Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sunday, 12/19/2021 to Saturday, 12/25/2021

This blog post is saved as I write it to avoid the Blogger "Auto Save" feature. I have found (as have others) that if you accidentally delete your entire blog post before you publish it that "Auto Save" will kick in within seconds to take you to a blank page. I have done this more than once! This feature is turned off once you publish the blog post. Then if you accidentally delete your entire post it is not final until you click Update (so you have a chance to realize that you are about to do something stupid).

I walked 3 times this week, 6.0 miles.
I ran 4 times this week, 20.0 miles.
I didn't bike this week.
I took 59,149 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate, hours slept and floors climbed (take those last 2 data points with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight.

WALKING/RUNNING/BIKING: I am pretty sure that I have 95% recovered from plantar fasciitis in my right heel. I have been wearing compression socks and stretching a lot for at least 2 months now. It has slowly helped over the past month. I ran (yes, ran) 4 times last week. A run is better than a walk in my 64 year old mind.

BTW, I am on a 543 day streak of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 12/18). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

COVID-19: I have a L3Harris Vaccinated medal to put on my L3Harris badge when I work for Ricoh on-site. L3Harris went back to all mask policy despite vaccination status on 8/3 and will implement (I think) a full vaccine mandate on 1/8/22 (with an allowance for religious exemption). NY went back on an indoor mask mandate on 12/13 for the next month. I always wear a mask when I go into a grocery store like Wegmans or BJs. I still socially distance indoors. Why? Because of the Delta (and now the Omnicon) variant that's why. Christine and I have had both shots and the booster (hers was Pfizer and mine was Moderna). All my kids have had the COVID-19 vaccine or have had COVID-19 (and got the vaccine). My motto: get vaccinated, boosted and wear a mask properly!

Sunday, 12/19/2021

8811 steps, 46/143 avg/max HR, 8:05 hrs sleep, 183.4 lbs, 21 floors climbed
Run: 5.0 miles, 45:20, 8:59 pace, 82 feet elevation gain, 133/147 avg/max HR, 158/170 avg/max cadence, 25F, 88% RH, 8 to 21 WNW wind, wind chill 17F, cloudy
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 black: 363.69 miles
I was up at 5:10 AM and puttered around quite a bit with email and Facebook. I still got out before sunrise at 7:43 AM. It was a bit colder than yesterday so I added a short sleeve tech to my usual Brooks tights and 1/4 zip long sleeve pullover. I set up an easy as I did my "Out by the pier and around" route with a little extra to get to 5 miles. The boardwalk in the Ontario Beach Park was a bit icy so I slowed down until I was clear of it. My splits were 8:58, 8:46, 9:06. 8:59 and 8:40.

Monday, 12/20/2021

7089 steps, 46/109 resting/max HR, 182.2 lbs, 12 floors climbed
Walk: 2.0 miles, 25:37, 12:49 pace, 7 feet elevation gain, 98/109 avg/max HR, 125/155 avg/max cadence, 19F, 93% RH, 6 mph SSW wind, wind chill 12F, cloudy
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 black: 365.69 miles
Brr! It was a walk day on a bone chilling morning. It had fallen to 19F overnight. I was a bit underdressed with my Brooks tights, long sleeve tech, Brooks 1/4 zip long sleeve pullover, Brooks beanie and heavy running gloves. I set out at a very brisk pace. There was a bit of ice that I didn't see at the railroad tracks on Greenleaf Rd ... I stayed upright. The other ice on the sidewalks was easily seen in my headlamp and avoided. Brr! I was pretty cold when I got back so I just stretched out my right foot before I went inside. Brr!

Tuesday, 12/21/2021

9474 steps, 44/138 resting/max HR, 9:40 hrs sleep, 183.7 lbs, 21 floors climbed
Run: 4.25 miles, 37:48, 8:53 pace, 129/140 avg/max HR, 160/170 avg/max cadence, 34F, 75% RH, 8 mph W wind, wind chill 28F, cloudy. 
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 black: 369.94 miles
It was 15F warmer than yesterday with almost no wind so it felt a lot warmer. I set a steady pace. I had reserved 2 of the latest movies to hit Redbox when I woke up at 5:30 AM so I stopped by the Redbox at the 7-11 on Lake Ave. I chose my "Out by the pier" route so I hit the 7-11 on the way back with only a mile to go. I rented the latest James Bond "No Time to Die" and "The Last Duel" ... sweet! My splits were 8:55, 8:50, 8:56, 8:54 and 8:45.

