Monday, August 3, 2020

Sunday, 8/2/2020 to Saturday, 8/8/2020

This blog post is saved as I write it to avoid the Blogger "Auto Save" feature. I have found (as have others) that if you accidentally delete your entire blog post before you publish it that "Auto Save" will kick in within seconds to take you to a blank page. I have done this more than once! This feature is turned off once you publish the blog post. Then if you accidentally delete your entire post it is not final until you click Update (so you have a chance to realize that you are about to do something stupid).

I walked once for 1.05 miles this week (at least according to Garmin).
I ran 4 times for 13.7 miles this week.
I biked 4 times for 53.69 miles this week.
I took 33,451 steps this week according to my Garmin Vivoactive HR (VA-HR) smartwatch.
My VA-HR gives me steps, heart rate, hours slept and floors climbed (take those last 2 data points with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight.

RUNNING: I am starting to  run again and keeping it under 5 miles per run.  My left knee has issues with running. I can walk, bike ... and now run. I think there will be a lot of virtual and very few running races during the rest of 2020, link here. Yellow Jacket Racing had a socially distant "Battle at Bristol Mountain" on the last weekend of July and will hold a limited Shoreline Half in August.

Sunday, 8/2/2020

8866 steps, 49/144 resting/peak HR, 6:06 hr sleep, 174.8 lbs, 8 floors climbed
run: 4.75 miles, 41:54, 8:49 pace, 89 feet elevation gain, 133 avg HR, 149 max HR, 69F, 90% RH, 7 mph SE wind, mostly cloudy
I got out for an early morning run. I headed out onto the pier when I got there to add another 0.9 mile. My splits were: 8:54:8:38, 8:51, 8:58 and 8:41 over the last 0.75 mile.

Monday, 8/3/2020

2566 steps, 50/111 resting/peak HR, 7:36 hr sleep, 175.3 lbs, 3 floors climbed
ride: 13.41 miles, 1:06:39, 12.1 avg mph, 18.1 max mph, 62 feet elevation gain, 99 avg HR, 118 max HR, 66F, 87% RH, 7 mph W wind, mostly cloudy
I got out for an early morning bike ride on my usual "Out to East Manitou Rd" route. It was windy as usual but not as windy as it was in the middle of the night. I saw the usual flowers, walkers, runners and bicyclists. A nice way to start the week.

Tuesday, 8/4/2020

1225 steps, 39/143 resting/peak HR, (no sleep data because my VA-HR was charging), 177.4 lbs, 5 floors climbed
run: 4.75 miles, 42:15, 8:53 pace, 95 feet elevation gain, 135 avg HR, 148 max HR, 161 avg cadence, 69F. 100% RH, 1 mph SW wind gusting to 7 mph, overcast
I got for an early morning run. I took it slow and steady like usual. I am just happy to be able to run. Sure I wish my pace was a bit faster but I really think it is my running shoes. My Brook Adrenaline GTS19 shoes have 556 miles on them. I really want to get to 600 miles but we will see. Anyway ... my splits were: 9:00, 8:45, 9:01, 9:02 and 8:45 over the last 0.75 mile.

Wednesday, 8/5/2020

1140 steps, 53/121 resting/peak HR, 8:30 hr sleep, 177.9 lbs, 1 floor climbed
bike: 13.43 miles, 1:15:13, 10.7 avg mph, 16.3 max mph, 62 feet elevation gain, 94 avg HR, 119 max HR, 65F, 85% RH, SW wind gusting to 17 mph, partly cloudy
I woke up crazy early ... 4:46 AM and knew I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep. So I just puttered around until it got light enough to head out for a bike. It was windy and I knew I would be slow heading west. I was and just a bit faster on the way back. 
A sign of the times I saw on Edgemere Drive
I ride past this on Old Edgemere Drive. Edgemere Drive is less than 100 yards away. I bet he has a good short game!

Someone called out to me when I was passing the Charbroil Restaurant at the corner of Edgemere Drive and Island Cottage. It was Bob Dyjak and his friend Joe (aka Joey da V according to Bob's Facebook posts). I curled into the parking lot as they unloaded their bikes. They were heading out for a bike. We talked for a few minutes. We all chuckled when Bob discovered that he had put his bicycle shoes on the wrong feet ... lol!

Thursday, 8/6/2020

13405 steps, 50/130 resting/peak HR, 8:18 hr sleep, 178.0 lbs, 11 floors climbed
run: 3.15 miles, 39:36, 12:34 pace, 830 (???)  feet elevation gain, 103 avg HR, 141 max HR, 129 avg cadence, 60F, 83% RH, 6 mph SSW wind, partly cloudy
This was not my best run. I try to as many miles as I can get out of my running shoes. The shoe manufacturers say change them after 300 mile. Well ... I try to double that. But ... my current Brooks Adrenaline GTS19 shoes with 559 miles have felt like concrete for the past 100 miles. Today ... well I had a nagging pain in my left knee that I couldn't ignore anymore after about 2 miles. 
I did get a decent sunrise selfie ...
I was pissed since I took a sunrise selfie at mile 1 and then forgot to turn my Garmin back on for another 0.7 mile. So ... I just walked back. My splits: 9:25, 13:04, 14:47 and 15:39 over the last 0.15 mile. Aarrgghh! 

I found out on Facebook that Mike Bray (I don't know him) was doing a full Ironman in Greece during the day ... 2.4 mile, 116 mile bike and a full marathon.

An awesome thing to do on a Thursday! I thought about heading out to cheer him in at Braddock Bay Park but I was really tired.

Friday, 8/7/2020

1508 steps, 53/123 resting/peak HR, 7:34 hr sleep, 178.6 lbs, 2 floors climbed
bike: 13.39 miles, 54:04, 14.9 avg mph, 21.8 max mph, 56 feet elevation gain, 113 avg HR, 130 max mph, 67F, 75% RH, calm, mostly cloudy
A picture perfect bike! It was nice and fast with no wind! I had the fastest "Out to East Manitou Rd" route ever ... 14.9 avg mph! I also had pumped up my bike tires last night ... maybe that had something to do it with the speed too!

Saturday, 8/8/2020

4831 steps, 51/124 resting/peak HR, 6:11 hr sleep, 178.5 lbs, 3 floors climbed
run: 1.05 miles, 10:45, 10:12 pace, 13 feet elevation gain, 118 avg HR, 128 max HR
bike: 13.46 miles, 55:23, 14.6 avg mph, 20.3 max mph, 62 feet elevation gain, 113 avg HR, 138 max mph
walk, 1.05 miles, 17:18, 16:30 pace, 20 feet elevation gain, 85 avg HR, 111 max HR
weather: 70F, 75% RH, 3 mph NNE wind, partly cloudy 
Well ... I broke out my new Brooks Adrenaline GTS19 shoes. They are exactly the same color so I will have to careful not to put on the old ones. I think I will mark the old ones with marker somehow. Anyway ... my plan was to run 5 miles on a longer version of the "Out on the pier" route. Well .. my left knee had other plans. Those plans included pain. I gathered into a painful run/limp and that's all I could manage. It didn't get much better so I cut it short to 1 mile. I made lemonade out of lemons by adding a bike and a walk to make a run-bike-walk (RBW). Another Aarrgghh! But it did fell good to be out there ... so that is something!

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