Sunday, September 25, 2022

Sunday, 9/25/2022 to Saturday, 10/1/2022

I walked twice this week, 3.0 miles.
I ran 5 times this week, 20.05 miles.
I didn't bike indoors this week.
I biked 1 times this week, 11.59 miles.
I took 51,112 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate, hours slept and floors climbed (take those last 2 data points with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight.

WALKING/RUNNING/BIKING: My left arch issue is OK now so I am back to short walks, runs or bike rides. A run is better than a walk in my 65-year-old mind but any exercise is good in the end.

Walk/Run/Bike electronics: Garmin Venu (backup for the bike) and Shockz Air bone conduction headphones (discontinued on the Shockz website).

I don't buy my electronics retail. I buy my Garmin stuff used off of eBay or an online vendor when it's a generation or more old. I bought the helmet and pedals off of Kickstarter or Indiegogo so I got them at about a 40% discount. I usually buy my running shoes online or on sale at Fleet Feet.

BTW, I am on a 823 day streak of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 9/24). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

Sunday, 9/25/2022

8111 steps, 43/143 resting/max HR, 9:05 hours sleep, 20 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 25:55, 8:14 pace, 134/144 resting/max HR, 162/167 avg/max cadence, 56F, 80% RH, calm, overcast
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey - 406.05 miles
I slept in and got out after a bit of puttering around. My Garmin Venu totally wasn't up to snuff and put all of my run out on Lake Ontario! I really ran my "Out to Clematis St" route. I hiked my pace a bit. I thought of Kipchoge running the Berlin Marathon this morning in 2:01:09, a 4:37.4 pace ... wow!

I watched the Bills lose a heartbreaker to the Dolphins down in Miami. The Bills completely owned the game with 497 yards on offense, 31 first down and 40:40 minutes of possession vs the Dolphins with 212, 15 and 19:20. Josh Allen was 42/63 for 400 yards and 2 TDs. But ... the Dolphins held fast and the Bills couldn't score late in the 4th quarter down 17-21. The Bills forced a punt which was blocked by a Dolphins players so the Bills got a safety, still down 19-21 with 1:33. The Bills got down to long FG range but Diggs couldn't get out of bounds and the Bills ran out of time.
Walk: 1.5 miles, 20:48, 13:53 pace, 30 feet elevation gain, 90/99 avg/max HR, 118/128 avg/max cadence, 63F, 94% RH, 5 mph  N wind, cloudy
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey - 407.55 miles
I got out after the Bills loss to give my Garmin Venu another chance at recording my activity correctly. Spoiler ... it did. I set up a brisk pace. My splits were 13:52 and 13:54 over the last 0.5 mile.

Monday, 9/26/2022

7942 steps, 42/137 resting/max HR, 7:04 hours sleep, 179.4 pounds, 17 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 26:25, 8:23 pace, 16 feet elevation gain, 128/140 avg/max HR, 161/171 avg/max cadence, 52F, 94% RH, 7 mph SSW wind, clear
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey - 410.70 miles
I got out for a before sunrise run. It was cool but I wore shorts and a short sleeve tech anyway. I knew I would warm up. I wore my Noxgear Tracer360 lighted vest and headlamp. I set up a steady pace on my "Out to Stutson St Overlook" route. My splits were 8:34, 8:23, 8:15 and 7:55 over the last 0.15 mile ... a negative split!

Tuesday, 9/27/2022

978 steps, 45/110 resting/max HR, 7:54 hours sleep, 5 floors climbed
Bike: 11.59 miles, 52:39, 13.2/20.3 avg/max mph, 66 feet elevation gain, 98/115 avg/max HR, 26/34 avg/max respiration, 54/77 avg/max cadence, 55F, 82% RH, 12 mph WSW wind, cloudy
I got out for a before sunrise ride on my slightly shorter "Out to Long Pond Rd and around" route. It ws a bit cooler and windy so I wore my Brooks pants, jacket and beanie. I did warm up a bit too much but when I turned into the wind it cooled me right back down so it was all good.

The switch of the headlamp that I use for running died in the ON position and emitted light with a flicker. It had turned itself ON overnight when it was lying on my exercise shelf a couple nights ago. I charged its NiCad batteries but it didn't help. I couldn't get my backup headlamp to work. The straps had somehow gotten stretched out ... huh? So I walked with just my Noxgear Tracer360 lighted vest. It didn't help at all. So I ran a bit slower. My splits were 9:00, 8:54, 8:29 and 8:52 over the last 0.15 mile.

