Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sunday, 9/29/2024 to Saturday, 10/5/2024

I walked twice times this week, 4.70 miles.
I ran 5 times this week, 23.46 miles.
I didn't bike this week.
I took 59,071 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate and floors climbed (take that last data point with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight (when it feels like connecting to our Wi-Fi).

WALKING/RUNNING/BIKING: I have gotten over a nagging ache in my left hip/hamstring through lots and LOTS of stretching. So ... I do walks, runs or bike rides and then stretch afterwards. A run is better than a walk or bike in my 66-year-old mind but any exercise is good in the end.

Walk/Run/Bike electronics: I use my Garmin Venu for runs and walks (backup for the bike). I listen to my CelsusSound S800C Bone Conduction Headphones.

BTW, I am on a 1558 day steak (4 years, 3 months) of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 9/28). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

Sunday, 9/29/2024
4909 steps, 41/96 avg/max HR, 169.0 pounds, 9 floors climbed
Walk: 2.35 miles, 36:02, 15:20 pace, 63 feet total ascent, 79/96 avg/max HR, 113/122 avg/max cadence, 64F, 94% RH, 6 mph SE wind, overcast
Shoes: blue Brooks Launch GTS8 - 498.86 miles
I woke up at 3:45 AM and couldn't get back to sleep. First, it was because it was because of last night's disagreement between my oldest son, Michael, and my darling wife, Christine. Michael has been our house guest for the past 3 weeks while his apartment in Macedon getting its mold mitigated (no end date in sight yet). Well ... Christine picked the time while we were gone to get his checkbook and do a bit of grocery shopping to pull more stuff out of that room (and flop it in our room), put his stuff on his bed and tie a shade cord to a dresser (why?). She was bitchy when we got home. Michael has enough stress without her piling on more stress. Michael did do his laundry last night while we were sleeping for heavens sake so he is a bit pissed at her. Oh ... I also couldn't get back to sleep because she started snoring. I gave up and went downstairs around 5 AM. I
So ... I got out for a walk with a tired mind and body around 6:30 AM. I struck up a tired pace for the first mile and then picked it up. My splits were 15:59, 14:52 and 14:53 over the last 0.35 mile.

Monday, 9/30/2024
10083 steps, 45/141vavg/max HR, 169.7/167.8 pounds, 12 floors climbed
Run: 4.45 miles, 38:43, 8:42 pace, 73 feet total ascent, 126/143 avg/max HR, 157/167 avg/max cadence, 57F, 94% RH, 3 mph NNE wind, partly cloudy with a bit of fog
Shoes: blue/green Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 228.94 miles
A handheld zoom to 4.7x
Well ... I was up at 4:42 AM this morning after getting to bed a bit early around 10 PM. The Bills were down 10-28 by then to the Baltimore Colts down in Baltimore en route to a 10-35 loss. Oh, well ... 3-1 isn't so bad. I got out for a nice and easy run on my "Out to Dewey Ave and around". I kept my headlamp on the whole way.
Well ... today was the last day of September so ... it's stat time!
I took 8 walks in September for 15.66 miles, 1.96 miles/walk and 68 walks so far in 2024 for 131.38 miles, 1.93 miles/walk.
I took 25 runs in September for 109.93 miles, 4.40 miles/run and 233 runs so far in 2024 for 1023.41 miles, 4.39 miles/run/
I ran 2 races in September and 19 races so far in 2024.
 09/07 Heritage Hero 10K - 52:24, 8:22 pace, 14th out of 50, 2nd out of 3 in my M 60-69 age group, 57F, 89% RH, 10 mph WSW wind, cloudy with a bit of drizzle
 09/10 Run Our River 5K - 25:05, 8:00 pace, 59th out of 110, 5th out of 9 in my M 60-69 age group, 73F, 44% RH, 5 mph NE wind, partly cloudy
I took 283,221 steps in September and 2,447,338 steps so far in 2024.

