Thursday, January 18, 2007

Starting off

Hi all,

I have been meaning to start this blog since the beginning of the year but just kept putting it off. Who am I? I'm a 49 year old runner who lives in Newark NY. I have been running now for about three years.

Why do I run? Well ... as I got to my mid 40s I wanted to do something physical, stay active, maintain a decent weight and get rid of stress. I picked running. Non-runners may not understand but slowly, I have become hooked. First, it was only up and down my street when it was nice. I turned serious in 2006. Now, it's 5 miles or more 4 times a week. There's nothing like heading out and running at least 5 miles! You come back exhausted but feeling great for having done it!

My first road race was the Newark 5 Mile Turkey Day Race back in 2005, finishing in just under 48 minutes. Since then I have run in 16 more races, anything from 5Ks to a half marathon. I run anywhere from a 7:17 (my 5K PR) to 9:09 (my PR in my only half marathon). I am competitive in trying to set PRs but don't apply any scientific methods (at least not yet) other than just getting out there and running.

My goals this year are to try to set more PRs and to run my first marathon. The Rochester Marathon,, is on my 50th birthday. So .... what a great excuse to run it! Why a marathon? Well, why not?

Keep running, Doug

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