Saturday, October 29, 2016

Sunday, 10/16/2016 to Saturday, 10/22/2016 - Scare Brain Cancer Away 5K

I ran 5 times for 30.22 miles this week.

Sunday, 10/16/2016: 12.2 miles, 1:45:08, 8:37 pace, 64F, 73% RH, 12 mph SW wind, mostly cloudy.

I didn't get out as early as I wanted but I did get out at 8:24 AM. It was 26F warmer than the morning before so I just wore my Brooks shorts and an old short sleeve tech. I carried my 20 ounce hand bottle. I set up a nice and easy pace. I should have turned around at 4 miles but went on for 6 miles before I turned around. I think I didn't hydrate well. I lapsed into a run/walk after mile 10. I had lost 5.5 pounds when I weighed myself after the run .. so I added a donut to my coffee re-hydration. My splits were: 8:20, 8:13, 8:14, 8:24, 8:19. 8:46, 8:30, 8:34, 8:38, 8:59, 8:50, 9:39 and 9:01 over the last 0.2 mile.

I managed to get out and vacuum out the Cruze and Equinox just after noon and got back inside at 1:45 PM ... I hadn't done it in about a year so there was a lot of dirt and debris. My darling wife, Christine, had set up the DVR to tape the 49er - Bills game so I could fast forward through all the commercials. That was so sweet! The Bills pounded them 45-16, link here.

Well ... here it is. I blogged that I made a lifestyle change on my 59th birthday a month ago. I gave up alcohol. I have done this before with some success for a few months and then not so much success. It is time to face up to the fact that I have been a binge drinker for a number of years. I said (OK, typed) it. Alcohol is expensive and just empty calories.

The result? Christine and I have lost about 5 pounds over the past month. I range between 160 and 165 now instead of 165 and 170 pounds. I just have to keep on walking past the liquor store on the way into Wegmans and past the beer when I am in Wegmans. Please wish me well.

Monday, 10/17/2016: Rest day ... well deserved after 11.38 miles on Saturday and 12.2 miles on Sunday.

Tuesday, 10/18/2016: 6.8 miles, 57:41, 8:29 pace, 79F, 58% RH, 11 mph SW wind, overcast.

It was Tuesday ... so I loaded my running gear into the Equinox so I could run right after work. I changed there and ended up going home before I headed out. I struck up a nice and steady pace and just meandered. I headed right when I got down to the end of Greenleaf Rd onto Beach Ave and headed out to the end of the pier and back before eventually looping back. It was a bit warm and breezy. I took a swig of water out of my 20 ounce hand bottle at miles 2, 4 and 6 like usual. My splits were: 8:29, 8:32, 8:38, 8:44, 8:18, 8:25 and 8:25 over the last 0.8 mile.

Wednesday, 10/19/2016: Rest day ... with ribs, yams and banana bread for supper! Mmm!!!

Thursday, 10/20/2016: 6.6 miles, 54:50, 8:18 pace, 55F, 94% RH, 9 mph E wind, real light sprinkles.

It was Thursday and the forecast called for rain all day. I loaded my running into Equinox like usual but added a long sleeve tech and added a towel and shampoo. So ... I kind of played hooky and took a pre-lunch run. It was barely sprinkling so I got more wet from sweat than I did from the sprinkles. My splits were: 8:38, 7:55, 8:24, 8:32, 8:33, 8:08 and 7:47 over the last 0.6 mile.

I don't particularly like running from this work building but a run is a run. I think I can count how many times I have done this on my fingers. Though I am thinking of running on Tuesdays and Thursday during the day this winter if possible so that I can run during the daylight.

Friday, 10/21/2016: Rest day ... the usual before a race the next morning.

Saturday, 10/22/2016: 2 runs of 1.49 and 3.12 miles, 43F, 87% RH, 10 mph NW wind, wind chill 37F, overcast.

I "slept in" until 6 AM. This was my third Scare Brain Cancer Away 5K (2014 in 21:06 and 2015 in 21:08) and my 7th out of  the 10 GRTC Rochester Runner of the Year races run so far in 2016. The race start was 9 AM so I didn't start to get ready until 7 AM. I puttered around while I ate my usual pre-race bowl of cereal with banana. It was a bit cold so I dug out my old CW-X tights and Brooks beanie along with a long sleeve tech, short sleeve tech and heavy running gloves. I kissed my darling wife, Christine, good-bye and left around 7:40 AM for the short 20 minute drive to East Rochester. I have run this course a number of times ... a flat and fast 5K course. It was a bit of a scrum to get my bib. I ended up with a day of bib since they couldn't find my pre-registered bib. I got out for a warmup run of 1.6 miles at 8:08 pace, link here. The pace is approximate since I didn't turn off my Garmin until I took off my Brooks jacket and swigged some water when I stopped at the Equinox. I saw Prem Kumar and Andy Ciaio before the race.

I knew the start at this race is kind of tight so I lined to the left behind the faster runners and not to the right which would have been behind some young kids. The race was a bit late in starting. And ... we were off! I got up to speed well. I had to weave a bit to avoid some road grates in the first 200 yards. Prem and Andy were up ahead along with Tony Gingello. Then the race was just a controlled and painful sprint like all 5Ks. I noticed that I was chasing a group of 4 women in the last half of the race.The course was a bit slick, leaf covered and torn up with some road construction on the sides so it was best to run in the middle of the road. I passed by the two water stations without taking any water. I passed one of the 4 women in the last quarter mile. I could see that the time was going to be under 22 ... and .... done! I got some water right away. I wandered out to the Equinox to get my Brooks jacket since I knew I would get cold once I cooled down.

Just after the start. Tony is off to the left of me in the orange. Photo courtesy of Tim Matthew of
The four women in front of me about 1/2 mile before the finish. Photo courtesy of Tim Matthew of
A few seconds later. Photo courtesy of Tim Matthew of
This race always has good food afterward. I had a small piece of pizza along with a chunk of tuna sub. I took a look at the race results posted on the cafeteria wall. I ran a 21:46. Officially, I was 48th out of 453, results here. I was 2nd in my M 55-59 age group, results here. My splits were: 6:56, 7:18 (the usual slower mile 2), 6:52 and 6:33 over the last 0.12 mile. Prem ran a 20:53, Andy ran a 20:59 and Tony ran a 21:19. Tony told me he will be 70 in 5 months.

I stopped at Wegmans on my way home to pick up two donuts. Soon I was upstairs with my honey and a couple of mugs of coffee while we ate breakfast in bed and watched a bit of TV. A nice and very enjoyable day ensued.

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