Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday, 1/15/12 to Saturday, 1/21/12

I ran 3 times this week, 14.67 miles

Sunday, 1/15/12: Moving day

A long day. I picked up a 5'x8' trailer from UHaul in Kent OH around 9AM. Then my daughter, Karen, and I helped pack her stuff into the trailer. The day was definitely chilly, about 15F and sunny ... but I did work up a sweat. We packed it about 90% full. The drive was uneventful. We unpacked at her mother's apartment. Then I headed back up to Rochester, dropped off the trailer and headed home for a well deserved evening off. I was done and with my feet up around 7:30PM. Three weekends in a row of moving a kid, check.

Kudos to all those running friends of mine that were out and about with their snowshoes! You know who you are!

Monday, 1/16/12: Rest day.

Well ... I think the snow in Rochester will be short lived. The temp started out cold but it warmed up above freezing and will stay there for a couple of days. Wednesday's Snow Cheap #3 will probably be a Mud Cheap.

Just your average rest day. Christine and I settled in for a pizza and salad. Then we watched just one episode of Battlestar Galactica before we headed to bed ... early for once. We both needed our sleep.

Tuesday, 1/17/ 12: FF Cobbs Hill run, 6.05 miles, 45:54, 7:35 pace, 50F, night, a bit windy, no stops, no pain.

Garmin Connect Activity for FF Cobbs Hill run, 3 Y's

Christine had pulled a muscle while she was cross-training, ;-), so I headed down to the Fleet Feet store on Monroe Ave for the usual Tuesday night Cobbs Hill run. The warmth and light rain of the past day has done a good job of melting most of the snow. I couldn't resist wearing compression shorts, a long sleeve tech top and arm warmers. The store was full with at least 100 Winter Warrior runners and walkers ... some were dressed like it was 20F instead of 50F! The sidewalk up Monroe Ave had some puddles in spots but they were easily avoided. I did the usual 3 Y's and headed back. Next time I think I will take the back way up and back to avoid all the congestion and possible accidents waiting to happen as 100 or more runners run up and down Monroe Ave. All in all, a sweet run!!

It was a good thing that this run got done by 7PM. A severe cold front moved in around 7:15PM which brought winds of 40mph with a wind gust of 76mph. The wind howled all night!

Wednesday, 1/18/12: Snow Cheap #3, 2.62 miles, 24:57, 9:31 pace, 18F, night, no windy, no pain.

Christine and I headed down to the Riley Lodge of Cobbs Hill for Snow Cheap #3, which will be better known as Ice Cheap #3. I have learned not to overdress and to be cool at the start. So I just wore pants, a ss and ls tech top, Brooks Racing Team singlet and arm warmers along with a heavy hat and gloves. The rain of yesterday froze and produced lots of ice on the hills and flats of the course. We were warned several times to take it easy and be careful. So I ran nice, easy and was careful. I stayed upright the whole way and did OK. I finished 44th out of 207 raw. I was 32nd out of 171 in the no snowshoe, results here. I finished 3rd out of 14 in my M50-59 no snowshoe age group, results here.

Thursday, 1/19/12: Rest day.

Just your usual rest day. Christine and I watched a DVR'd movie, V for Vengeance with Natalie Portman. I stayed up a bit to watch the LA Lakers get beat by the Miami Heat by 11 (it really wasn't that close), link here. LeBron had a monster game: 31 points, 8 rebounds, 8 assists, 4 steals.

Friday, 1/20/12: 6.0 miles, 48:12, 8:02 pace, 18F, night, a bit windy, no stops, no pain.

Garmin Connect Activity for FF Ridgeway - Hendrick route + another loop

Christine wasn't feeling up to the cold so I headed out to Fleet Feet Ridgeway solo. I headed out out into the cold. The footing was a bit variable with one inch of snow on the sidewalks so I ran nice and easy. Just another sweet run in the running bank!

Saturday, 1/21/12: Rest day

Just a usual rest day. I got my haircut, drove out to Newark to pick up my father's mail, out to Lyons to see him at the Wayne County Nursing Home and then to Palmyra to see my youngest son, David. My father was alert and talkative. David was tired after working 6AM to 2PM. He was going to take a nap then go back to work 11PM-6AM. Later, Christine and I caught up with 3 DVR'd episodes of Battlestar Galactica and 2 episodes of Chuck. Bedtime came late.

Meanwhile, my daughter in the middle of a road trip to New York City. She saw Darren Criss in the musical How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying on Broadway on Friday night. She waited in the cold outside the stagedoor for hours on Saturday night and was rewarded with this photo.

"So this happened. He looked me in the eye and smiled at me. Yes, I cried afterwards. Standing in the freezing cold for 13 hours? Worth it." - Her Facebook post.
She is going to see the musical again on Sunday night. She also has tickets to the Bronx Zoo. It does sound like she is having a good time!

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