Wednesday, 12/22/2021

7460 steps, 44/128 resting/max HR, 182.3 lbs, 11 floors climbed
Walk: 2.0 miles, 27:04, 13:32 pace, 17 feet elevation gain, 97/133 avg/max HR, 120/141 avg/max cadence, 35F, 77% RH, 6 to 25 mph WNW wind, wind chill 29F, cloudy with light drizzle
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 black: 371.94 miles
I got out for my usual 2 miles on my usual "Another 2" route. I have been wearing my Noxgear Tracer360 lighted vest and it does help. Two drivers gave me the right of way to cross in front of them. It's always a tense time for a runner or walker when you approach an intersection or driveway. My splits were 13:49 and 13:16.

Thursday, 12/23/2021

13164 steps, 44/137 resting/max HR, 7:26 hrs sleep, 182.4 lbs, 18 floors climbed
Run: 5.25 miles, 48:36, 9:15 pace, 45 elevation gain, 128/139 avg/max HR, 159/166 avg/max cadence, 26F, 95% RH, calm, cloudy with a few flakes.
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 black: 377.19 miles
I woke up around 5:15 AM and caught up on email and Facebook while I waited for the alarm to go off at 5:50 AM. I looked out and saw that some snow had fallen overnight. It was a run day ... I wondered about the traction. I chose my usual running gear: Brooks tights, long sleeve tech, Brooks 1/4 zip long sleeve pullover, Brooks beanie. I went with my usual Brooks Adrenaline GTS20. There was less than an inch of snow on the ground with practically no wind. I set up a nice and easy pace. I was out a bit early so I chose my "Out to Island Cottage" route on the LOSP Trail. I didn't have any issues with traction ... but I didn't make any sudden turns either. My splits were 9:15, 9:28, 9:18, 9:14, 9:06 and 9:00 over the last 0.25 mile. 

Friday, 12/24/2021

4593 steps, 45/93 resting/max HR, 182.9 lbs, 9 floors climbed
Walk: 2.0 miles, 32:00, 16:00 pace, 17 feet elevation gain, 80/102 avg/max HR, 114/134 avg/max cadence, 30F, 100% RH, 2 mph SE wind, mostly cloudy
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 black: 379.19 miles
Well ... another dusting of snow fell overnight. Today was a walk day so I got up, got dressed with my usual winter gear and got outside before I could think better of the idea. I added a string of Christmas lights that I bought for 1/2 off at Walgreens last year. There seemed to be a layer of ice underneath the snow in a few spots so I took it easy on the LOSP Trail. The sidewalk on Greenleaf Rd had better footing so I sped up a bit. My fingers were cold when I got done so I headed straight inside instead of stretching. Brr! My splits were 16:54 and 15:06.

I was surfing the TV when I happened on "Four Falls of Buffalo". It's an ESPN 30 on 30 film on the Buffalo Bills four consecutive Super Bowls in the early 90s. Here is a Bing link full of other links for the reader to explore, here. Yes ... they lost all four. Yes ... "wide right" has a whole new meaning in Buffalo. I caught about 3/4 of it and was transfixed. I couldn't turn away. I knew how it would turn out but I have watched and rooted for the Buffalo Bills all my life. Go, Bills, go! Josh Allen for the win!

Saturday, 12/25/2021

8558 steps, 42/145 resting/max HR, 9:57 hrs sleep, 181.9 lbs, 20 floors climbed
Run: 5.5 miles, 48:43, 8:51 pace, 92 feet elevation gain, 132/147 avg/max HR, 159/168 avg/max cadence, 45F 98% RH. 5 to 9 mph SW wind, overcast ☁️ with light drizzle
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 black: 384.69 miles
I was up late so I turned off my 5:45 AM weekend alarm when it went off and slept in until 8:14 AM. Wow ... I almost never sleep that late! I puttered around a bit while I heard it rain outside. I thought about waiting until the afternoon but I didn't want life get in the way. Habit got me up, dressed and out there. It was above 40F so I wore shorts along my usual Brooks 1/4 zip long sleeve pullover. I also pinned on my Christmas lights with 3 pins so they wouldn't bounce when I ran. I set up a steady pace as I ran on my "Out on the pier and around" route.There was absolutely no one outside. My splits were 8:52, 8:57, 8:48, 8:54, 8:58 and 8:25 over the last 0.5 mile.

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