I ran once this week, 5.5 miles.
Sunday, 11/4/12: Rest day.
Christine and I had a very lazy morning and throughly enjoyed our extra hour of hour as we changed from Daylight Savings Time back to Eastern Standard Time. Then we read the Sunday Democrat and Chronicle and drank coffee. Soon we headed out to Newark to see my daughter, Karen. My darling Christine stayed out in the car since she is allergic to cats. Karen came out to the car to talk to her before we headed back up to Rochester.
It did feel refreshing to NOT see the Buffalo Bills lose down in Texas to the Houston Texans. They did make a game of it, being only down 9-14 in the 4th quarter but ended up losing, 9-21 to fall to 3-5, link here.
Monday, 11/5/12: Another rest day.
Just another rest day. Christine cooked a most excellent bottom round roast (that we picked up at Savealot in Newark) along with rice and brussel sprouts. She outdid herself ... very yummy! We are definitely looking forward to voting for the candidates of our choice tomorrow and for seeing and hearing no more political ads on Wednesday!!
Tuesday, 11/6/12: Physical therapy day
Physical therapy with Jeff went well today. I didn't have pain today when I exercised my right achilles. I just had the sensation of using a sore muscle which was quite a difference. I learned that my knee and quad muscles are weak .... so I guess I really, really, really should start using my dormant Planet Fitness gym membership. I really need to strengthen my core! I had my gear and thought about going out for a run after work but my right achilles had gotten sorer during the day and I knew it wasn't up to the task.
We voted at the nearby Northridge Church for the candidates of our choice. It took about 10 minutes ... no fuss at all. It took much longer in other areas of the country ... like Florida.
Christine treated me to supper at Monte Alban Restuarant & Grill on East Ridge Road. I am not really into Mexican food but after years of her wanting to go, we went. It wasn't as spicy as I expected and wasn't too bad.
Wednesday, 11/7/12, Yet another rest day.
Just another rest day. I could have gone out for a run but decided against it. I took Christine to have her nails filled and colored ... Sacred Heart, a very nice red. Nice!
Thursday, 11/8/12: Around the block in Irondequoit, 5.5 miles, 46:13, 8:25 pace, 35F, night, no stops.
Garmin Connect Activity for Around the block in Irondequoit
I was a bit sore from walking at work but I needed to run after 5 off days. I could have let the couch suck me up, Facebooked all night while watching the DVR but I got up and out. I just took it nice and easy ... while I could feel my right achilles with every right footfall. Just like a dull ache ... over and over. But I did get my running endorphins. I got back just in time for Christine to leave for her massage at MassageEnvy. She came home all relaxed. Maybe one of these days maybe I will get one ... maybe.
Friday, 11/9/12: Decision day.
Christine and I set our wedding day today. We just up and decided on Friday, November 30th. We are going to get the marriage license on Wednesday, November 21st. Christine was so excited! We are going to City Hall and get married ... no church, no limo, no hall, no band, no photographer, no honeymoon, just keep it simple. Both of us have already had our first marriages with all the fuss and don't need any more fuss.
Closeout Sale: Weekly Report 12/17 – 12/31/2018
6 years ago