Sunday, October 31, 2021

Sunday, 10/31/2021 to Saturday, 11/6/2021

This blog post is saved as I write it to avoid the Blogger "Auto Save" feature. I have found (as have others) that if you accidentally delete your entire blog post before you publish it that "Auto Save" will kick in within seconds to take you to a blank page. I have done this more than once! This feature is turned off once you publish the blog post. Then if you accidentally delete your entire post it is not final until you click Update (so you have a chance to realize that you are about to do something stupid).

I walked 3 times this week, 4.85 miles.
I ran 3 times this week, 8.16 miles.
I biked once this week, 13.34 miles.
I took 32,682 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate, hours slept and floors climbed (take those last 2 data points with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight.

WALKING/RUNNING/BIKING: I am pretty sure that I have 80% recovered from plantar fasciitis in my right heel. I have been wearing compression socks and stretching a lot for about 6 weeks now. It has slowly helped over the past month. I ran (yes, ran) 4 times last week. Yes, granted it was 3.1, 3.16, 2.05 and 2.05 miles. But a run is better than a walk in my 64 year old mind. I do like to bike and get out to see the 3 ponds and Lake Ontario though.

BTW, I am on a 494 day streak of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 10/30). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

COVID-19: I have a L3Harris Vaccinated medal to put on my L3Harris badge when I work for Ricoh on-site. L3Harris went back to all mask policy despite vaccination status on 8/3 and will implement a full vaccine mandate on 12/8 (with an allowance for religious exemption). I still wear a mask when I go into a grocery store like Wegmans or BJs. I still socially distance. Why? Because of the Delta variant that's why. Christine and I have had both shots of the vaccine (hers was Pfizer and mine was Moderna). All my kids have had the COVID-19 vaccine or have had COVID-19 (and got the vaccine).

Sunday, 10/31/2021

3050 steps, 47/116 resting/max HR, 11:27 hrs sleep (more like 8 since my alarm went off at 6:35 AM), 182.4 lbs, 8 floors climbed

bike: 13.34 miles, 1:11:14, 11.2/20.4 avg/max mph, 39 feet elevation gain, 99/129 avg/max HR, 24 avg respiration, 53/72 avg/max cadence, 52F, 100% RH, 3 to 21 mph W wind, overcast
I got out a bit late but it was still morning when I got out on my bike. I didn't want to run (after 2 runs in a row of 2.05 mile each) or walk but it had rained a bit and the road was wet. But ... I wanted and needed to get out so I got dressed for the bike and got out. It was windy from the west so my ride out along the 3 ponds on the left and Lake Ontario on the right was a bit slow. But ... it was a lot faster on the way back.

Later I watched the Miami Dolphins play the Buffalo Bills at home. It was a tense game. It was tied 3-3 at half. The Bills up 10-3 at the end of 3. Then it got interesting ... 17-3, 17-11, 20=11 and the Bills win it 26-11 on a Josh TD run from 7 yards out with just over a minute to go, ESPN link here. Josh has passed for 2 TDs in each of the 8 games that he has played against Miami.

walk: 1.1 miles, 18:30, 16:45 pace, 5 feet elevation gain, 86/94 avg/max HR, 106/116 avg/max cadence, 54F, 76% RH, 1 to 10 mph W wind, partly cloudy
shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 black: 219.76 miles
It was getting towards evening when I saw that my step count was only 6 ... yes ... 6! So ... I got out and went for a walk. I went out on my "Another mile" route that loops on the LOSP Trail. My right heel felt good ... in fact I didn't even think about it. It has been months before I have typed that.

It's the end of October so it's stat time!

WALK: I took 13 walks in October for 15.7 miles, 1.21 miles/walk. I have taken taken 111 walks for 141.18 miles, 1.27 miles/walk so far in 2021.
RUN: I took 9 runs in October for 19.47 miles, 2.16 miles/run. Yes ... I ran. I have taken 103 runs for 331.02 miles, 3.21 miles/run so far in 2021.
  I ran one race in October, the Run Over River 5K, 27:32, 8:53 pace, 30th out of 46, 3rd out of 4 in my M 60-69 age group
BIKE: I took 15 rides in October for 183.33 miles, 12.22 miles/bike. I have taken 106 rides for 1133.22 miles, 10.69 miles/bike so far in 2021.
STEPS: I took 148,999 steps in October and 1,673,581 steps so far in 2021.

Monday, 11/1/2021

5628 steps, 49/137 resting/max HR, 184.1 lbs, 17 floors climbed

run: 2.25 miles, 21:40 estimated, 9:40 pace estimated, 127/140 avg/max HR, 142/165 avg/max cadence, 45F, 75% RH, 4 to 24 mph WNW wind, mostly sunny
shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 black: 222.01 miles
I got out for a short run to the Spanish Gardens driveway and back. The pace was slow and gentle. I forgot to turn my Garmin back on after I stopped to take a picture so my time and pace are estimated.

