Sunday, September 3, 2023

Sunday, 9/3/2023 to Saturday, 9/9/2023 - Heritage Hero 10K

I walked twice this week, 3.15 miles.
I ran 5 times this week, 19.93 miles.
I biked twice this week, 20.71 miles.
I took 47,689 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate, hours slept and floors climbed (take those last 2 data points with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight.

WALKING/RUNNING/BIKING: I have gotten over a nagging ache in my left hip/hamstring through lots of stretching. So ... I do short walks (1.65 miles), runs (< 5 miles) or bike rides (< 20 miles). A run or a bike is better than a walk in my 65-year-old mind but any exercise is good in the end.

Walk/Run/Bike electronics: Garmin Venu (backup for the bike) and Shockz Air bone conduction headphones (discontinued on the Shockz website).

BTW, I am on a 1166 day (a bit over 3 years) streak of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 9/2). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

Sunday, 8/27/2023

7648 steps, 44/140 avg/max HR, 8:31 hours sleep, 172.5 pounds, 12 floors climbed
Run: 4.45 miles, 40:48, 9:10, 95 feet elevation gain, 129/143 avg/max HR, 154/176 avg/max cadence, 66F, 88% RH, 6 mph SW wind, sunny
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 120.87miles
I got out for a slightly longer run on my "Out by the pier and around" route. It was more humid than yesterday so I struck up a nice and easy pace. I held that pace until mile 2.5 when I just got too hot and lapsed into a run/walk the rest of the way. My splits were 9:00, 8:39, 9:11, 9:50 and 9:05 over the last 0.45 mile. I "lost" 2.2 pounds in sweat.

Monday, 9/4/2023

5800 steps, 45/131 avg/max HR, 172.6 pounds, 9 floors climbed

I wanted to do a multisport R/B/R today but the heat humidity made me chose a R/B/W.

Run: 1.5 miles, 13:25, 8:56 pace, 5 feet elevation gain, 125/135 avg/max HR, 157/167 avg/max cadence, 75F, 78% RH, 9 mph W wind, sunny
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 122.37 miles
I wanted to go 2 miles on the first run but the heat and humidity urged me to turn around at Ling Rd. My splits were 9:03 and 8:41. 

Bike: 9.22 miles, 44:54, 12.3/21.1 avg/max mph, 64 feet elevation gain, 113/124 avg/max HR, 29/37 avg/max respiration, 57/80 avg/max cadence, 79F, 70% RH, 12 mph W wind, mostly sunny
The bike had a stiff headwind heading out Janes Rd but a nice tailwind coming back on Janes Rd. My top speed of 21.1 mph was on flat Janes Rd. 

Walk: 1.5 miles, 21:26, 14:18 pace, 3 feet elevation gain, 96/121 avg/max HR, 117 avg cadence, 81F, 70% RH 13 mph W wind, mostly sunny
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 123.87 miles
I wanted to do another run for the last leg but the heat and humidity told me to go with a walk. My splits were 14:41 and 13:31 over the last 0.5 mile. 

But ... I was out there ... and ... I got it done! I "lost" 1.3 pounds in sweat. My last R/B/W was over a year ago on Memorial Day 2022.

Tuesday, 9/5/2023

7436 steps, 43/146 avg/max HR, 8:39 hours sleep, 171.9 pounds, 15 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 28:06, 8:55 pace, 54 feet elevation gain, 134/148 avg/max HR, 155/163 avg/max cadence, 72F, 88% RH, 6 mph WSW wind, sunny
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 127.02 miles
Well ... my 4th day of running in a row (3.15, 4.45, 1.5 and 3.15). I went out nice and easy. I held it until a bit after mile 2 and walked a bit up the Greenleaf Rd hill. My splits were 8:52, 8:50, 9:06 and 8:30 over the last 0.15 mile.

I will be off this whole week again on vacation from Ricoh ... I could get used to it!!!

Wednesday, 9/6/2023

1954 steps, 42/126 avg/max HR, 8:26 hours sleep, 172.1 pounds, 10 floors climbed
Bike: 11.49 miles, 52:43, 13.1/20.1 avg/max mph, 106/121 avg/max mph, 28/37 avg/max respiration, 57/80 avg/max cadence, 79F, 70% RH, 6 mph SSW wind, sunny
I was a bit lazy at getting out this morning so it was so hot and humid already. It was either a walk or a bike. I chose bike because I thought the breeze would cool me down. No ... it really didn't. You can still work up a sweat on the bike.

Thursday, 9/7/2023

7538 steps, 46/144 avg/max HR, 10:49 hours sleep, 171.9 pounds, 23 floors climbed
Run: 4.45 miles, 41:28, 9:19 pace, 75 feet elevation gain, 130/146 avg/max HR, 151/166 avg/max cadence, 73F, 83% RH, 6 mph SSW wind, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 131.47 miles
I had to overcome a bit of laziness but I did get out before noon. It was forecast to get a bit cooler but it really wasn't and was just as humid. I started out really nice and easy on my "Out by the pier and around" route. I did OK until a bit after mile 2 when I just couldn't take the humidity anymore. I lapsed into a run/walk the rest of the way. My splits were 9:01, 8:38, 9:40, 10:17 and 8:33 over the last 0.45 mile. I was dripping with sweat and went straight inside without stretching.

Friday, 9/8/2023

5791 steps, 42/97 avg/max HR, 7:33 hours sleep, 173.9 pounds, 6 floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 20:58, 12:41 pace, 16 feet elevation gain, 94/101 avg/max HR, 121 avg cadence, 72F, 73% RH, 9 mph WNW wind, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Launch GTS8 - 320.46 miles
I had to go into work for a couple hours from 8 AM to 10 AM to replace a fuser in a cranky Ricoh SPC830 printer. Why, you ask? It's because that no one else at Ricoh had the proper clearance to get into the B5 SCIF. My boss says "Doug, you can't retire". Well, it's no the first time that I have come in for a few hours when I was on vacation and probably won't be the last I guess. But it was only 2 hours and I was awake, in town and it's wasn't too much trouble. Then life tried to get in the way of my R/W/B streak. But I got out just before 2 PM before I could have lunch. I set up a very brisk walking pace. My splits were 13:00 and 12:12 over the last 0.65 mile.

Saturday, 9/9/2023

11522 steps, 41/141 avg/max HR, 7:13 hours sleep, 175.2 pounds, 32 floors climbed
Run: 6.28 miles, 55:17, 8:48 pace, 201 feet elevation gain, 135/146 avg/max HR, 157/175 avg/max cadence, 65F, 81% RH, 5 mph NNW win, overcast with mist. 
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 137.75 miles
Today's race was a Rochester Runner of the Year (RROY) race, the Heritage Hero 10K, held at Seabreeze Amusement Park. I ran the race last year so I knew the course. It heads out and down to Durand Eastman Park and then back. The back up part sucks after you have run 5 miles. But ... I was there about 30 minutes early, stretched and got ready.
And ... we were off! It was overcast with a real fine mist that felt a bit refreshing. I certainly didn't need my sunglasses. I set up a nice and easy pace and did OK for the first 2.6 miles. Then ... I lapsed into a run/walk. But ... I kept running the best I could the rest of the way. I saw the time click past 55:00 and finished in 55:17. 
I did OK, it was my fastest 10K of 2023. My splits were 8:36, 8:08, 8:29, 8:58, 10:08, 8:42 and 7:56 over the last 0.28 mile. I was 22nd out of 56 and 1st out of 2 in my M 60-69 age group, results here.

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