Friday, May 25, 2012

Pre Sehgahunda Trail Marathon III, 5/26/12

Pre-Sehgahunda III thoughts ...

Why Sehgahunda? Sehgahunda and I have a history, an unfinished business that I need to finish. What history? Well, strap yourself in for a couple of stories.

Sehgahunda I, blog post of 5/29/10:

I fell on a root around mile 7 between Check Point (CP) 1 and CP2. I scrapped up my right side (I still have a scar that I see everyday). I got up and continued on to CP2. I felt a sharp pain in my right ribs as I ran down from CP2. But instead of heading back to CP2, I tried to run on to CP3 about 6.5 miles away ... dumb move. But I am a runner, I run forward not backward. Anyway, I slowed from a run to a slow run to a fast walk to a slow walk as I held my right arm to my ribs. It hurt. I told fellow runners that passed me that I was having trouble. Eventually, I got some medical attention from Jim McLaughlin, then a park ranger and then 2 EMTs who made the trek down from CP3. I had walked about 6 miles before Jim got to me and walked maybe two more with assistance to the bottom of the trail up to CP3. Christine was volunteering at CP6 and met me at the bottom of CP3 after I called her. Then I got a ride up in an all terrain vehicle up to CP3 and an ambulance ride to the Dansville ER. I got a painful set of chest X-rays so I could be told that I had a broken rib. Lesson learned: do NOT wear sunglasses during Sehgahunda!

Sehgahunda II, blog post of 5/28/2011:

The year of the extreme mud. The climbs up to each CP were long and tiring ... one foot forward, half a foot backwards or sideways. I made it to CP6 (21.9 miles). I was told that I was delirous. Anyway I sat down, then was on a gurney, then in an ambulance with the same two guys as last year, then in the Dansville ER with the same ER nurse as last year. I don't think she was too happy about cleaning the mud off my legs. I received IVs and was admitted. I remember being very delirous, talkative and trembling uncontrollably for hours until I was given a sedative around 3 or 4 in the morning. Christine was VERY concerned that I was going to die. I stayed 2 days before I was discharged. The cause? Overhydration led to an electrolyte imbalance. Lesson learned: Don't drink too much water along with better nutrition and electrolytes.

Sehgahunda III:

The Sehgahunda prep going on behind the scenes at Fleet Feet
So ... what have I done differently this year before Sehgahunda III? Well, I joined the Sehgahunda Training Program about two months ago. I have run 95% of the prescribed runs. My weekly run mileage has jumped from 3 to 4 runs at 20-25 miles to about 4 to 5 runs at 40 miles. I am in pretty good shape. I have set lifetime PRs (5 miles, 15K, Half) at some of the road races that I have run this spring and came close at another (10K). I have run every Sehgahunda training run down in Letchworth. My hill climbing has definitely improved which is important. I have roughed out a gel, water and electrolyte idea for this race. The weather forecast looks to be hot and dry so I will not have to worry too much about mud. I have done everything I can to be ready. I plan on finishing Sehgahunda and posting a Facebook picture from the Fleet Feet arch at the finish line.

My financee, Christine, is nervous about my fixation with Sehgahunda. It has been causing her and I some stress. After all, she has had to follow an ambulance after the last two attempts. But I need to do this. This is my year!

1 comment:

  1. Doug I hope you have a great race and achieve what you wish to accomplish, best of luck and see you at the finish line.
