I ran 1 time this week, 12 miles.
Sunday, 4/7/2013: Sick day
I got early and thought about running ... does that count?? I wanted to drive down for the Sehgahunda Preview Run #2 but just couldn't. I followed "Katie from Cali" as she completed her firt Half Ironman down in Texas ... Go, Katie! The only exercise I got was walking slowly to take some letters to the Post Office next door ... whoopee!
Monday, 4/8/2013 through Friday, 4/12/2013: Sick days all
Sick day, getting better, could have run day, work and life got in the way :-(. I gave my darling wife, Christine, my cold on Wednesday. She was just as sick as I was ... always with a Kleenex in her hand. Love means sharing ... lol!
Saturday, 4/13/2013: Finally ... 12 miles, 2:05:06, 10:27 pace, 42F, cloudy, windy, hip ache.
Garmin Connect Activity for Mendon Ponds Park - Blue and Green Trails x 2
I set my alarm for 6AM because I wanted to head down to Letchworth for the Sehgahunda Preview Run #3. But I turned it off during the night. Christine had told me that she would worry too much about me if she didn't go. But I didn't want to drag her down there so we both slept in. Later after lunch I headed down solo to Mendon Ponds Park so I could have some trail running goodness. The weather was in the mid 40s and windy so I just wore compression shorts, calf sleeves, heavy long sleeve tech shirt, light gloves and hat. I just headed out really and easy and put trail miles on my Salamon SpeedCross trail shoes. There were several trail runners heading in the opposite direction ... I saw them several times! My hips and upper thighs stiffened up afterwards.
Closeout Sale: Weekly Report 12/17 – 12/31/2018
6 years ago