Tuesday, 10/1/2024
12716 steps, 40/134 avg/max HR, 170.0 pounds, 16 floors climbed
Run: 4.56 miles, 41:44, 9:09 pace, 66 feet total ascent, 121/138 avg/max HR, 156/165 avg/max cadence, 57F, 94% RH, calm, cloudy
Shoes: blue/green Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 233.50 miles
I fell back asleep for 20 minutes after my Alexa alarm went off at 5:20 AM. So I got out about 10 minutes late. I felt a bit sluggish all the way on this run. I usually speed up a bit in the latter miles but not today (OK ... maybe mile 4 and the last 0.56 mile). My splits were 9:34, 9:09, 9:16, 8:57 and 8:38 over the last 0.56 mile.

Wednesday, 10/2/2024
8966 steps, 41/149 avg/max HR, 170.8/169.7 pounds, 14 floors climbed
Run: 5.25 miles, 45:57, 8:45 pace, 54 feet total ascent, 128/153 avg/max HR, 158/170 avg/max cadence, 57F, 94% RH, 7 mph NW wind, misty
Shoes: blue/green Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 238.75 miles
There was a light mist when I stepped outside. I could have stepped back inside and went out later ... but I just thought "Well ... I'm going to get a bit wet". I set up a nice and easy pace like usual as I headed out on my "Out to Island Cottage Rd" route. I actually saw a walker! He was walking without a headlamp while holding an umbrella. We exchanged "Morning" when I passed him twice (out and back). I did get a bit damp but I got it done. My splits were 9:14, 8:49, 8:47, 8:40, 8:28 and 7:51 over the last 0.25 mile.

Thursday, 10/3/2024
9850 steps, 41/135 avg/max HR, 170.1/169.1 pounds, 14 floors climbed
Run: 4.65 miles, 41:53, 9:00 pace, 78 feet total ascent, 126/139 avg/max HR, 155 avg cadence, 50F, 87% RH, 8 mph SW wind, clear
Shoes: blue/green Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 243.40 miles
My mind wanted to go back to sleep but my body dragged me up and out onto my "Out by the pier and around" route. I set up a nice and easy pace. I saw 2 walkers. The first one on the LOSP Trail had a headlamp and second one on the Secret Sidewalk didn't but it was almost light by then. I stopped to take several pictures in Ontario Beach Park just beyond the wheelchair trail out to Lake Ontario. It was very quiet and peaceful. My splits were 9:04, 8:47, 9:46, 8:46 and 8:24 over the last 0.65 mile. 

Friday, 10/4/2024
9850 steps, 42/134 avg/max HR, 170.7/169.5 pounds, 13 floors climbed
Run: 4.55 miles, 39:48, 8:45 pace, 72 feet total ascent, 124/142 avg/max HR, 159/200 avg/max cadence, 52F, 82% RH, 6 mph WSW wind, clear
Shoes: blue/green Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 247.95 miles
I was out for my fifth run in a row this morning on my "Out to Dewey Ave and around" route. There was no one out besides me besides the usual cars and school buses. I found a Wegmans bag on the shoulder by the water plant on Dewey Ave. My splits were 9:13, 8:46, 8:26, 8:45 and 8:24 over the last 0.55 mile.

Saturday, 10/5/2024
4623 steps, 41/124 avg/max HR, 170.6/170.2 pounds, 10 floors climbed
Walk: 2.35 miles, 31:50, 13:33 pace, 60 feet total ascent, 107/130 avg/max HR, 121 avg cadence, 61F, 72% RH, 9 mph NW wind, sunny
Shoes: blue Brooks Launch GTS8 - 501.21 miles
I got out a bit late for a walk after 5 consecutive run days. I chose my usual "Out to Beach Ave" route. There are certainly more cars out after 10:30 AM! My splits were 13:33, 13:20 and 14:09 over the last 0.35 mile.