Monday, July 8, 2013

Sunday, 6/30/2013 to Saturday, 7/6/2013 - Sodus Bay Lighthouse 5K

1 ran 2 times this week, 3.64 miles, 1 was a warmup of 0.6 miles
I biked once this week, 15 miles
During the month of June, I ran 21 times 103.35 miles (5 were warmups, 4 were cooldowns), 4.9 miles/run
During the month of June, I biked 4 times, 65.9 miles, 16.5 miles/ride
So far in 2013, I have run 104 times in 181 days, 616.51 miles, 5.9 miles/run

Sunday, 6/30/2013: Injured day.

I went to bed on Saturday night by gingerly laying myself down on my back and hoping that sleep would come. It did. I wore a eye shade since I wanted to sleep past sunrise. I slept pretty well.

When I woke up I could move a bit better. I had twinges of pain when I moved my right side but it wasn't anywhere as bad as during the day on Saturday. So it was just a normal Sunday with just a bit of pain when I moved my right side. Later, Christine and I headed out to BurgerKing and Wegmans for some food and supplies.

Monday, 7/1/2013: Injured day 2.

I tried to get up and go to work but didn't. So I lazed around all day and surfed the web. What a great use of time .. not!

I sneaked a peek at the current Rochester Runner of the Year (RROY) M55-59 standings, link here. I am currently a soild third (32) to Mike Viterise (42) and Bill Beyerbach (41). I have finished the M55-59 runner behind Bill in the last three RROY races. The best 6 races count toward the M55-59 age group award. There are still 6 more RROY races to go this year. The next race is the Sodus Bay Lighthouse 5K on July 4th.

Tuesday, 7/2/2013 and Wednesday, 7/3/2013: Injured days 3 and 4 ... just getting whatever I had to do done, just not running or biking.

Thursday, 7/4/2013: 2 runs of 0.6 and Sodus Bay Lighthouse 5K of 3.14 miles, 79F, 77% RH, overcast, calm

I had gone to bed the previous night at 8:15 PM so I was up at 5:42 AM. The Sodus Bay Lighthouse 5K was slated at 9 AM. I tried to get Christine up but she begged off because she was still tired and her stomach didn't feel good.

Was it a wise idea to head all the way out to Sodus Point to run this race? Well ... I was already signed up, it was a Rochester Runner of the Year (RROY) race and I'm stubborn. So I headed out solo at 7:46 AM. I was soon in the small village of Sodus Point smack dab in the middle of a small town race with lots of people and long lines. The fact that this race was a RROY race brought out more runners than usual so the logistics were a bit strained.

Garmin Connect Activity for Warmup before Lighthouse 5K

I did get out for a short warmup run of 0.6 miles. It was long enough to tell me that I should just run not race this race. My right rib nagged me.

I lined up next to Bill Beyerbach and near Wilt Alston about 20 feet from the start. Soon we were off. I tried to start off hot but I had to back down so both Bill and Wilt were far ahead. I couldn't breathe hard because of my right rib plus it just plain nagged me. So I just concentrated on not stopping and getting the race done. The race itself was an unusual double out and back so I could see the race leaders twice. We all ran through a couple of sprinklers twice which was nice.

Bill Beyerbach on his way to a 20:52.
Wilt Alston on his way to a 21:06.

Cruising mode on ... 23:06
Soon enough the race was done. I did OK for what my body could give me on this day. I finished in 23:06, 96th out of 552, link here. I was 12th out of 49 in my M50-59 age group, link here. Bill finished in 20:52 and Wilt finished in 21:06. Afterward Bill and I went out for breakfast at Captain Jack's. The rain that had held off before the race let loose twice while we were there. All in all, my body did tell me running the Lighthouse 5K wasn't a bright idea. But racing is what I do.

Meanwhile, other runners were running races up in Rochester. The Brighton 5K had 773 runners, link here. The Fairport Firecracker 5 mile race had 943 runners, link here. The Irondequoit 10K had 272 runners, link here. The Irondequoit 2 Mile run had 221 runners, link here.

I headed down to see my father at the Wayne County Nursing Home. I think he enjoyed seeing me in my racing gear. I showed him some pictures from my iPhone and a video of Jenn Suhr clearing 16' 1" on the pole vault. He perked up when I told him that my ex's father had died and asked how old he was. I saw my daughter at her apartment in Newark. She had a bout of bronchitis and was on strict bed rest. In fact she was going to bed after I left.

Friday, 7/5/2013: Vacation day.

I got stuff done: oil change, haircut, getting a replacement Social Security card (don't ask), got a bike bell for Christine at the Bike Zone and took her to New Nails for a manicure and pedicure in OPI's "An Affair in Red Square". Christine thinks that New Nails should be renamed Perfect Nails ... but I reminded her that there is already a Perfect Nails on Monroe Ave.

Saturday: 7/6/2013: bike of 15 miles, 1:11:21: 12.7 mph

A lazy day was had by Christine and I ... while other more hardy types were doing the Finger Lakes Fifties, results of the 50K here.

Chris Washburn
Heather Bailey Ostrander
John Muoio & Kathy Reardon
Tom Butler
Garmin Connect Activity for 15 mile bike on both sides of the Genesee River

I did squeeze in a 15 mile ride on my bike on my usual 15 mile route on both sides of the Genesee River with an average speed of 12.7 mph and a maximum speed of 30.2 mph. This time I had to wait 5 minutes at the O'Rorke Bridge for a boat to pass. It seemed that all the traffic in Greece stopped while this drawbridge took its leisurely time to go up and go down. Luckily I had to only wait for it to go down.

I ended up installing the Sony Blu-Ray BDPS185 player that I got off of and a bike bell from the Bike Zone on Christine's bike. We watched the last half of the Daytona 400 and I finished my first Kindle book, Zero Day: A Novel by Mark Russinovich. Zero Day was a gripping read about the completely plausible idea that the idea that the world's computers are completely open to attack. I finished it in two nights ... until 3:30 AM on this night.

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