Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunday, 7/7/2024 to Saturday, 7/13/2024 - Run Our River 5K - July

I walked twice this week, 4.0 miles.
I ran 6 times this week, 26.30 miles.
I didn't bike this week.
I took 65,220 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate and floors climbed (take that last data point with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight (when it feels like connecting to our Wi-Fi).

WALKING/RUNNING/BIKING: I have gotten over a nagging ache in my left hip/hamstring through lots and LOTS of stretching. So ... I do walks, runs or bike rides and then stretch afterwards. A run is better than a walk or bike in my 66-year-old mind but any exercise is good in the end.

Walk/Run/Bike electronics: I use my Garmin Venu for runs and walks (backup for the bike). I listen to my Shokz OpenMove bone conduction headphones.

BTW, I am on a 1474 day steak (4 years) of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 7/6). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

Sunday, 7/7/2024
7276 steps, 43/130 avg/max HR, 172.1/170.9 pounds, 10 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 29:15, 9:17 pace, 34 feet total ascent, 118/133 avg/max HR, 154/165 avg/max cadence, 64F, 83% RH, 5 mph WSW wind, sunny
Shoes: blue/yellow Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 518.64 miles
I woke up at 5 AM for some reason and couldn't go back to sleep so ... I read emails and Facebook for a while. I decided to get out earlier than usual on a weekend to see if it was any cooler than yesterday. I should have probably walked instead of ran for the 6th day in a row but ... I did take it easy and short on my "Out to Stutson St Overlook" route. My splits were 9:43, 9:24, 8:52 and 8:25 over the last 0.15 mile.

Monday, 7/8/2024
8752 steps, 45/111 avg/max HR, 171.8/171.4 pounds, 14 floors climbed
Walk: 2.35 miles, 30:43, 13:30 pace, 43 feet total ascent, 89/120 avg/max HR, 121/167 avg/max cadence, 43 feet total ascent, 64F, 88% RH, 5 mph W wind, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Launch GTS8 - 461.96 miles
I didn't sleep well last night. I think the bedroom was too hot. So ... I tossed and turned. I looked at the clock and it was 5:19 AM. Alexa "woke" me at 5:20 AM. Today was a walk day after 6 run days. I got out on my usual "Out to Beach Ave" route. No worries ... I do what I do. My splits were 13:36, 13:27, 13:19 over the last 0.35 mile.

Tuesday, 7/9/2024
10724 steps, 45/145 avg/max HR, 173.3/173.0/173.2 pounds, 19 floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 26:50, 16:16 pace, 7 feet total ascent, 72/83 avg/max HR, 110/124 avg/max cadence, 70F, 83% RH, 7 mph SW wind, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Launch GTS8 - 463.61 miles
I got out for a little walk on my "Out to Ling Rd" route. I thought about a fellow trail runner, Frank Colavecchia, who passed away unexpectedly recently, obit here. I didn't go to his calling hours yesterday afternoon and evening. But ... I did think about him when I walked at an easy pace and listened to the birds chirp. Run onward, Frank ... and go find a sangwich (he was found of posting that after a run).
Tonight was the Run Our River 5K - July down at the Corn Hill Plaza near the Blue Cross Arena. The weather conditions were 81F, 72% RH, calm, cloudy.
Run: 0.6 mile, 5:42, 9:27 pace, 0 feet total ascent, 113/123 avg/max HR, 151/161 avg/max cadence
Shoes: blue/yellow Brook Glycerin GTS20 - 519.24 miles
Run: 2.85 miles, 23:52, 8:22 pace, 10 feet total ascent, 137/148 avg/max HR, 158/168 avg/max cadence
Shoes: blue/yellow Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 522.09 miles
I got out for a little 0.6 mile warm up run. It was enough to figure that it was as humid AF. Anyway .. there was a closed gate at the start of our usual course so it was shortened to 2.85 miles. And ... we were off! I struck up the best race pace I could at the start. I eased into the race ... eased off a bit in mile 2 (I thought) ... and picked up it up in mile 3. No worries. My splits were 8:30, 8:24 and 8:09 over the last 0.85 mile. I did OK ... my chip time was 23:49, 48th out of 105, 7th out of 11 in my M 60-69 age group, results here.

