Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sunday, 11/22/2020 to Saturday, 11/28/2020 --- Virtual COVID-19 Race with Grace 10K

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I didn't take any walks this week (at least according to Garmin).
I ran 3 times this week for 14.55 miles
I biked 4 times for 55.63 miles.
I took 45,008 steps this week according to my Garmin Vivoactive HR (VA-HR) smartwatch (up until Friday) / Garmin Venu smartwatch (on Saturday).
My VA-HR gives me steps, heart rate, hours slept and floors climbed (take those last 2 data points with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight.

RUNNING/BIKING: My left knee has had issues with running. I can walk, bike ... and run. Let's say that I run ... carefully. I wear a Buff when I am out so I can slip it up when I approach someone. BTW, I am on a 151 day streak of either a walk, run or bike (as of Saturday night, 11/21).

Sunday, 11/15/2020

710 steps, 41/109 resting/peak HR, 175.4 lbs, 1 floors climbed
bike: 13.33 miles, 1:00:20, 13.3 avg mph, 18.7 max mph, 151 feet elevation gain, 104 avg HR, 56 avg cadence, 37F, 67% RH, 7 E wind, overcast
I woke up at 4:10 AM according to Alexa ... and didn't go back to sleep. I just lounged in bed and waited for it to get lighter. It was chilly and breezy ... but it was a bike day so I got out on the bike. It was a gray day out on my "Out to East Manitou Rd" route. There was a lot of ducks and swans on Buck Pond.

I was kind of bummed that the wrist band of my Garmin Vivoactive HR was broken. I tried to tape it together with masking tape twice ... but no joy. Then I had a Ureka moment. I needed something to hold the two pieces together. I ended up using a bread twisty that I tied between two holes on each side of the break and then covered it with masking tape. Voila ... I think! I will see how it holds up tomorrow on my morning run.

Monday, 11/23/2020

12906 steps, 44/138 resting/peak HR, 7:58 hrs sleep, 177.1 lbs, 3 floors climbed
run: 5.15 miles, 45:01, 8:45 pace, 52 feet elevation gain, 132 avg HR, 141 max HR, 161 avg cadence, 1.14 meter avg stride, 36F, 85% RH, 6 mph WSW wind gusting to 26 mph, wind chill 31F, overcast
Well ... back to work after a week of vacation so it was back to before sunrise workouts. My first alarm went off at 5:20 AM and my second alarm went off at 5:30 AM. It was like pulling teeth but I got up, got dressed and got out. I felt like a slug but I kept my feet moving forward onward into the darkness all the way out to Island Cottage and back ... 5.15 miles ... done. My splits were: 8:56, 8:49, 8:43, 8:36, 8:31 and 8:36 over the last 0.15 mile.

Tuesday, 11/24/2020

5528 steps, 45/119 resting/peak HR, 8:08 hrs sleep, 175.9 lbs, 2 floor climbed
bike: 13.34, 1:01:44, 13.0 avg mph, 20.8 max mph, 131 feet elevation gain, 106 avg HR, 124 max HR, 60 avg cadence, 34F, 77% RH, 8 mph WNW wind gusting to 19 mph, wind chill 28F, cloudy
I was awake at 4:31 AM ... and couldn't get back to sleep ... so I just laid in bed and waited for my alarm at 5:30 AM. Alexa said it was 34F with snow ... but when I looked outside I saw no snow. So ... I got up, got dressed and got out on my bike. It was windy ... nothing new ... on the way out. Another before sunrise bike ... done.

Wednesday, 11/25/2020

5561 steps, 45/138 resting/peak HR, 7:19 hrs sleep, 174.9 lbs, 9 floors climbed
run: 3.15 miles, 27:05, 8:35 pace, 92 feet elevation gain,131 avg HR, 141 max HR, 163 avg cadence, 1.15 meter stride, 42F, 69% RH, 6 mph SSE wind gusting to 14 mph, wind chill 38F, cloudy
I slept until my alarm at 5:30 AM ... a shocker! I got up, got dressed and got out through sheer force of habit ... not because I wanted to but because it is what I do. I only ran 5K this morning since I am running the virtual Race with Grace 10K tomorrow morning. My splits were: 8:44, 8:40, 8:31 and 7:30 over the last 0.15 mile.

Thursday, 12/26/2020

9621 steps, 50/143 resting/peakHR, 7:58 hrs sleep, 175.9 lbs, 7 floors climbed
run: 6.25 miles, 53:45, 8:36 pace, 112 feet elevation gain, 135 avg HR, 145 max HR, 160 avg cadence, 1.17 meter avg stride, 56F, 86% RH, 7 mph SSW wind gusting to 15 mph, overcast
Today, I ran the Virtual COVID-19 Race with Grace 10K, link here. I thought about driving out to run on the actual course at the First Bible Baptist Church like a lot of other people did during the morning. But ... I just ran it on my own 10K route. It was warm so I wore shorts, a long sleeve tech and light running gloves. I could have gotten by with a short sleeve tech and no gloves. I felt a bit blah after mile 3 and took 3 or 4 tiny walk breaks. I guess I just thought about COVID-19, all the deaths and the idea of lots more to come. It seems that some of the US is just going about their business and spreading the virus ... hospitalizations and deaths be damned. Over 100,000 new COVID-19 cases per day for the past 26 days and 260,000+ total deaths!

My darling wife, Christine, was already busy making our Thanksgiving dinner when I got home. It was just us this year. She made a turkey breast, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce. It was simple ... more than enough ... and excellent.

Friday, 12/27/2020

701 steps, 49/122 resting/peak HR, 9:36 hrs sleep, 175.0 lbs, 0 floors climbed
bike: 13.38 miles, 1:01:05, 13.1 avg mph, 18.3 max mph, 144 feet elevation gain, 104 avg HR, 127 max HR, 60 avg cadence, 89 max cadence, 47F, 67% RH, 3-10 mph WSW wind, cloudy
I slept in until almost 8 AM ... then I got up, got dressed and got out on the bike around 9:30 AM. I had on my bike headlamp and taillight like usual and had on my usual Brooks jacket. I was between Greenleaf Rd and Dewey Ave when I came upon a bicyclist. He yelled out "It's light out so you don't need the headlight". Well ... I wanted to yell back "Says the guy dressed in black without a headlight ... I want cars, pedestrians and bicyclists to see me!" But ... he was already a 1/2 mile away in the other direction when I thought of all that. Whatever ... I rode onward on my usual route in the usual grey cloudiness with the usual wind past the usual Lake Ontario on one side and the usual 3 ponds (Buck, Long and Cranberry) on the other side.

The usual mugs of coffee and the day after Thanksgiving soon ensued. All in all ... a relaxing day. My "new to me" Garmin Venu came today at 5:02 PM. How did I know that? I checked my eBay account while Christine checked for the mail at 5:08 PM. I quickly opened it and set it up. I had a bit of trouble before I remembered that it has a touchscreen ... duh! Here is the dcrainmaker review, link here

Saturday, 11/28/2020

9981 steps,
run: 6.55 miles, 55:33, 8:29 pace, 164 feet elevation gain, 136 avg HR, 148 max HR, 162 avg cadence, 1.17 meter avg stride, 42F, 73% RH, 3 mph NNW wind gusting to 21 mph, cloudy
I was up early but didn't get out until after 9 AM. I felt sluggish until halfway and then picked up the pace. I thought about running 5 miles but I ended up running my "A Dewey Ave loop" which is around 10K. I just enjoy running ... every day is fine with me. My splits were: 8:26, 8:34, 8:24, 8:14, 8:22, 8:45 and 8:28 over the last 0.55 mile.

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