Monday, August 19, 2019

Sunday, 8/18/2019 to Saturday, 8/26/2019 - Made in the ROC 10K

I ran 3 times this week, 16.56 miles.
I might not be running at full speed for a while due a left IT band injury.
I took 61,307 steps this week according to my Garmin Vivoactive HR (VA-HR) smartwatch.

Sunday, 8/18/2019

11840 steps, 51/147 resting/peak HR, 6.13 hr sleep, 171.2 lbs, 5 floors climbed
run: 6.26 miles, 55:14, 8:49 pace, 141 avg HR, 159 avg cadence, 69F, humid, 8 mph SW wind, overcast, rain

Today's race was the inaugural Made in the ROC 10K. This race was announced about 3 months ago and had been sold out for a month. The attraction of this race is that was held entirely on the Eastman Business Park property. It just seemed like a fun and new race to sign up for ... back before I had a left IT band issue. I had my reservations before this race ... and I dare say that my darling wife, Christine, had even more reservations that she mostly kept to herself. But ... I was signed up and I didn't want to blow off 2 races (Dirt Cheap #5 on 8/14) in the same week.

I got up around 5:45 AM, had a pre-race bowl of cereal, dressed like usual, kissed Christine goodbye and out. I took the high speed route of the Parkway, I-390S and West Ridge Rd instead the more direct route of the Parkway, Lake Ave and West Ridge Rd ... 6 of one, a half dozen of the other. I got to the race venue, the parking lot next to the Kodak Theater with 45 minutes to spare before the race.
A couple pictures before the race
I hung out with Bill Murphy for a bit before the race. I told him that I was closing in on 500 races. Well ... Bill is closing in on 1400. He does a lot of the Mainly Marathon races. He has 8 in 8 days coming up soon. That will get you a lot of races pretty quickly! I stretched a bit before the race. My plan was just nice and steady with short stride so as to not aggravate my left IT band.

It started to sprinkle about a minute before the start. Ellen yelled ... "Gooooooo" and off we ran. Then ... it started to rain.
A long line of runners at the start and Ellen calling in the finishers ... photos courtesy of Barb Boutillier of Fleet Feet Rochester
I got up to a slow race pace as the rain came down. I run well in the rain so I just kept running. My left IT band didn't argue with me at the pace I had settled into so I kept it up. I did get a bit tired on the way back so I allowed myself a few walk breaks when we went under bridges. There wasn't too much to see ... lots of buildings and lots of pipes running every which way. We weaved between buildings to get up to 10K ... and then I was done. I tried to get the gun clock below 55 minutes but I failed. My chip time was 55:48 which is my fastest 10K of 2019 ... a bit slower but I guess Father Time is trying his best to catch up to me.
Some more bling to add to the my collection
I checked the results and saw that I was third in my age group. I stuck around to eat at one of the two food trucks. I chose the most popular one ... there was a LONG wait between ordering and eating my pulled pork slider and fries. I was getting hungry and tired of standing so I think cardboard would have tasted OK. I took some pictures of the displays inside the Kodak Theater.

I did OK. I was 50th out of 339, link here. I was 3rd out of 8 in my M 60-64 age group, link here. There were 356 finishers in the 5K, link here. My splits were: 38, 21, 29, 41, 9:1, 9:04 and 11:21 over the last 0.26 mile. I know I didn't turn off my Garmin right away by 10 seconds or so ... but 11:21 over the last 0.26 mile? I know I was moving faster than that. I did go under a lot of tunnels where my Garmin couldn't get a satellite fix past mile 6 ... so who knows?

I relaxed the rest of the day ... I was kind of sad that my week off from Ricoh was almost over. I didn't do much ... a lot of relaxing, 2 loads of laundry and a itty bit of straightening up. I really should organize but I just can't get the motivation.

Monday, 8/19/2019

8205 steps, 49/102 resting/peak HR, 6.01 hr sleep, 172.3 lbs, 6 floors climbed

So .. first day back from a week of vacation. I found out that not a lot gets done by the guy who covers for me while I'm off. He did hurt his wrist a bit when he was changing paper in a Ricoh MPCW2200 plotter and change a black PCU in a Ricoh SPC830 printer though.

