Sunday, December 6, 2020

Sunday, 12/6/2020 to Saturday, 12/12/2020

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I ran 5 times this week for 28.75 miles
I biked 2 times this week for 24.63 miles.
I took 51,243 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate, hours slept and floors climbed (take those last 2 data points with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight.

RUNNING/BIKING: My left knee has had issues with running. I can walk, bike ... and run. Let's say that I run ... carefully. I wear a Buff when I am out so I can slip it up when I approach someone. BTW, I am on a 165 day streak of either a walk, run or bike (as of Saturday night, 12/5).

COVID-19: I work for Ricoh as a Site Leader. I work mostly from home now. I support the 169 Ricoh printers in the four L3Harris SAS buildings. I can remotely monitor them. I am required to wear a cloth mask when I enter any L3Harris building (actually when I exit my car in the parking lot) and also pass an automated temperature test before I can enter a turnstile. I also wear a cloth mask whenever I enter any public building ... like Wegmans or BJs. I realize that a cloth mask isn't a N95 mask but it's better than nothing. I don't have disposable gloves so I wear light running gloves. News links about gloves and clothing herehere and here. I don't want to spread COVID-19 if I am asymptotic (heaven forbid) nor do I want to catch it because someone isn't wearing a mask of their own. Remember ... wear your mask! It isn't a political statement! We are NY Tough!

Sunday, 12/6/2020

2445 steps, 43/114 resting/peak HR, 8:34 hrs sleep, 174.3 lbs, 10 floors climbed
bike: 11.33 miles, 57:54, 11.7 avg mph, 26.5 max mph, 82 feet elevation gain, 57 avg cadence, 98 max cadence, 30F, 84% RH, 4 to 18 mph W wind, wind chill 26F cloudy
Well ... it's December ... it's another bike day ... so I got dressed, got out and got my bike done. It was cold and windy. I put on another pair of socks along with my usual cold weather biking clothing: CW-X tights, Brooks 1/4 zip long sleeve pullover, Brooks jacket, Brooks beanie and heavy running gloves. I was still cold on the bike as I headed west on Edgemere Drive. I decided to turn around at Long Pond so I could have a tailwind. I saw Barry Cherney and 2 other bicyclists on Stutson St. I was almost done with my ride. I learned later on Facebook that Barry went on a cold 45 mile ride (though he has a warm pair of bicycle boots and toe warmers).

Monday, 12/7/2020

9678 steps, 44/136 resting/peak HR, 9:35 hrs sleep, 175.6 lbs, 20 floors climbed
run: 5.65 miles, 51:39, 9:08 pace, 91 feet elevation gain,127 avg HR, 141 max HR, 151 avg cadence, 1.17 meter avg cadence, 28F, 82% RH, 6 to 16 mph WNW wind, wind chill 21F, cloudy
Another week of Ricoh vacation ...I could get used to this! I puttered for a while before I got out for my run around 10 AM. It was cold so I use my winter running gear: CW-X tight, long sleeve tech, Brooks 1/4 zip long sleeve pullover, Brooks beanie and heavy running gloves. But ... brr ... it was cold! I decided to do my "Out on the pier" route backwards so I could head downwind when I got to the LOSP Trail instead into the west wind. When I got to the pier I could see that it was wet out on the end. Well ... that wet was actually a film of ice. I had to walk and grab the cable on the fence to avoid falling on my ass for 100 yards out to the end and back. I didn't want to fall since there wasn't anyone out there. I was cold whenever I ran west into the wind. But ... I got it done. My splits were: 8:49, 8:37, 11:25, 8:38, 8:38 and 8:28 over the last 0.65 mile.

I watched the Bills kick the 49ers ass, link here. The game started slow with a 0-0 tie at the end of the 1st quarter but the Bills built a lead 34-17 and won 34-24. The Bills QB, Josh Allen, 32/40 for 375 yards and threw for 4 TDs. The Bills won on MNF for the first time in 21 years when Doug Flutie was their QB. The Bills have also clinched a winning season for 2 years in a row since ... Doug Flutie was their QB in 1998 and 1999. Then ... the Bills rested Flutie for the last game of that season and then benched him in their playoff game for Rob Johnson, link here. The Bills lost to the Tennessee Titans due to the Music City Miracle on a kickoff return with the Bills leading 16-15 with 16 seconds left in the 4th quarter, wiki here and proof it was a lateral (not by much) pass here. A big OUCH that lives on in Bills football lore to this day.

