I ran 4 times for 26.9 miles.
Sun: Still out in Cleveland with CJ. We went to Easter Mass at St Stanislaus Church in the Slavic Village, then out to see her father, brother, his wife, his kids and her kids in Revenna. I was back in Rochester by 10:45 PM. A long day.
Mon: 6.3 miles, 49:50, 7:55 pace, Seneca-Titus-Winona-St Paul-Ridge run, 66F, sunny, calm, 1 stop, no pain.
Garmin Connect for Seneca-Titus-Winona-St Paul-Ridge run
I had a choice between doing laundry or going for a run ... it wasn't really a choice. I got out around 6:30PM. A tale of two runs: a tempo 5K at 23:12, 7:29 pace, I walked and hydrated for a minute, then an ordinary 5K at 24:36, 8:30 pace. A very sweet run!
Tue: 6.3 miles, 52:59, 8:24 pace, FF Cobbs Hill run, 62F, cloudy, humid, 4 stops, no pain.
Garmin Connect Activity for FF Cobb's Hill run, 2.5 Y's, back on Highland
A warm front came through just before I went down to Fleet Feet. It was warmer and humid. There was actually a bit of really light fog up on Cobb's Hill ... or maybe it was just my sunglasses were fogging over. I did 2.5 Y's and took Highland back. I was drenched in sweat when I got done. I stopped to hydrate 4 times. I am still trying to get used to the warmer temperatures. Still a sweet run!
Wed: Rest day.
A workout at work, 16 flights of stairs and lots of walking. After work I did 3 loads of laundry: whites, darks, sheets and towels.
Thu: Rest day.
I went to work early so I could go to a dentist appointment. The dentist was running a hour late so I rescheduled for next week, same time.
Fri: 4.2 miles, 33:15, 7:55 pace, FF Happy Hour run, 36F, cool, windy, light snow pellets at times, 1 stop, 1 stop for traffic, no pain.
Garmin Connect Activity for FF Happy Hour run
The weather took a turn for late winter over the two days. But I made it down to Fleet Feet for the Friday night Happy Hour run. Why? Because it's what I do on Friday nights at 6PM. I had to dig out my cold weather gear that I had put in a box. What was I thinking? It's still early April in upstate NY. I guess the couple of days in the 80s went to my head.
I signed up for the Flower City Half in two weeks. I think I will throw in some long runs the next two weekends. A long run down to Lake Ontario and back sounds like a good idea!
Sat: 10.1 miles, 89:11, 8:49 pace, Seneca-Collingwood-Zoo Trail out to Rourke bridge-St Paul-Ridge run, 46F, sunny, a bit windy, 1 stop for 2 GUs, 2 stops for water, no pain.
Garmin Connect Activity for Seneca-Collingwood-Zoo Trail out to Rourke bridge-St Paul-Ridge run
I got out around noon for a nice long run on the zoo trail out to the Rourke bridge. I was able to dial in an economic pace, get into the zone and just cruise. I think I would have been a bit faster on the road but still a sweet long run.
CJ will be back from Cleveland via Amtrak at 9:50AM tomorrow morning. A sweet reunion will most definitely occur!
Keeping active, Doug
Closeout Sale: Weekly Report 12/17 – 12/31/2018
6 years ago