Tuesday, 8/20/2019

5974 steps, 50/101 resting/peak HR, 6.40 hr sleep, 172.9 lbs, 6 floors climbed

My lovely wife, Christine, had a bad reaction to a guy yelling and swearing outside our townhouse. I gather that stuff was stolen out of his unlocked(?) car and he was not happy about it. She called 911 on him. I think she had flashbacks to when her first husband physically abused her. She kept to herself all night and took everything I said the wrong way. I stayed away and tried not to bother her.

Runner's World had an online story about how Kevin Clinefelter died during the Shoreline Half Marathon, link here. I am still a bit sad about his death.

Wednesday, 8/21/2019

9902 steps, 50/99 resting/peak HR, 2.16 hr sleep (definitely off!), 172.4 lbs, 5 floors climbed.

Well ... I could have gone for a run but it was hot and humid so I decided to make an appearance at the Greenleaf Meadows pool. I live there, I pay for it so I found that I just make at least one visit a year there since last year and maybe the year before that I hadn't. Well ... no one was there except the lifeguard when I got there around 5:30 PM. He scanned me in and told me that the pool temperature was 82F.
Yes ... the pool temperature was 82F!
I thought about it ... dipped my toe in the deep end of the pool ... thought about it some more ... and jumped in! It wasn't that cold at all!.I quickly got out of the deep end and just swam using the breast stroke across the pool at the 5 foot area. I am not the best swimmer so I tend not to go in the deep end too much. A young woman and her 4 year old daughter came after about 10 minutes. I left after 20 minutes or so. You definitely use different muscles when you swim.

My darling wife, Christine, had cooked up pork chops and mashed sweet potatoes along with a spinach and bacon salad for supper .... mmm!

Thursday, 8/22/2019

10168 steps, 55/148 resting/peak HR, 7.07 hr sleep, 172.5 lbs, 5 floors climbed.
run: 5.05 miles, 44:05; 8:43 pace, 137 avg HR, 153 avg cadence, 79F, not as humid, 8 mph WSW wind, mostly cloudy.

It had been 4 days so I had to go out for a run. I got home, changed and got out there. Nothing fancy ... just a nice, steady and somewhat sluggish run. I forgot to "accept my run" when I stopped so my Garmin started back up for a bit until I noticed it. I know I had 5.05 miles and a 8:43 pace. Definitely not my usual 8:10 to 8:20 pace but better than nothing at all. My splits were: 8:48, 8:37, 8:43, 8:45 and 8:43.

I know I am not 100% yet so I didn't push. I didn't have any left IT band issues. I don't think I will be taking any long runs for a while but I will take 3 to 5 mile runs for sure.

Friday, 8/23/2019

5992 steps, 48/103 resting/peak HR, 6.07 hr sleep, 172.7 lbs, 5 floors climbed.

Saturday, 8/24/2019

9226 steps, 49/147 resting/peak HR, 7.25 hr sleep, 173.2 lbs, 5 floors climbed
run: 5.25 miles, 45:37, 8:41 pace, 140 avg HR, 161 avg cadence, 60F, 63% RH, 5 mph NNW wind, overcast

I wanted to get out early and I did. It was refreshingly a bit cooler. I set up a nice and steady pace at first. I pushed it a bit after I warmed up but it didn't feel good so I dialed it back. The wind was coming out of the north and the Lake Ontario waves were around 1 to 2 feet. The pier was pretty dry though except way out at the end. I love long runs but I'm happy with a nice and steady 5 miles right now. My splits were: 8:30, 8:28, 8:53, 8:57, 8:46 and 8:12 over the last 0.25 mile.

Other races were going on. The Medved Midsummer Night's Madness Trail Half Marathon and Relay was held. 65 solo runners finished, results here. The Rochester Triathletes Tri/Du was held, results here.

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