Wednesday, 7/10/2024
10286 steps, 45/128 avg/max HR, 173.7/171.5 pounds, 13 floors climbed
Run: 4.45 miles, 42:40, 9:33 pace, 63 feet total ascent, 115/130 avg/max HR, 152/163 avg/max cadence, 73F, 83% RH, 7 mph ESE wind, cloudy
Shoes: blue/yellow Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 526.54 miles
It was warm and humid out this morning. I felt very sluggish as I struck up a very easy pace. Wow ... it felt like I swam rather than ran! I even had to walk a few times to catch my breath. My splits were 9:54, 9:56, 9:46, 9:08 and 8:40 pace.

Thursday, 7/11/2024
8212 steps, 42/136 avg/max HR, 174.4/172.7 pounds, 17 floors climbed
Run: 4.45 miles, 8:42 pace, 67 feet total ascent, 121/139 avg/max HR, 157/167 avg/max cadence, 70F, 88% RH, 10 mph SW wind, cloudy
Shoes: blue/yellow Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 530.99 miles
It was warm and humid again this morning but it was a run day so I ran. I headed out at my usual nice and easy pace on my "Out to Dewey Ave and around" route. I had to stop to tie my left shoe at mile 3.15 mile so I pressed Stop on my Venu. I thought I pressed Start but ... I didn't. I didn't check it until I was almost done ... Oops!!! I really ran it and it was at a good pace too! Either it was a bit less humid or I am getting used to the humidity. I still drip with sweat when I get done!

Friday, 7/12/2024
9155 steps, 45/136 avg/max HR, 173.7/172.2 pounds, 28 floors climbed
Run: 4.55 miles, 39:54, 8:46 pace, 64 feet total ascent, 124/140 avg/max HR, 157/168 avg/max cadence, 68F, 88% RH, 5 mph SW wind, cloudy
Shoes: blue/yellow Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 535.54 miles
I got out a bit later than usual for my usual "Out by the pier and around" route. Nothing unusual on the route that I know like the back of my hand. My splits were 9:09, 8:47, 8:48, 8:44 and 8:00 over the last 0.55 mile.

Saturday, 7/13/2024
10815 steps, 44/140 avg/max HR, 172.8/170.3 pounds, 20 floors climbed
Run: 6.25 miles, 55:40, 8:54 pace, 126/142 avg/max HR, 157/165 avg/max cadence, 70F, 88% RH, 5 mph WSW wind, partly cloudy
Shoes: blue/yellow Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 541.79 miles
My Shokz OpenMove headphones wouldn't turn on. WTF? I got out a bit after 8 AM on my "Out by LOSP Trail" route. It was a bit weird running without music. I ran for years without music and the difference was a bit jarring. Anyways ... I endured a nice out and back on the mostly tree shaded route. My splits were 9:12, 8:52, 8:50, 8:53, 9:03, 8:45 and 8:11 over the last 0.25 mile.
It appears that the charging connector on Shokz OpenMove is very iffy now. It had been fine up to now  ... what changed???. I tried different cords and chargers. The red charging light only very briefly came on so it isn't charging at all.
Well ... it appeared that Trump survived an assassination attempt in Butler PA this evening. One spectator was killed and another shot behind Trump. There will be a lot of conspiracy theories floated. How did someone get within 400-500 feet of the stage on an exposed rooftop without being noticed? How convenient that the shooter, a 20 year white male Republican was killed? How wasn't Trump hustled into a car immediately instead after 2:07? How photogenic was it that he was almost posed with his bloodied right ear, blood streaks on his face with his fist up and yelled "Fight, fight, fight"? Whatever ... I still can't wait to vote for Biden/Harris and BLUE down ballot in November!