Sunday, May 1, 2022

Sunday, 5/1/2022 to Saturday, 5/7/2022 - Run Our River 5K - May

I walked 3 times this week, 2.77 miles.
I ran 2 times this week, 6.23 miles.
I biked indoors 3 times this week, 17 miles.
I biked once this week, 13.37 miles.
I took 34.211 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate, hours slept and floors climbed (take those last 2 data points with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight.

WALKING/RUNNING/BIKING: I have a left arch issue now so I am back to short walks or bike rides. A run is better than a walk in my 64-year-old mind but any exercise is good in the end.

BTW, I am on a 676 day streak of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 4/30). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

COVID-19: I've had the same blurb about COVID-19 for about 2 years with some varying details. Hey ... been doing it for 2 years so I will change it up.  I believe in science, vaccines, CNN, the CDC and try to wear a mask over my nose and mouth when I am in a public space like Wegmans or BJs even if it's not required.
Sunday, 5/1/2022

6641 steps, 47/138 resting/max HR, 184.1 pounds, 13 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 28:05, 8:54 pace, 60 feet elevation gain, 130/146 avg/max HR, 158/186 avg/max cadence, 52F, 58% RH, 2 mph NW wind, sunny
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey: 135.2 miles
I got out for a run at about the same time as yesterday. It was a bit warmer so I just wore shorts, a long sleeve tech and light running gloves. I wanted to run my "Out on the pier and around" but my left arch and right knee ached when I started out. So I turned right instead of left when I got to Greenleaf Rd. I settled for my "Out to Clematis St" route. My right knee pain went away but my left arch pain didn't. My splits were 9:07, 8:57, 8:48 and 8:04 over the last 0.15 mile. So ... a negative split but not an enjoyable one.

Monday, 5/2/2022

5842 steps, 42/87 resting/max HR, 7:53 hours sleep, 184.7 pounds, 5 floors climbed
Walk; 0.6 mile, 12:18, 20:30 pace, 55F, 88% RH, calm, overcast
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey: 135.8 miles
Indoor Bike: 5 miles, 22:13
I got out for a walk and just couldn't do it. My left arch hurt a lot so I hopped into the Greenleaf Meadows exercise center when I passed it and went inside. I rode the indoor bicycle for 5 miles in 22:13. Then I walked slowly back home. What happened? I put back in the original inserts into my Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 after I realized that my left arch issue might be due to putting in the Dr Scholl's insoles from my old shoes last week. My feet didn't like the difference and really hurt when I headed out. I hope they feel better tomorrow since I have a race tomorrow night.

Tuesday, 5/3/2022

8106 steps, 41/148 resting/max HR, 9:32 hours sleep, 184.3 pounds, 20 floors climbed
Walk: 1.15 mile, 18:57, 16:29 pace, 23 feet elevation  gain, 81/101 avg/max HR, 108/126 avg/max cadence, 54F, 65% RH, 2 mph NNW wind, partly cloudy
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey: 136.95 miles
I got out just before lunch for a walk to the mailbox to drop off a Netflix DVD. I wanted to get a sense of how my left arch was feeling. Well ... there was a mild discomfort but less than yesterday. So ... tonight's Run Our River 5K should be interesting.

Run: 3.08 miles, 26:03, 8:27 pace, 10 feet elevation gain, 140/149 avg/max HR, 158/168 avg/max cadence, 63F, 54% RH, calm, overcast with sprinkles of rain
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey: 140.03 miles
I had to use my Google Maps to get to the race venue again ... next time I will just open it up before I start. I got there in plenty of time though. I met up with Roger Howe, Bob Dyjak and Dan Sillick before the race started. My left arch was OK at the start. I started with a steady race pace and just held on. I could feel light rain drop on my hat as I ran. My left arch started to hurt when I made the turn up onto the Ford Street Bridge. I slowed but held on until the finish. I didn't break 26 minutes. I was pretty tired when I got done and thought I hadn't stopped my Garmin Venu (I did). I caught my breath while I talked with Jeanette George. My left arch tightened up right away and I had to hobble/hop across Exchange Blvd to get back to the Trax.

I did OK. My official time was 26:01, 8:27 pace. I was 63rd out of 134 and 6th out of 14 in my M 60-63 age group, results here. My splits were 8:29, 8:23, 8:31 and 8:06 over the last 0.08 mile.

Wednesday, 5/4/2022

1032 steps, 42/99 resting/max HR, 8:30 hours sleep, 182.6 pounds, 5 floors climbed
Indoor Bike: 6 miles, 25:00 estimated

Yep ... my left arch hurt like a son of a bitch. I tried walking down to the fitness center but it hurt so much so I drove there. I don't have a picture at the end because the bike reset to 0 as soon as I stopped.

Thursday, 5/5/2022

3859 steps, 42/97 resting/max HR, 7:19 hours sleep, 183.4 pounds, 4 floors climbed
Indoor Bike: 6 miles, 25:13
My left arch didn't hurt as much but I still couldn't walk so I drove down to the fitness center before work. I would like to have a summer without aches and pains so I can do some walking, running and biking FFS!

Friday, 5/6/2022

3664 steps, 48/122 resting/max HR, 8:03 hours sleep, 182.4 pounds, 4 floors climbed
Indoor Bike, 6 miles, 24:25
My left arch is still a problem so it was back to the indoor bicycle at the fitness center again. 

Saturday, 5/7/2022

5067 steps, 43/107 resting/max HR, 9:37 hours sleep, 183.5 pounds, 4 floors climbed
Bike: 13.37 miles, 1:07:53, 54 feet elevation gain, 11.8/20.8 avg.max mph, 94/114 avg/max HR, 54/81 avg/max cadence, 45F, 58% RH, 7 to 10 mph NW wind, wind chill 38F, sunny
I got out around 8 AM on the bicycle. The sun looked warm but the NW wind off Lake Ontario was definitely chilly! Luckily I dressed warm. The wind seemed to be in my face for the whole ride except for a stretch on Island Cottage when I was headed south. I was still chilled when I finally got home. Brrrr!!!

Walk: 1.02 miles, 20:26, 19:57 pace, 10 feet elevation gain, 88/109 avg/max HR, 97/117 avg/max cadence, 52F, 39% RH, 18 mph NE wind, partly sunny
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey: 141.05 miles
Later I headed out to North Ponds Park in Webster to see all the Mind the Ducks runners. I took a lap around the course. The wind was still chilly and would have bothered me to no end if I had run/walk this race. But ... I couldn't so I didn't sign up 9 (and saved money). I saw Prem Kumar's son, Pavi, and congratulated him on his 33 laps (and counting) at 4 PM. Update: Ravi ended being on the course for 11:56 and racked up 40 laps or 40.48 miles. The results of all the 146 finishers are here.

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