Tuesday, 11/2/2021

5283 steps, 45/102 resting/max HR, 8:31 hrs sleep, 182.5 lbs, 10 floors climbed

walk: 1.75 miles, 25:29, 14:33 pace, 10 feet elevation gain,84/107 avg/max HR, 116/153 avg/max cadence, 42F, 72% RH, 9 to 17 mph SSW wind, partly sunny
shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 black: 223.76 miles
I got out a brisk walk in the brisk Fall air. This was my fastest walk pace in months! My right heel feel OK. I wear my compression socks daily and stretch two or three times a day. I think that I will do  walk or run on alternate days for a while. Here's hoping!

I got Nebula off my lap long enough to get out in the evening darkness to go vote. It was a local election but I always vote. I always vote for Democrats. Don't judge ... the Republican party holds no attraction for me whatsoever. I am proud to call myself a liberal.

Wednesday, 11/3/2021

4761 steps, 44/143 resting/max HR, 8:45 hrs sleep, 183.1 lbs, 9 floors climbed

run: 2.75 miles, 23:30, 8:32 pace, 33 feet elevation gain, 133/146 resting/max HR, 159/167 avg/max cadence, 40F, 92% RH, 3 to 12 mph W wind, partly cloudy
shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 black: 226.51 miles
It was a bit chilly and windy plus it was so warm just staying in bed. But ... runs don't get done by themselves and streaks don't continue by themselves. So ... I got dressed in my Brooks tights, a long/short sleeve combo, heavy running gloves and Brooks beanie ... and got outside. I stretched my right heel and hoped for the best. It was a run day so I got up a slow running pace and headed out. Everything felt OK so I thought about a 5K and then a 2.2 mile route. I compromised with a "Out to Lake Ave" route of 2.75 miles. My splits were: 8:46, 8:24 and 8:26 over the last 0.75 mile. Everything felt mostly OK. I just have to remember to stretch often.

Thursday, 11/4/2021

4380 steps, 44/102 resting/max HR, 8:04 hrs sleep, 182.0 lbs, 6 floors climbed

walk: 2.0 miles, 28:44, 14:22 pace, 12 feet elevation gain, 84/98 avg/max HR, 115 avg cadence, 36F, 85% RH, 3 to 7 mph SSW wind, partly cloudy
shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 black: 228.51 miles
I got out a brisk walk on a brisk morning. I enjoyed walking fast ... yes, enjoyed. My right heel is feeling a lot better. I just have to remember to keep on stretching my right heel. Heel drops are my friend, lol! My splits were: 14:29 and 14:14.
Friday, 11/5/2021

7649 steps, 45/140 resting/max HR, 8:23 hrs sleep, 181.5 lbs, 11 floors climbed

run: 3.16 miles, 28:10, 8:55 pace, 29 feet elevation gain, 130/143 avg/max elevation gain, 155/168 avg/max cadence, 36F, 87% RH, 6 mph SSW wind, partly cloudy
shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 black: 231.67 miles
I got for a nice and easy 5K on my "Out to Dewey Ave" route. There was no one on the LOSP Trail for some odd reason ... maybe because it was cold, lol? My right heel was a bit achy for a bit but loosened up. I kept my pace easy. My splits were: 9:01, 8:47, 8:53 and 8:20 over the last 0.16 mile.

My running spreadsheet (also used for walking and biking) told me that my Run/Walk/Bike streak of greater than 1 mile reached 500 days today. What have I learned? Well ... two things come to mind immediately. One, I am stubborn. Two, I don't like to go to the doctor. I have been limping and cursing my right heel since June. I finally emailed the doctor last month and got a referral for physical therapy but I didn't go. I finally started to stretch more and wore compression socks last month too. My right heel pain slowly started to ease. I can run ... slowly ... a 5K every other day and walk briskly the other day. Progress.

Saturday, 11/6/2021

4981 steps, 47/94 resting/max HR, 11:05 hrs sleep (more like 8 hours since my alarm went off at 6:35 AM), 182.2 lbs, 10 floors climbed

walk: 2.0 miles, 28:59, 14:30 pace, 11 feet elevation gain, 88/100 avg/max HR, 115/145 avg/max cadence, 38F, 57% RH, 2 to 13 mph SSE wind, sunny
shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 black: 233.67 miles
I got out for a brisk walk in the brisk Fall air. I have built my brisk walk distance up to 2 miles. There were more races in Rochester today. The East Avenue Grocery Run, a 5K, was held downtown with 581 finishers, results here. The Schutt's Cider Mile was held with 231 finishers, results here.

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