Hi All,
Sunday, April 29th to Saturday, May 5th: 29.5 miles
Month of April: 98.9 miles, I ran 15 out 30 days
I upped my mileage this week. I ran my 6.8 mile route on Sunday. Then I ran my usual 4.6 mile zoo runs on the street at work on Tuesday and Thursday. I carried my cell phone in my hydration belt and kept a watchful eye out. Today I ran my 6.8 mile route twice for 13.6 miles. My times were 52:01 (7:39 pace) after 6.8 miles and 1:52:18 (8:15 pace). I stopped for 30 seconds on each loop and 3.5 minutes at the turn for hydration and gel.
I went to the Green Lantern in Fairport, www.thegreenlanterninn.com, for their Singles Dance on Friday night. I danced but with no one to write home about. I passed by the new Wal-Mart SuperCenter west of Macedon on Route 31 that just opened. Why do we need another Wal-Mart here? Where are the shoppers going to come from? Just another reason (read: another stoplight) for me to avoid traveling Route 31 up to Rochester. When I go to work in Rochester I head down to Manchester to hop on the Thruway to 490W so I can use my EZPass, www.e-zpassny.com. I don't hit any stop lights until I get off on the Inner Loop at Saint Paul Street.
A word about runner stuff. I have two black toenails (one on each foot) again plus a open sore on the inside of my right ankle where my left shoe clips me occasionally. I need to find something to protect it when I am running. I also put up a countdown clock to the Rochester marathon. Thanks to www.boilermaker.com for the idea and www.bloke.com for the countdown script. Hmmm ... running the Boilermaker 15K in Utica on July 8th.
Another thing ... the Grey's Anatomy episode which introduced Addison's possible spinoff had an interesting moment. One woman said that the reason she ran so much was so she didn't think about not getting any sex from her husband (who turned out to have a tumor, of course). It was hilarious!
Keep running, Doug
Closeout Sale: Weekly Report 12/17 – 12/31/2018
6 years ago