up with Prem Kumar who unexpectedly showed up. His trip to South America and Antartica for a double marathon had been postponed until December.
Run: 5.08 miles, 41:32, 8:10 pace, 141/164 avg/max HR, 162/17 avg/max cadence, 39F, 60% RH, 13 mph SSW wind, wind chill 32F, cloudy with a bit of wet snow
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 32.12 miles
And ... we were off! I got up to quick race pace. It felt good so I decided to stick with it. Still ... I was surprised that I heard 8:00 at mile 1. But ... I have run this course 10 times and it was only 5 miles. I just concentrated on proper form and kept running. The headwind just after we hit mile 3 discouraged me a bit but it was only for about 1/2 mile. I hiked up the pace past mile 4. And ... finished in 41:30 chip time! 
I was quite winded and walked slowly to the lodge. I changed into my dry long sleeve tech and ate a bowl of delicious corn and chowder soup. I sat with Prem Kumar and a group of fast runners. He told his story of how we met back in 2013 and how he found this blog when he moved to Rochester when he was getting into the Rochester running scene. We met at Stewart Lodge in Mendon Ponds Park and I told him that I had run 49 races that year. He said that I inspired him to run lots of races just like I did. An aside ... he kicked his running up to include lots of marathons (including the 6 major world marathons). He told me that he wants to run 100 marathons by the time he turns 51 (he's 49 now). Then ... he told that story twice before I left and I think he told it again as I left. He is definitely the only one (that I know of) that I inspired to run. I am so proud of him ... in a runner to runner way.
Anyway ... I did OK. I was 49th out of 130, 2nd out of 5 in my M 65-69 age group, results here. My splits were 8:04, 8:12, 8:17, 826, 7:58 and 7:04 over the last 0.08 mile.