Sunday, December 28th to Saturday, January 3rd: 23.7 miles
Flights (24 steps/flight)
Sun: -, Mon: 10, Tue: 9, Wed: 10, Thu: -, Fri: 8, Sat: -
Sun: -, Mon: -, Tue: 4045 (not on run), Wed: -, Thu: -, Fri: 13450, Sat: 3739
I ran 4 times this week.
Sun: Our 60F weather disappeared ... chased away by winds of 50 to 60 mph! I sat inside the apartment listening to the wind howl! I watch the Buffalo Bills finish out their season in typical fashion ... with a loss. They started out in grand fashion at 5-1. Then went 2-8, (0 for the AFC East), the rest of the way to finish at 7-9 for the third straight season.
Mon: 5.3 miles, 41:55, 7:55 pace, 40F, night, calm, no pain, no stops. I went out for the Seneca-Titus-Saint Paul-Zoo route plus a bit. The conditions were ideal! I pushed it, 7:55 pace.
After work I went to Medved to buy a pair of Yaktrax Pros for $30. Maybe during the next Snow Cheap I won't be slipping and sliding!
Tue: 6.8 miles, 54:25, 8:00 pace, 28F, Cobbs Hill run, 4 loops, night, calm. I think I held a 8:00 pace. I didn't start my Garmin until I got to Cobbs Hill. I was slowing on the third and fourth loops. A good workout!
Wed: More snow, more cold. By nightfall, the temp was around 15F plus windy. I stayed in for New Year's Eve ... in bed by midnight.
Thu: 7.5 miles, 62:33, 8:20 pace, 10F, Freezeroo #2, sunny, calm, 4 stops, nice! It was 8F and I was on the fence but I went down to Mendon Ponds Park and ran. I am glad I did along with 287 other runners! It was 10F, sunny, calm. The roads inside the park were snow covered and the road outside were a bit better. You usually could find bare pavement. I did a little run/walk trick at the end ... walking a bit to catch my breath then catching up to where I was before. I finished 107th in 1:02:33, results here.
Fri: 4.1 miles, 33:26, 8:09 pace, 32F, FF Happy Hour, night, calm, slushy. I took it easy, the snow was slushy making it hard to run ... but I didn't stop except for traffic. I wore my new Yaktrax ... I was not impressed. I don't know if they helped.
Sat: rest day from running. I changed my oil, checked my air pressure and then went on a road trip.
Keeping active, Doug
Closeout Sale: Weekly Report 12/17 – 12/31/2018
6 years ago