My thoughtful wife, Christine, told me that she had a box of 2 headlamps that she squirreled away. I had enough AAA batteries to power one of them. It's all about the backups, lol!

Wednesday, 9/28/2022

5754 steps, 46/135 resting/max HR, 182.4 pounds, 14 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 27:46, 8:48 pace, 30 feet elevation gain, 127/137 avg/max HR, 158/168 avg/max cadence, 54F, 94% RH, 7 mph WNW wind, overcast
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey - 413.85 miles
It was dark and overcast at 6 AM. I went out at a bit slower pace on my "Out to Stutson St Overlook" route with just my Noxgear Tracer360 lighted vest to light my way. OK ... it didn't help at all. It was very dark in some sections of the LOSP Trail. I just ran a bit slower. I think I will use my bicycle headlamp until I can get another headlamp from eBay. My splits were 9:00, 8:54, 8:29 and 8:52 over the last 0.15 mile.

Thursday, 9/29/2022

6777 steps, 43/89 resting/max HR, 7:13 hours sleep, 182.1 pounds, 17 floors climbed
Walk: 1.5 miles, 21:18, 14;13 pace, 7 feet elevation gain, 83/97 avg/max HR, 120/130 avg/max cadence, 50F, 94% RH, 5 mph N wind, mist

I think that my old headlamp is possessed. I ordered a similar headlamp without batteries from eBay for $12.12 yesterday. I put the charged NiCad batteries back into the old headlamp and it worked normally!!
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey - 415.35 miles
I had wanted to ride my bicycle this morning but it was a misty rain when I looked outside. I changed clothes and headed out for a brisk walk instead ... no worries. It was a bit cool so I wore my Brooks pants, Brooks jackets, Brooks light gloves and Fleet Feet hat. I had my Noxgear Tracer360 lighted vest and headlamp for safety and illumination. I want drivers to see me and I want to be able to see. There was another walker that I passed who had neither and wore dark clothing.

Friday, 9/30/2022

9787 steps, 41/139 resting/max HR, 7:06 hours sleep, 19 floors climbed
Run: 4.05 miles, 34:33, 8:33 pace, 66 feet elevation gain, 130/141 avg/max HR, 161/169 avg/max cadence, 37F, 100% RH, 3 mph WSW wind, clear
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey - 419.40 miles
I got out for a 6.5K (I'm 65, you know) run on my new "Out to Lake Ave and around" route. It doesn't got out by the pier so it cuts about 0.3 mile. It was a bit chilly but I wore shorts, a long sleeve tech, Brooks light running gloves and Brooks beanie. A run before sunrise? Check! My splits were 8:37, 8:32, 8:36 and 8:25 

It's the end of September so it's stat time!

I walked 6 times in September for 9 miles, 1.5 miles/walk and 98 times so far in 2022 for 137.18 miles, 1.4 miles/walk.
I ran 21 times in September for 72.19 miles, 3.44 miles/run and 130 times so far in 2022 for 454.67 miles, 3.5 miles/run.
I ran 3 races in September (18 races so far in 2022):
 9/3 Karknocker 5K, 25:07 (fastest of 2022), 8:06 pace
 9/6 Run Our River 5K - September, 25:24, 8;13 pace
 9/10 Heritage Hero 10K, 57:04 (only 10K of 2022), 9:10 pace
I biked 7 times in September for 85.51 miles, 12.22 miles/bike and 61 times in 2022 so far for 794.53 miles, 13.03 miles/bike.
I took 194,928 steps in September and 1,718,643 steps so far in 2022.

Saturday, 10/1/2022

11763 steps, 44/137 resting/max HR, 179.4 pounds, 24 floors climbed
Run: 6.55 miles, 57:54, 8:50 pace, 120 feet elevation gain, 128/140 avg/max HR, 160/168 avg/max cadence, 46F, 93% RH, calm, overcast
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey - 425.95 miles
It was cooler, overcast and calm. I knew I would warm up so I wore shorts, a short sleeve tech and my Brooks light running gloves ... no worries. I wanted a longer than usual run. I headed out on my "Out by the pier and to Mann Rd" route of 5.55 miles and then extended to heading back to do the Secret Sidewalk again which added another mile. Boom ... a quarter marathon! There were a few people out walking their dogs and I saw the same two guys on their walk twice. My splits were 8:49, 8:46, 8:43, 8:44, 8:59, 9:06 and 8:43 over the last 0.55 mile.

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