Sunday, July 10, 2022

Sunday, 7/10/2022 to Saturday, 7/16/2022

I walked once this week, 1.5 miles.
I ran 3 times this week, 6.3 miles.
I didn't bike indoors this week.
I biked 3 times this week, 42.39 miles.
I took 35.253 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate, hours slept and floors climbed (take those last 2 data points with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight.

WALKING/RUNNING/BIKING: My left arch issue is OK now so I am back to short walks, runs or bike rides. A run is better than a walk in my 64-year-old mind but any exercise is good in the end.

Walk/Run/Bike electronics: Garmin Venu (backup on the bike) and Shockz Air bone conduction headphones (discontnued on Shockz website).

I almost always don't buy my electronics retail. I buy my Garmin stuff used off of eBay or an online vendor when it's a generation or more old. I bought the helmet and pedals off of Kickstarter or Indiegogo so I bought them at about a 40% discount.

BTW, I am on a 746 day streak of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 7/9). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

COVID-19: I've had the same blurb about COVID-19 for about 2+ years with some varying details. I believe in science, vaccines, CNN and the CDC. I am fully vaccinated with 2 boosters.
Sunday, 7/10/2022

632 steps, 40/110 resting/max HR, 7:17 hours sleep, 178.7 pounds (down 1.6), 4 floors climbed
Bike: 15.71 miles, 1:09:02, 13.7/23.3 avg/max mph, 98 feet elevation gain, 95/114 resting/max HR, 26/33 resting/max respiration, 56/81 avg/max cadence, 52F, 82% RH, 5 mph WSW wind, sunny
I got out on my weekend "Out to East Manitou Rd and around" route. It was a nice ride like usual. I saw kayaks (3 on Long and 1 on Buck) for the first time in a long time.

Monday, 7/11/2022

6041 steps, 40/86 resting/max HR, 6:14 hours sleep, 13 floors climbed
Walk: 1.5 miles, 21:17, 14:11 pace, 30 feet elevation change, 80/90 avg/max HR, 117/128 avg/max cadence, 59F, 77% RH, 9 mph SW wind, sunny
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey: 240.7 miles
I just wasn't motivated for a run so I changed the pace for a walk instead. It was just your basic "Out to Ling Rd" route at a brisk pace. My splits were 14:16 and 13:59 over the last 0.5 mile.

Tuesday, 7/12/2022

6973 steps, 41/142 resting/max HR, 8:14 hours sleep, 16 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 27:59, 8:53 pace, 60 feet elevation gain, 130/145 avg/max HR, 155 avg cadence, 75F, 74% RH, 9 mph SW wind, mostly sunny
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey: 243.85 miles
My mind wanted me to not get out of bed and tried to invent excuses but I finally dragged myself out of bed and got out for a run before work. I told myself that I would take 2 hours off and just work 10AM to 4 PM with no lunch. Hey .. the boss is on vacation and I have earned enough "at-a-boys". I struck up a "it's hot and humid" pace and stuck to it. This run was a lot better than my last run ... yay! My splits were 8:53, 8:57, 8:51 and 8:36 over the last 0.15 mile.

Wednesday, 7/13/2022

2228 steps, 40/113 resting/max HR, 7:58 hours sleep, 17 floors climbed
Bike: 13.38 miles, 55:51, 14.4/20.5 avg/max mph, 54 feet elevation gain, 99/118 avg/max HR, 27/35 avg/max respiration, 56/81 avg/max cadence, 64F, 88% RH, calm, mostly cloudy
I got out a bit early for my usual "Out to East Manitou Rd" route. It ws mid 60s so I just wore shorts and a long sleeve tech. It was a nice and peaceful ride between the 3 ponds and Lake Ontario.

Thursday, 7/14/2022

6301 steps, 42/143 resting/max HR, 7:33 hours sleep, 22 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 26:47, 8:30 pace, 49 feet elevation gain, 133/147 avg/max HR, 158/165 avg/max cadence, 63F, 94% RH, 6 mph WNW wind, mostly cloudy
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey: 247.0 miles
I got on for a run on my usual "Out to Clematis St" route. I stuck up a bit faster pace and held it. I felt good and ran good. My splits were 8:24, 8:33, 8:35 and 8:10 over the last 0.15 mile.

Friday, 7/15/2022

4679 steps, 41/110 resting/max HR, 7:35 hours sleep, 1 floor climbed
Bike: 13.30 miles, 58:57, 13.5/18.7 avg/max mph, 99/118 avg/max HR, 26/33 avg/max respiration, 59/93 avg/max cadence, 54F, 94% RH, 6 mph SW wind, sunny
I got out a bit early. It was a bit cool so I wore shorts, a long sleeve tech and my Brooks jacket. A nice ride as usual on my usual "Out to East Manitou Rd" route. I saw a skunk cross Island Cottage Rd on the way out. A truck scared it into getting all the way across the road. I gave it a wide berth (about 15 feet) on my way by. 

Saturday, 7/16/2022

8399 steps, 41/144 resting/max HR, 7:24 hours sleep, 15 floors climbed
Run: 4.55 miles, 40:18, 8:51 pace, 71 feet elevation gain, 131/148 avg/max HR, 156/165 avg/max cadence, 61F, 77% RH, calm, sunny
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey: 251.55 miles
I got out around 7 AM on my longer "Out by the pier and around" route. I had some cereal before I headed out instead of an energy bar or some grapes. I struck up a nice and easy pace and held it until mile 4. I took 2 tiny walk breaks coming up the hill on Greenleaf Rd. My splits were 8:55, 8:44, 8:48, 9:14 and 8:22 over the last 0.55 mile. I think some better nutrition made a difference because the last run on this route really sucked.

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