Sunday, March 26, 2023

Sunday, 3/26/2023 to Saturday, 4/1/2023

I walked 5 times this week, 8.15 miles.
I ran twice this week, 6.3 miles.
I didn't bike indoors this week.
I didn't bike outdoors this week.
I took 40.293 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate, hours slept and floors climbed (take those last 2 data points with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight.

WALKING/RUNNING/BIKING: I am back to short walks (1.5 miles), runs (< 6.2 miles) or bike rides (< 20 miles). A run or a bike is better than a walk in my 65-year-old mind but any exercise is good in the end.

BTW, I am on a 1005 day streak of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 3/25). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

Sunday, 3/26/2023

4655 steps, 38/90 avg/max HR, 9:22 hours sleep, 176.7 pounds, 7 floors climbed
Walk: 1.5 miles 22:03, 14:41 pace, 10 feet elevation gain, 80/98 avg/max HR, 115/125 avg/max cadence, 9F, 65% RH, 24 mph W wind, 29F, cloudy
Shoes: black Brooks Adrenaline GTSXX shoes - 546.57 miles
I got out for a walk on my usual "Out to Ling Rd" route. My left hip/hamstring felt worse all day yesterday so I knew that a walk would be a wiser choice. My splits were 14:48 and 14:27 over the last 0.5 mile.

Monday, 3/27/2023

12189 steps, 40/142 resting/max HR, 7:57 hours sleep, 174.8 pounds, 15 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 29:28, 9:21 pace, 58 feet elevation gain, 130/148 avg/max HR, 154/163 avg/max cadence, 32F, 80% RH calm, cloudy
Shoes: black Brooks Adrenaline GTSXX shoes - 549.72 miles
I switched back to my old black Brooks Adrenaline GTSXX running shoes for my run. I chose my 5K route of "Out to Clematis St" route. I struck up a nice and easy pace. My left hip/hamstring felt a bit better. It ached but not as bad as on Saturday. My splits were 9:33, 9:29, 9:10 and 8:30 over the last 0.15 mile.

Tuesday, 3/28/2023

74237 steps, 42/99 resting/max HR, 7:35 hours sleep, 175.2 pounds, 12 floors climbed
Walk: 1.5 miles, 21:22, 14:13 pace, 17 feet elevation gain, 81/115 avg/max HR, 119/130 avg/max cadence, 34F, 86% RH, 3 mph WNW wind, cloudy
Shoes: navy Brooks Launch GTS8 shoes - 239.93 miles
My left hip/hamstring hurt a bit during yesterday evening so I opted for a walk on my usual "Out to Ling Rd" route. I struck out at an easy pace and then quickened on the way back. My splits were 14:28 and 13:43 over the last 0.5 mile.

Wednesday, 3/29/2023

7833 steps, 41/95 resting/max HR, 7:13 hours sleep, 175.3 pounds, 6 floors climbed
Walk: 1.5 miles, 20:23, 13:35 pace, 15 feet elevation gain, 76/93 avg/max HR, 118/179 avg/max cadence, 28F, 86% RH, 8 mph SW wind, wind chill 21F, clear
Shoes: black Brooks Adrenaline GTSXX shoes - 551.22 miles
I got out for another brisk walk on my usual "Out to Ling Rd" route. It was clear, cold and a bit windy so I put on my heavy Craft long sleeve under my Brooks 1/4 zip long sleeve pullover. I still had to walk at a brisk pace to keep warm. My left hip/hamstring was OK (and probably happy that I wasn't running). My splits were 13:47 and 13:11 over the last 0.5 mile.

Thursday, 3/30/2023

1148 steps, 40/113 resting/max HR, 10:02 hours sleep, 175.3 pounds, 2 floors climbed
Walk: 1.5 miles, 19:47, 13:10 pace, 16 feet elevation gain, 88/119 avg/max HR, 21F, 68% RH, 7 mph WSW wind, wind chill 13F, partly cloudy
Shoes: black Brooks Adrenaline GTSXX shoes - 552.72 miles
I was on vacation from Ricoh today so there was no pressure to get up at the crack of dawn. I only slept in for 30 minutes lol! A windy cold front had blown in last night and dumped an inch of snow overnight plus it was about 20 degrees colder. So ... I had to dig extra deep to find some motivation to get outside. I tried to run but I could tell within a hundred years that it wasn't a good idea. So ... I pivoted and pressed Walk (actually it was Bike so no cadence or splits data today). It was cold so I set up a very brisk walk pace. I kept to the road so I could really walk fast (and keep warm).

Friday, 3/31/2023

5288 steps, 41/144 resting/max HR, 8:05 hours sleep, 173.9 pounds, 14 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 28:30, 9:02 pace, 54 feet elevation gain, 132/145 avg/max HR, 154/160 avg/max cadence, 36F, 64% RH, calm, cloudy
Shoes: black Brooks Adrenaline GTSXX shoes - 555.87 miles
I was on vacation from Ricoh again so I slept in until a bit after 7 AM. I got up, dressed and out a bit after 8:30 AM. I wanted to run no matter what my left hip/hamstring had to say about it so I did. It ached a bit that got better the further I went so I kept going. Sometimes I just have to run. I got it done. My splits were 9:08, 9:00, 9:04 and 8:33 over the last 0.15 mile.

Well ... it's the end of March so it's stat time! I developed something in my left hip/hamstring so I took walks and less runs than usual. It's not going away. I think I have to start stretching during the day but I just can't bring myself to take the time to do it.

I took 18 walks for 21.03 miles during March, 1.17 miles/walk.
I took 15 runs for 53.26 miles during March, 3.55 miles/run.
I ran 1 race during March.
 3/11/2023 - Runnin' of the Green 5 miles, 42:23, 8:21 pace
I walked 216,787 steps during March.

Saturday, 4/1/2023

1743 steps, 39/97 resting/max HR, 8:36 hours sleep, 174.3 pounds, 1 floor climbed
Walk: 2.15 miles, 28:52, 13:26 pace, 46 feet elevation gain, 87/104 avg/max HR, 55F, 82% RH, 16 mph WSW wind, sunny
Shoes: black Brooks Adrenaline GTSXX shoes - 558.02 miles
I didn't sleep in as much and woke up with my Alexa alarm at 6:15 AM. I did get up, dressed (in shorts!) and got out a bit after 7:30 AM. I could tell that my left hip/hamstring wasn't happy so I opted for a brisk walk. It was 19F warmer than yesterday so I added a bit and went all the way down to the end of Beach Ave. I pressed Bike on my Garmin Venu again so there are no splits or cadence.

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