Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday, 7/22/12 to Saturday, 7/28/12

I ran 5 times this week, 21.55 miles.

Sunday, 7/22/12: Rest day.

Christine and I were up again at 5:30AM. This time to volunteer for the Shoreline Du and Tri. We got out to Hamlin early to see all the prep coming on. Fleet Feet really knows how to put on any type of race! The Tri swim was shortened to 600m from 0.45 mile, bike was 15.9 miles and run was 2 loops of 2 miles. The Du 1st run was 1 loop of 2 miles, bike was 15.9 miles and the 2nd run was 2 loops of 2 miles. We were assigned to be bike road marshalls at the corner of Redman and Moscow Rd less than a mile from the Hamlin Park entrance. The bikes made a right hand off Redman onto Moscow. We got out there just after the Du and Tri started. We waited and read a bit of the Sunday paper. Soon Boots was coming by with the lead bike behind and yelled to us to stand on the outside of the corner in case someone cut the corner too close. Soon all kinds of bikes were hurtling towards us. We held up some traffic and yelled encouragement until the sag truck came by to pick up our flages. Then we headed back down to Hamlin Park to watch the runners come in from the Du and Tri. Quite an inspiring sight.

The rest of the day was a well deserved rest day. Later Christine cooked up a roaster chicken with a sweet potato and salad ... yum!

Monday, 7/23/12: Laundry day.

Quite the hot day in Rochester, 94F. Lots of loads of laundry ... super exciting, not!

Tuesday, 7/24/12: Fleet Feet speed workout, 7.41 miles, 6 x 800m repeats, 75F, sunny, calm, not so humid.

I headed down to Fleet Feet Brighton for the speed workout up on the Cobbs Hill reservoir. I ran up nice and easy, 2 miles at 8:09 pace. The workout was 800m repeats. I did the first two in 3:06 and and 3:03. Bill Beyerbach showed up and we ran four more together. The first was 3:01, the second was 2:59 and the third was 2:59. Bill ran that one in 2:58. The 2:59 for an 800m translated into a 6:01 mile pace! I felt a bit of tightness in my hips so I just did a 3:40 for the last one. We headed back to the store the long way at a nice and easy pace, 2.41 miles, 9:12 pace. A nice workout!

Wednesday, 7/25/12: Rest day.

I thought about running but decided against it. I had a brief spasm of pain in my left hip when I got up out of a chair at work that caused me to double over in pain. It lasted for only 5 seconds or so before going away.

Later I got a phone call from my ex telling me that my youngest son, David, had a flat tire ... again. The very same left front tire that had gone flat twice before. He had come out from work at the Finger Lakes Casino and found it flat. Christine and I went out there so we could use our AAA to get him towed to the Tire Rack in Newark. It was replaced the next day but I don't hold out much hope that it won't happen again.

Thursday, 7/26/12: 2 runs of 5.8 and 4.7 miles

I really needed a run ... but where to go? I ended up running to the lake and back. It was really two runs. One I took a bit hard, the other was nice and easy.

Garmin Connect Activity for Up to the Lake

I decided on taking the long way up to the lake through Winona Blvd. It really should be Down to the Lake: since it is a 167 feet elevation loss but Up signifies north I guess. I took it a bit hard, 5.8 miles, 44:00, 7:43 pace, 76F, cloudy, calm, humid, no stops. I felt a bit of tightness in my left hip or left lower abs area but I really didn't back down. Well, actually it was right around where I had my left hernia operation back in December 2009. Maybe a little TMI but it's the truth. I could have stopped short but I really wanted to see the lake. I stopped for a couple of minutes for hydration and a gel.

Garmin Connect Activity for Back from the Lake

This run was nice and easy, 4.7 miles, 8:32 pace, 76F, cloudy, calm, humid, 1 stop for hydration. I felt I needed to go slow so I did. I was drenched in sweat when I got back to the apartment.

Christine had gone out to Wegmans for a "hunting and gathering" mission. She fixed up a late protein-filled supper of salmon, baked potato and spinach for us ... she is such a sweetheart! We caught up on the latest episode of the new Dallas. I was very tired from the 10.5 mile run so I went to bed early.

Friday, 7/27/12: Rest day.

I am getting psyched for tomorrow's Karknocker 5K in East Rochester. It's a Rochester Runner of the Year race (RROY) so that plus the prize money that is being given out should draw a fast group of runners. The prize money is $500, $400, $300, $200 and $100 for the first 5 male and female runners! Yeah ... the first male and female masters (over 40) runners get $75. Anyway, I repeated some mantras during the day: "No Fear" and "No Sacrifice, No Victory" (from Transformers). My youngest son, David, will be running his first 5K tomorrow!

Saturday, 7/28/12: Karknocker 5K, 70F, cloudy, calm, humid.

Christine and I woke up around 6:45AM, got ready and got to East Rochester for the Karknocker 5K around 8:25AM. We met up with my son, David, and we picked up our T-shirts and bibs.

Garmin Connect Activity for Pre run before Karknocker 5K

We went out for a short pre run of 0.54 miles, 8:42 pace. David was a bit tired since he had been up since 3AM and then worked from 4AM until 7:15AM at the Finger Lakes Casino before heading to the race.

We went back to the car where Christine was having trouble closing the trunk. She couldn't close it so she stayed with the car instead of watching me start and finish. We ran back up to the start where I introduced David to Bill Beyerbach. Then ... boom, the race started 2 minutes early!

The start with David, Bill and I (right to left)

Becky Duberry (the birthday girl)

Running for the finish!

Bill Beyerbach

I barely had time to get ready and we were off! I got into the clear and ran hard, 6:06 first mile. I couldn't get my breathing right and I ended up walking 2 times during mile 2. I wished Becky Duberry a happy birthday as she passed me. I got back up to speed, took a bit of water at the second water stop. I turned the last corner and saw the clock turn to 20:00. I kicked it up and tried to get in before 20:13 but just couldn't. I ran a 20:18, 6:33 pace, 47th out of 265, link here. I was 4th out of 12 in my M50-54 age group, link here. Becky Duberry ran a 19:50 (I should have stayed with her!) and was 2nd in her F40-45 age group. Bill Beyerbach set a PR at 20:47 and was 1st out of 9 in his M55-59 age group.

Breaking 20:00 in the 5K does seem to be a mental not a physical barrier for me. It just wasn't not my day. Last year I broke 21 minutes (20:31) at the Bergen 5K. Last month, I lowered my PR to 20:13 at the Medved 5K to Cure ALS on Father's Day. The Bergen 5K is in two weeks ... I hope PR magic can strike again.

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