Tuesday, 12/8/2020

11095 steps, 43/145 resting/peak HR, 8:52 hrs sleep, 179.1 lbs, 21 floors climbed
run: 7.25 miles, 1:02:45, 8:39 pace, 190 feet elevation gain, 133 avg HR, 152 max HR, 161 avg cadence, 1.16 meter avg stride, 28F, 79% RH, 9 to 18 mph WNW wind, wind chill 20F, partly cloudy
Brr! But .. it was a run day ... so I got up, got dressed and got out there. I joined the 7R7C run-bike virtual race way back on September 1st and I have been putting in my walk,  run and bike mileage day after day. Well ... today I need just 6.1 miles to put in over 124 miles on all 7 continents. So ... I put in 7.25 miles on my "A Dewey Ave loop". Just nice and steady. My splits were: 8:39, 8:46, 8:32, 8:36, 8:32, 8:48, 8:32 and 8:45 over the last 0.25 mile.

Wednesday, 12/9/2020

5582 steps, 42/137 resting/peak HR, 9:46 hrs sleep, 173.6 lbs, 9 floors climbed
run: 3.25 miles, 28:26, 8:45 pace, 72 feet elevation gain,129 avg HR, 140 max HR, 159 avg cadence, 1.16 meter avg stride, 34F, 100% RH, 5 to 15 mph SW wind, cloudy with light wet snow
Well ... 3 running days in a row so I kept my distance short today. I ran a steady pace on my "Out to Dewey Ave" route on the LOSP Trail. I had thought about riding my bike so there was a real light wet snow falling ... and then I saw a bicyclist on  the way back!

Thursday, 12/10/2020

1046 steps, 42/116 resting/peak HR, 10:03 hrs sleep, 173.5 lbs, 3 floors climbed
bike: 13.30 miles, 1:02:47, 12.7 avg mph, 16.6 max mph, 60 avg cadence, 41F, 83 % RH, 4 to 14 mph W wind, cloudy
I went out on another December bike ride. It was relatively warm. I expected to get chilly but didn't.

Friday, 12/11/2020

12095 steps, 40/144 resting/peak HR, 9:01 hrs sleep, 172.5 lbs, 21 floors climbed
run: 7.25 miles, 1:03:56, 8:49 pace, 197 feet elevation gain, 136 avg HR, 147 max HR, 159 avg cadence, 1.15 meter avg stride, 38 to 48F, 58% RH, 3 to 15 mph SSW wind, mostly sunny
It was 38F when I checked the outside temperature but was forecast to raise to around 50F. Well ... I overdressed with my CW-X tights, long sleeve tech and Brooks 1/4 zip long sleeve pullover. I ended overheating around mile 3. I could have gone with shorts and a long sleeve tech. But ... I got it done. My splits were: 8:33, 8:38, 8:33, 8:48, 8:45, 9:31, 8:52 and 8:56 over the last 0.25 mile.

POLITICAL RANT: TRUMP &*$#ING LOST!!!! His court cases against the election on 11/3 are 1 for 55 (or so at last count) including the latest SCOTUS loss. I don't think he will concede. I think he will have to dragged out of the White House on 1/20/2021 and will not attend the inauguration of the duly elected 46th POTUS, Joe Biden.

Saturday, 12/12/2020

9302 steps, 46/153 resting/peak HR, 6:41 hrs sleep, 172.8 lbs, 21 floors climbed
run: 5.35 miles, 46:37, 8:43 pace, 157 feet elevation gain, 136 avg HR, 157 max HR, 159 avg cadence, 1.16 meter avg stride, 42F, 97% RH, 2 mph ESE wind, overcast
Well ... I just had to get out ... before I got into more trouble. It was 42F so I resisted the urge to wear my CW-X tights. I wore my shorts, Brooks 1/4 zip long sleeve pullover (my go-to winter shirt), Brooks beanie and heavy running gloves. I decided to go a little short with my "Out by the pier" route. I warmed up and wished I had just done with a long sleeve tech. I did have a minor peeve on the run. I was heading down the Secret Sidewalk when I saw a runner ahead. I wear a Buff around my neck on my runs that I pull up if I ever get within 6 feet of anyone. I very rarely do since I give everyone at least 6 feet of space. I couldn't get off the sidewalk due to scrubs until I was almost upon him. He had a lot of room on his right to move off the sidewalk but did he? That would be a big fat NO! I yelled something as he passed ... I didn't hear his response. Idiot! Anyway, my splits were: 8:50, 8:38, 8:32, 8:43,8:36 and 8:48 over the last 0.35 mile.

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