Sunday, June 25, 2023

Sunday, 6/25/2023 to Saturday, 7/1/2023

I walked once this week, 1.65 miles.
I ran 3 times his week, 9.45 miles.
I biked 3 times this week, 42.45 miles
I took 32,469 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate, hours slept and floors climbed (take those last 2 data points with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight.

WALKING/RUNNING/BIKING: I have been hampered by a nagging ache in my left hip/hamstring for the past month. So ... I can do short walks (1.5 miles), somewhat painful runs (< 3.1 miles) or bike rides (< 20 miles). A run or a bike is better than a walk in my 65-year-old mind but any exercise is good in the end.

BTW, I am on a 1096 day streak of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 6/24). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

Sunday, 6/25/2023

1894 steps, 41/110 resting/max HR, 7:48 hours sleep, 173.7 pounds, 3 floors climbed
Bike: 15.85 miles, 1:15:38, 12.6/22.3 avg.max mph, 71 feet elevation gain, 101/115 avg/max HR, 25/31 avg/max respiration, 58/83 avg/max cadence, 66F, 94% RH, 9 mph WSW wind, cloudy
I got up, dressed and out on my "Out to East Manitou Rd and around" route. It was a bit windy but what you going to do? Stay in? Nah! I saw a swan family by the beach on Buck Pond so I swung around for a picture. A nice ride!

Monday, 6/26/2023

8096 steps, 43/147 resting/max HR, 7:19 hours sleep, 173.4 pounds, 10 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 28:48, 9:08 miles, 56 feet elevation gain, 131/149 avg/max HR, 154/163 avg/max cadence, 68F, 94% RH, 3 mph SSW wind, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 13.64 miles
It was either going to be a walk or run this morning ... I chose to run. My left hamstring was achy but I ran onward. It ached ... I ran onward. I could have turned around at Ling Rd or Beach Ave ... I ran onward. I ran a slow and achy 5K on my "Out to Clematis St". I was dripping with sweat when I got done. I closed the windows, turned on the AC when  I got inside. I took a shower once I stopped dripping all over the place. Anyway ... my splits were 9:29, 9:02, 8:59 and 8:43 over the last 0.15. A negative split 5K was OK.

Tuesday, 6/27/2023

3120 steps, 41/106 resting/max HR, 9:51 hours sleep, 174.1 pounds, 2 floors climbed
Bike: 13.27 miles, 1:03:13, 12.6/19.8 avg/max mph, 99/115 avg/max mph, 24/31 avg/max respiration, 56/79 avg/max cadence, 64F, 100% RH, 3 mph SSW wind, cloudy
It was either a walk or a ride this morning. I chose a ride on my usual "Out to East Manitou Rd" route. It was as peaceful as usual. The swan family on Buck Pond was washing themselves again as I rode by.

Wednesday, 6/28/2023

4253 steps, 45/86 resting/max HR, 174.0 pounds, 7 floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 23:38, 14:19 pace, 12 feet elevation gain, 84/93 avg/max HR, 114/124 avg/max cadence, 61F, 100% RH, 9 mph WNW wind, overcast
Shoes: black Brooks Adrenaline GTSXX - 642.93 miles
It was either a walk or a run. I chose a walk on my usual "Out to Ling Rd" route. There was a air quality alert today. It was unusally overcast but I couldn't smell any smoke like a couple of weeks ago. My splits were 14:16 and 14:25 over the last 0.65 mile.

Thursday, 6/29/2023

6775 steps, 42/145 resting/max HR, 8:03 hours sleep, 174.2 pounds, 17 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 28:28, 9:02 pace, 57 feet elevation gain, 131/149 avg/max HR, 152/168 avg/max cadence, 55F, 100% RH 6 mph WSW wind, overcast and a bit smoky
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 16.79 miles
The AQI from was a bit over 150 which put the air quality as Unhealthy. I needed to run or bike. I chose to run on my usual "Out to Clematis St" route. I could smell the smoke in the air but it didn't affect me. My left hamstring ached but it didn't get worse so I just ran slow and got the run done. I stopped at a bench at 1.53 mile to rest a minute and take a picture of the sunrise through the smoke. You could barely see the sun. My Samsung A51 camera couldn't see it (unless you zoomed in on it). My splits were 9:26, 8:53, 8:51 and 8:25 over the last 0.15 mile. Another negative split ... a lot easier to do when you start off slow as a dog.

Friday, 6/30/2023

1330 steps, 41/110 resting/max HR, 8:12 hours sleep, 175.2 pounds, 7 floors climbed
Bike: 13.33 miles, 1:04:46, 12.3/21.7 avg/max mph, 52 feet elevation gain, 96/117 avg/max HR, 25/31 
avg/max respiration, 55/103 avg/max cadence, 64F, 77% RH, 6 mph SW wind, cloudy
I had a vacation day off of Ricoh so I slept in for a hour or so. There was more traffic on Edgemere Drive than usual but no issues. It seemed a bit breezy and that I had a headwind everywhere I rode. The AQI from was 164, Unhealthy. I didn't smell any smoke.

It's the end of June so it's stat time!

I walked 18 times in June for 26.01 miles, 1.45 miles/walk.
I ran 11 times in June for 24.90 miles, 2.26 miles/run.
I ran 3 races in June:
 6/9 Charlie McMullen Mile, 8:03, 2nd/11 in my Men 8+ race
 6/13 Run Our River 5K - June, 28:03, 8:58 pace, 86th/144, 6th/13 in my M 60-69 age group
 6/24 Harborfest 10K (6.48 miles), 1:07:58, 10:30 pace, 104th/155, 6th/7 in my M 65-59 age group
I biked 12 times in June for 160.39 miles, 13.37 miles/bike.
I took 179,751 steps in June.

June ... another month in my Walk/Run/Bike streak. I still got out there but some days it was a struggle. My left hamstring did get a bit bettter but my running was still achy (and some days a LOT more achy). My stretching after EVERY walk/run/bike helped a bit. I guess getting older is not for the faint of heart.

Oh, I plugged the plug on a Best Western reservation that I had placed in Strongsville OH for Saturday night. I had made it so that my darling wife, Christine, and I could attend the 2nd annual Barn Party of her daughter, Beth, and her husband, Nick on Saturday afternoon. My darling wife, Christine, has a chronic medical condition that makes it extremely painful to travel.for long distances. Any further detail would be TMI.

Saturday, 7/1/2023

7001 steps, 44/146 resting/max HR, 10:20 hours sleep, 174.7 pounds, 11 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 29:52, 9:28 pace, 63 feet elevation gain, 132/150 avg/max HR, 149/162 avg/max cadence, 73F, 78% RH, 8mph SW wind, mostly cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 19.79 miles
I got up, dressed and got out. I very briefly thought about my longer "Out by the pier and around" route but my left hamstring said "No" but I was stubborn and run anyway. I went out on my "Out to Clematis St" route for a 5K. It was slow, achy and sweaty but it was a run. My splits were 9:16, 9:22, 9:54 and 8:43 over the last 0.15 mile.

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