Sunday, December 16th to Saturday, December 22th: 20.15 miles
I ran two lunchtime zoo runs around the pond of 6 miles each on Wednesday and Friday. The river trail was snowy covered so I ran on some streets also.
I ran 8.15 miles around my neighborhood on Saturday morning. Instead of looping back on Wood Lane I continued on Filkins Road down to Route 31, then down Whitbeck Road to West Shore Blvd and back into Newark. I kind of ran out of energy and stopped twice. My time was 1:10:48 for a 8:41 mile pace.
I finished Michael's room before he came home. I just had to pick up my tools and put some Pledge on his dresser and shelves. I helped him put his piano back in his room. Next up is the stairwell.
I have watched a couple of good movies lately with Michael. I rented Spiderman 3 and Bourne Ultimatum from the Red Box at Wegmans. It's a great deal, a one day rental for $1 plus tax. I have also converted some of my old VHS tapes to DVD using my Samsung DVD-VR330 DVD Recorder
I used the warm weather to finally rake the leaves in my backyard. Over the course of three days I took 24 barrels of wet leaves to the backwoods.
Keep running, Doug