Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sunday, 10/11/2020 to Saturday, 10/17/2020

This blog post is saved as I write it to avoid the Blogger "Auto Save" feature. I have found (as have others) that if you accidentally delete your entire blog post before you publish it that "Auto Save" will kick in within seconds to take you to a blank page. I have done this more than once! This feature is turned off once you publish the blog post. Then if you accidentally delete your entire post it is not final until you click Update (so you have a chance to realize that you are about to do something stupid).

I didn't walk this week (at least according to Garmin).
I ran 4 times this week for 20.2 miles
I biked 3 times for 39.9 miles this week.
I took 46,910 steps this week according to my Garmin Vivoactive HR (VA-HR) smartwatch.
My VA-HR gives me steps, heart rate, hours slept and floors climbed (take those last 2 data points with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight.

RUNNING/BIKING: My left knee has had issues with running. I can walk, bike ... and run (most of the time). Let's say that I run ... carefully. I wear a Buff when I run or bike so I can slip it up when I approach someone.

Sunday, 10/11/2020

9362 steps, 42/164 resting/peak HR, 9:19 HR, 175.6 lbs, 9 floors climbed
run: 6.25 miles, 54:57, 8:47 pace, 128 feet elevation gain, 147 avg HR, 174 max HR, 159 avg cadence, 48F, 78% RH, 11 mph ENE wind gusting to 33 mph, cloudy
I woke up at 5:45 AM ... and went back to sleep. I woke up around 8:30 AM and puttered around a bit. But ... runs don't get done by themselves. So ... I got dressed, ate a little something and got out there. I wanted a bit longer run so I just kept running at a steady pace out the LOSP Trail, Island Cottage, Beach Ave and Greenleaf Rd. I took a few tiny walk breaks when I needed them ... no worries. My splits were: 8:54, 8:30, 8:55, 8:42, 8:52, 8:56 and 8:26 over the last 0.25 mile.

Monday, 11/12/2020

4366 steps, 46/119 resting/peak HR, 7:19 hr sleep, 175.1 lbs, 2 floors climbed
bike: 13.31 miles, 1:04:51, 12.3 avg mph, 18.1 max mph, 69 feet elevation gain, 107 avg HR, 125 max HR, 55F, 83% RH, 4 mph SE wind gusting to 12 mph, mostly cloudy
I didn't get to sleep until just before midnight so I was a bit tired when my alarm went off at 5:30 AM. I fell back asleep for 35 minutes and then got up. Bikes don't get done by themselves ... so I got up, got dressed, had half a donut and got out there. It was 55F so I chose my Brooks pants along with a long/short sleeve tech combo to wear. I was a bit cool but I warmed up. It was tailwind on the way out and a headwind on the way back. There were a bit more people out: 1 bicycle and 2 walkers when it was dark and more once it got lighter around 7:15 AM. A nice way to start a Monday!

Tuesday, 11/13/2020

9078 steps, 34/143 resting/peak HR (34 resting HR?), 4:07 hr sleep (4:07 hr sleep?), 176.0 lbs, 3 floors climbed 
run: 5.15 miles, 44:32, 8:39 pace, 46 feet elevation gain, 132 avg HR, 146 max HR, 59F, 52% RH, calm, mostly sunny
Well ... everything started OK. I got up at 5:30 AM, got dressed, looked outside to check the temperature. I felt some droplets but thought nothing of it. I finished getting ready and then stepped back outside ... it was raining! The idea of running in the dark and rain didn't sit well with me so I went back inside ... a bit pissed off! I cursed a bit according to my darling wife, Christine. I discovered that the watch band keeper on my Vivoactive HR broke ... aarrgghh! I tried to find another from my old and broken Forerunners (2 310XTs, 2 305s and 1 230) but none were 28mm wide. I ended up ordered one on eBay later in the day.

I got out for my run after I got done with my day at Ricoh. It was weird at first ... running in the evening. I chose an out and back to Island Cottage to keep off the road as much as possible in case it got dark too early. I felt sluggish but I sped up once I warmed up. My splits were: 8:50, 8:39, 8:40, 8:36, 8:32 and 7:53. A negative split, baby!!6:10

Wednesday, 10/14/2020

1065 steps, 47/11 resting/peak HR, 7:24 hr sleep, 1 floor climbed
bike: 13.29 miles, 1:07:48, 11.8 avg mph, 16.5 max mph, 56 feet elevation gain, 100 avg HR, 116 max HR, 51F, 74% RH, 1 mph SW wind gusting to 14 mph, clear
I was up at 5:30 AM like usual, got dressed and got out by 6:10 AM. It was a bit windy so I dressed in my usual Brooks pants, long sleeve tech, Brooks jacket, Brooks beanie.  I wore my Noxgear lighted vest. The sky was almost clear so I had a nice view of the crescent moon (aka "the new moon in the old moon's arms") and Venus. There is something so calm and peaceful about getting my exercise in as the world around me wakes up.

Thursday, 11/14/2020

12733 steps, 46/143 resting/peak HR, 6:38 hr sleep, 176.1 lbs, 9 floors climbed
run: 5.45 miles, 47:59, 8:48 pace, 112 feet elevation gain, 134 avg HR, 147 max HR,  63F, 42% RH, 4 mph SSW wind gusting to 19 mph, partly cloudy
I got out for my usual before sunrise run. Nothing unusual except that there were not ANY fishermen on the pier! One was headed out when I was headed back. My darling wife, Christine, gave me 3 things-to-do: take a shower, get a flu shot and get a haircut. I got all three done ... the last 2 were after my Ricoh workday was done.

Friday, 11/15/2020

769 steps, 46/114 resting/peak HR, 7:17 hr sleep, 175.9 lbs, 2 floors climbed
bike: 13.30 miles, 1:07:40, 11.8 avg mph, 15.7 max mph, 43 feet elevation gain, 103 avg HR, 119 max HR, 48F, 92% RH, 2 mph SSW wind gusting to 10 mph, overcast 
I was awake at 5:01 AM, puttered at bit, dressed and out the door at 6:10 AM. It was a bit windy but I got it done. I saw 2 walkers and 2 bicyclists. One of those bicyclists was the "stealth" guy with no headlight, taillight, reflective gear or helmet.

Saturday, 10/17/2020

9537 steps, 46/144 resting/peak HR, 7:44 hr sleep, 175.9 lbs, 9 floors climbed
run: 5.35 miles, 47:25, 8:51 pace, 112 feet elevation gain, 132 avg HR, 146 max HR, 158 avg cadence, 37F, 45% RH, 4 mph SW wind gusting to 12 mph, sunny
It was cold out so I waited until it warmed up a bit. But ... it was still 37F out when I got out. I went with Brooks pants, long sleeve tech, Brooks beanie and heavy running gloves. I could have gotten by with shorts but I was taking it easy so I didn't get too warm. Just your usual "Out to the pier" route ... nothing unusual. My splits were: 8:59, 8:46, 8:42, 8:53, 8:49 and 8:35 over the last 0.35 mile.

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