My left IT band appears to be healed. I'm not as fast as I was before though.
I ran 4 times for 14.27 miles in 6 days.
I took 55,788 steps in 6 days according to my Garmin Vivoactive HR (VA-HR) smartwatch.
Monday, 10/14/2019
7231 steps, 46/118 resting/peak HR, 8:14 hr sleep, 170.7 lbs, 2 floors climbed
Some aches and pains after running a half marathon but they were easily ignored. Christine had a couple bowls of delicious pasta for supper ... mmm!
Tuesday, 10/15/2019
15369 steps, 49/141 resting/peak HR, 7:38 hr sleep, 173.5 lbs (up 2.8 lbs ???), 12 floors climbed
run: 5.75 miles, 49:46, 8:39 pace, 131 avg HR, 159 avg cadence, 47F, 48% RH, 6 mph SW wind, mostly cloudy
I thought about not running today since I ran the Empire State Half on Sunday but the forecast for Wednesday afternoon was rain and wind so I ran. I didn't get out until I got home around 5:20 PM. I was a bit worried about the sun being low so I stuck to the LOSP Trail. I stuck up my normal steady pace. My thighs were a bit tight and I thought about turning around at Dewey Ave but that would have been only 3.5 mils so I kept going to Island Cottage. It was a bit cool and windy but I warmed up ... I always do. My splits were: 9:02, 8:29, 8:33, 8:41, 8:39 and 8:27 over the last 0.75 mile.
Wednesday, 10/16/2019
4829 steps, 46/107 resting/peak HR, 7:49 hr sleep, 172.6 lbs, 5 floors climbed
Thursday, 10/17/2019
14315 steps, resting/peak HR, 7:22 hr sleep, 172.7 lbs, 29 floors climbed
run: 5.05 miles, 44:24, 8:47 pace, 132 avg HR, 160 avg cadence, 48F, 77% RH, 15 mph SW wind gusting to 28 mph, overcast
I had a 4 Season Challenge 52.4 award (1st out of 3 in the M 60-64 age group) waiting for me at Fleet Feet Armory and I needed to run. So ... I picked up the award and then headed up to Cobbs Hill for a "blast from the past" run. It was cool, windy and chilly so I was a bit overdressed: running pants, long/short sleeve tech shirts, beanie and light gloves. I was also sluggish as I made my way up Culver Rd, Monroe Ave, Highland Ave and up the first hill of Cobbs Hill. I slowly got a bit faster but not much. I made it 3 times around the reservoir before I headed out to take the long way back to the 2014 Cruze. My splits were: 9:35, 8:49, 8:34, 8:22 and 8:39. The important thing is that I got my run in ... a run is better than no run.
Friday, 10/17/2019
5434 steps, 48/90 resting/peak HR, 6:47 hr sleep, 170.6 lbs, 2 floors climbed
Saturday, 10/18/2019
8610 steps, 44/152 resting/peak HR, 6:46 hr sleep, 169.7 lbs (below 170 for the first time in a long time!), 2 floors climbed
run #1: 0.35 miles, 3:01, 8:33 pace, 119 avg HR, 159 avg cadence, 34F, 89% RH, 5 mph WSW wind, sunny
run #2: 3.12 miles, 23:40, 7:34 pace, 144 avg HR, 164 avg cadence, 34F, 89% RH, 5 mph WSW wind, sunny
Today's race was my fifth Scare Brain Cancer Away 5K. My previous times for the SCBA 5K were: 2014 - 21:06, 2015 - 21:08, 2016 - 21:46 and 2018 - 22:57. I have also run the Karknocker 5K in July on this same course. My previous times were: 2012 - 20:18 (2nd fastest 5K ever), 2014 - 21:34, 2015 - 21:56 and 2017 - 22:25. So ... I knew the course well.
I was up around 5:30 AM. I puttered around for a bit before I decided to get ready around 7:30 AM. It was chilly and calm so I wore: running pants, a long/short sleeve tech shirt combo+, Brooks beanie and heavy running gloves. I started a bit late but it was only a 20 minute drive. I arrived at the East Rochester High School around 8:15 AM.
My over the ear earbud broke apart again as I was fiddling with it so I ran without music. I am either going to have to see if any of my old earbuds or I will have to bit the bullet and buy a new one. I have gone to the dark side ... I run with music but only in one ear.
I got out for a itty bitty warm up run of 0.35 mile at 8:33 pace, link here. I met up with Andy Ciaio at the start line. He said that he was still sore from the Empire State Marathon last Sunday and that he would draft off me. I laughed and told him that I would draft off him. And ... we were off!
Andy and I ran together for about 100 feet because being pushed apart. He ran ahead. A 5K race is hard to describe ... I usually start too fast, slow in mile, speed up a bit in mile 3 and try to hold on during the last 0.1 mile. My splits were: 7;23, 7:49, 7:29 and 7:08 over the last 0.12 mile. So ... that was exactly what happened. I crossed the finish line in 23:36, 64th out of 627 according to the results here. I was 4th out of 21 in my M 60-64 age group. A cool looking certificate is here. Andy ran a 21:53 to snag 3rd in his M 50-54 age group, nice!
I got a bit of something done later in the afternoon. I put air in all 4 tires of the 2014 and 2018 Cruze. It something that needed doing and I chose a warm afternoon. All the tires were around 30 psi instead of the recommended 35 psi. So ... I hooked up my portable air compressor to each 12 VDC outlet and got it done. Then I got the cell phone holder in each car back in. The 2014 Cruze has one that fits in the CD slot. The 2018 Cruze has a powered one (2 12 VDC outlets and 2 USB outlets) that fits in the cup holder The fuse of the powered one in the 2018 Cruze is blown so I do have to get a new fuse for that one to work. But I did finally figure out how to tighten this one in securely. It has to tightened in counter-clockwise not clockwise! Somebody didn't hear about "Righty tighty and lefty loosey" that my father taught me when I was a kid.
Closeout Sale: Weekly Report 12/17 – 12/31/2018
6 years ago