Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Sunday, 7/23/2017 to Saturday, 7/29/2017 - Karknocker 5K

I ran 5 times this week, 14.76 miles
I biked once this week, 13.65 miles.
I took 56,874 steps during the week.

Sunday, 7/23/2017: 7528 steps during the day, A Du of 2.05, 13.65 miles, 2.05 miles, 70F, 83% RH

I was up just before 7 AM. It's getting easier to sleep in with the sunrise getting later. First I had my usual pre-run cereal and banana while I read on Facebook that the Candlelight 12, results here, was done and that the Ironman in Lake Placid (IMLP) was just starting. I wanted to do something different so I decided to do a duathon. I put on my padded bike shorts, black short on and an orange Charlie's Old Goat Run short sleeve tech shirt. I backed up out my bicycle and locked it to a tree. I wore my Garmin Forerunner 310XT and put it in multisport mode (run, bike, run with transitions).

So ... I set forth. My left ankle was a bit cranky but I set up a good pace out on the Lake Ontario State Parkway Trail (LOSP) for a mile and back. I remembered that I hadn't locked the front door just as I got to the one mile mark ... oops! When I got back I toweled off, locked the front door, unlocked my bike, geared up for a bicycle and set back out. I decided on riding my usual bike route of LOSP, Island Cottage and Jane Rd at good clip. I chained the bike back to the tree, took a swig of water and set back out for my last run. My nipples felt a bit raw so I took off my shirt. My legs kind of hurt but I kept on running. Boom ... done!

My 310XT uploaded pretty readily once I figured out how to turn it off. It was stuck in multisport mode for a bit. But I was unimpressed with its data. It brought up just my run 1 pace of 8:13 (no distance except if you look at the time my heart rate dipped at mile 2.05, bike average of 14.0 mph (no distance (maybe 15.69 - 2.05 or 13.64 miles or max speed), run 2 pace of 8:08 (no distance but a guess of 17.77 - 15.69 or 2.08 miles). But I did execute the 310XT multisport part correctly. All you have to do is press the lap button to advance from Run to T1 to Bike to T2 to Run.

Monday, 7/24/2017: 4188 steps during the day, rest day.

Tuesday, 7/25/2017: 5575 steps during the day, another rest day.

I took today off because my left ankle felt weird. It just ached and I didn't want to do anything stupid to it. I stopped by Wegmans to do the usual grocery shopping. I picked up Kong: Skull Island from the Redbox. My darling wife, Christine and I made it a hot dogs, chips and a movie night.

Wednesday, 7/26/2017: 12,738 steps during the day, 6.55 miles, 52:16, 7:59 pace, 70F, 64% RH, 5 mph S wind, mostly cloudy

My left ankle felt so I decided to make use of my running gear that I still had in the Cruze. So .. a pre-lunch run ensued. It was a bit warmer than yesterday and not very humid. I struck up a nice and easy pace to start ... and then pushed it up a notch. I was drenched when I got done ... sweet! My splits were sweet too: 8:16, 7:52, 7:56, 8:01, 8:01, 7:53 and 7:48 over the last 0.55 mile.

I picked up another new move at Redbox when I returned yesterday's Kong: Skull Island. This time it was Ghost in the Shell with Scarlett Johansson It was certainly different with heavy sci-fi action.\

Thursday, 7/27/2017: 8,350 steps during the day, rest day.

We watched another sci-fi move that my darling wife, Christine, had downloaded onto the DVR, Oblivion. It was an interesting movie with Tom Cruise with an excellent plot twist at the end.

Friday, 7/28/2017: 15,553 steps during the day, 2 runs of 1.0 and 3.11 miles, 70F, 53% RH, 11 mph ENE wind, partly cloudy.

Today's run was a rare Friday race, the Karknocker 5K. It was also the same day as the East Rochester Fireman's Carnival. This was my fourth run of this race (2012 - 20:18, 2014 - 21:34, and 2015 - 21:54) held on the same course as the Scare Brain Cancer 5K (2014 - 21:06, 2015 - 21:08, and 2016 - 21:46). So I knew the course well. Since I don't do speed training I didn't expect I would do as well as I would like but it was a Rochester Runner of the Year (RROY) race so I had signed up.

I got down to the East Rochester High School around 5: 30 PM in plenty of time for the 7 PM start. It was a beautiful night for a run. I had just back from picking up my bib and sweet short sleeve tech shirt when I encountered Prem Kumar. He told me that he had ran from his house after he had spent all afternoon on a plane flying back from Miami with a stop in DC. I talked with him for a bit before I got out for a 1 mile warm up run at 8:28 pace, link here.

Why thank you! ... photo courtesy of Tim Matthews of https://runnerpics.shutterfly.com
I lined up pretty close to the start line next to Prem and a bit behind Tony Gingello. Tony is an older runner and plenty fast so I thought I would try to stay close to him and hope for the best.

The start of the Karknocker 5K ... photo courtesy of Tim Matthews of https://runnerpics.shutterfly.com
And ... we were off! A 5K race is just a controlled sprint ... I got up to speed and tried to stick to Tony. The first mile passed in around 7:00. I just tried to hold on. I could feel myself slow down and I let Tony got a bit farther ahead.

I'm pretty sure that this guy took 3rd in my age group ... photo courtesy of Tim Matthews of https://runnerpics.shutterfly.com
A guy with gray hair passed me with about 1/4 mile to go ... I could see the finish ... over 22 minutes ... done in 22:25.

I was parched and quickly got a couple cups of water. I found the results and saw that the guy who passed was also in my M 55-59 age group and got third so I was fourth. I knew I should have tripped him .. lol! I have found that to do well in 5K races you have to PRACTICE running fast ... which I don't do. I used my food and drink coupon for a cheeseburger and a Labatt's Bud Light beer. Mmm ... tasty!

I bundled all my gear (work and run related) onto my arms and into my hands as I made my way into the townhouse. One of my Contigo coffee mugs dropped onto concrete and broke. I guess they aren't indestructible!

I checked the PCR-timing.com results. I was 55th out of 272, link here. I was 4th out of 10 in my M 55-59 age group, link here. My splits were: 7:03, 7:21, 7:20 and 6:46 over the last 0.11 mile.

Saturday, 7/29/2017: 2,942 steps during the day, rest day.

Some days I just have to take off. Today was one of them. I went out  to Palmyra to delivery a "new to her" Windows 10 laptop to my daughter's friend, Shannon that I had prepared over the past couple of days. I had a bit of initial trouble starting up the data transfer from her old laptop due to a loose connection but it was easily fixed with a needle nose pliers that Karen provided. Then the 100 GB or so of data transferred easily. Shannon seemed pleased and paid me for my efforts ... sweet! Then we went up the street to Nima's for some deep dish cheese pizza deliciousness! Then it onward to see my oldest son, Michael, in Macedon. I enjoyed talking with him. Our conversation was wide ranging. Then it was back home to my darling wife, Christine, with a stop first at Papa John's to pick up a free (via a email giving me temporary 25 point Papa John's bonus points) medium pizza with extra sauce, pepporoni, and pineapple).

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