Monday, February 17, 2025

Sunday, 2/16/2025 to Saturday, 2/22/2025 - Freezeroo #6

I walked 4 times this week, 2.39 miles.
I snowshoed 2 times this week, 3.78 miles.
I ran on the treadmill for 3.15 miles.
I ran 4 times this week, 11.59 miles.
I took 55,393 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate and floors climbed (take that last data point with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight (when it feels like connecting to our Wi-Fi).

WALKING/RUNNING: I have gotten over a nagging ache in my left hip/hamstring through lots and LOTS of stretching. So ... I do walks or runs and then stretch afterwards. A run is better than a walk in my 67-year-old mind but any exercise is good in the end.

Walk/Run electronics: I use my Garmin Venu for runs and walks. I listen to my CelsusSound S800C Bone Conduction Headphones.

BTW, I am on a 1698 day steak (4 years, 7 months) of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 2/15). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

Sunday, 2/16/2025
5496 steps, 49/106 avg/max HR, 172.9 pounds, 12 floors climbed
Snowshoe: 2.15 miles, 53:06, 24:45 pace, 94/112 avg/max HR, 101/159 avg/max cadence, 25°F, 86% RH, 14 mph NNE wind, light snow
Shoes: blue Salamon SpeedCross 4 trail shoes - 329.11 miles
It has snowed or a freezing rain fell off and on all yesterday afternoon, night and this morning as I lazed around and watched TV. I figured the roads were crappy so I strapped on my snowshoes and took a walk around the Lake Shoe Country Club. 
The snow was crunchy and a bit hard to walk in. Most of the branches had an 1/8 inch of ice on them. I was glad to stop when I got done. My splits were 25:05, 24:16 and 25:20 over the last 0.15 mile.

Monday, 2/17/2025
7037 steps, 44/118 avg/max HR, 172.6/172.5 pounds, 14 floors climbed
Walk: 1.15 miles, 24:22, 21:12 pace, 101/123 avg/max HR, 97/159 avg/max cadence, 18F, 79% RH, 15 mph WNW wind, wind chill 4F, light snow
Shoes: black Brooks Crossmax trail shoes with screws - 801.86 miles
Well ... it was still snowing when I woke up. I didn't sleep well ... I woke up at 3:51 AM and I doubt I went back to sleep. So ... I did what I do ... I got up and got out. There was about a foot of drifted snow in front of our door and about 6 inches of snow in the parking lot. I stayed off the road and trudged on my "Another mile" that put me on the LOSP Trail where I trudged through about 6 to 12 inches of snow.

Tuesday, 2/18/2025
9801 steps, 42/134 avg/max HR, 173.1/171.9 pounds, 10 floors climbed
Walk: 0.24 mile, 4:21, 18:11 pace, 92/99 avg/max HR, 117/127 avg/max cadence, 9F, 61% RH, 16 mph W wind, wind chill -8F, light snow
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 91.49 miles
Run: 3.15 miles, 30:34, 9:42 pace, 119/141 avg/max HR, 155/163 avg/max cadence
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 94.64 miles
Walk: 0.35 mile, 6:03, 17:19 pace, 84/97 avg/max HR, 9F, 61% RH, 16 mph W wind, wind chill -8F, light snow
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 94.99 miles
Well ... I decided that warmth and safety was more important than wind chill and slippery shoulders on Greenleaf Rd and Beach Ave. I walked down to the Exercise Center and did a Treadmill 5K. The guy that I usually see on my 6 AM runs or walks was there too. So ... I wasn't the only one who wanted warmth this morning. You have to dress differently to run indoors than outdoors. Outdoors I put my shorts over my tights and indoors I put on my shorts first over a pair of sweatpants. I peeled off everything besides my short and a short sleeve tech before I started running on the treadmill. I set the treadmill up at 9:13 pace but the Indoor Track setting on my Venu calculated a 9:42 pace based on my strides. No matter ... I did a 5K indoors ... and sweat instead of froze! Yes ... the treadmill was BORING ... but I was warm.

Wednesday, 2/19/2025
8756 steps, 45/106 avg/max HR, 172.4/172.3 pounds, 11 floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 26:10, 15:52, 92/104 avg/max HR, 110/161 avg/max cadence, 16F, 73% RH, 10 mph W wind, wind chill 4F, light snow
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 96.64 miles
Well ... I really didn't want to get out of the nice, warm bed ... but I did. I really wanted to run but it had snowed a bit overnight ... again. I dressed for a walk but put on my running shoes just in case. The footing was dicey so I chose a safer walk. I almost slipped a few time before I even got to Greenleaf Rd so I made the wise choice. I chose the plowed sidewalk instead the dicey shoulders on Greenleaf Rd. It had about 2 inches of snow but that gave me plenty of traction. The dicey part was the transition from snow to slush to road on the Greenleaf Meadows road. I saw one car that had NOT brushed off their side windows that had stopped for another car before they exited from their parking lot. Luckily I noticed and didn't try to walk in front of them. IDIOT! Don't get me started on the drivers that don't know that their headlights are NOT ON when it's dusk, dawn or even dark! Anyways ... my splits were 16:00 and 15:40 over the last 0.65 mile.

Thursday, 2/20/2025
6819 steps, 42/144 avg/max HR, 171.8/172.2 pounds, 16 floors climbed
Run: 3.16 mile, 29:27, 9:20 pace, 128/150 avg/max HR, 154/165 avg/max cadence, 19F, 67% RH, 9 mph NW wind, wind chill 10F, light snow
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 99.80 miles
Well ... another 4 inches of fluffy snow fell overnight ... what else is new? I had to use a Ricoh vacation day so I slept in until 7:10 AM. I surprised my darling wife, Christine, with the news when I woke her up ;-). The snow was still falling when I got out for a much needed run around 11 AM. The Greenleaf Meadows road was a bit slippery along with the Greenleaf Rd and Beach Ave shoulders on my "Out to Clematis St" route. I ran in the road 90% of the time except when cars were coming. No worries. My splits were 9:34, 9:43, 8:46 and 9:00 over the 0.16 mile.

Friday, 2/21/2025
5055 steps, 48/98 avg/max HR, 172.9/173.9 pounds, 11 floors climbed
Snowshoe: 1.63 miles, 48:27, 29:42 pace, 83/110 avg/max HR, 113/193 avg/max cadence, 18F, 62% RH, 21 mph WNW wind, wind chill 1F, partly cloudy
Shoes: blue Salamon SpeedCross 4 trail shoes - 330.74 miles
I heard on the TV last night that the Rochester airport (KROC) has had detectable snow flakes for 50/51 in 2025. Well ... it snowed in the morning up here at Lake Ontario so I bet it's 51/52 now. So ... there was ample snow for me to get out on my snowshoes for a "A snowshoe walk" in the Lake Shore Country Club. It was quite strenous as I sank between 6 to 12 inches with each step. I didn't do my usual route. I decided to cut it short when I sank up to the knees before I had even gone 100 feet. My splits were 29:30 and 29:58 over the last 0.63 mile.

Saturday, 2/22/2025
12429 steps, 43/161 avg/max HR, 172.7 pounds, 29 floors climbed
Today's race was Freezeroo #6, the last race of 6 in the 2024-2025 Greater Rochester Running Club (GRRC) Freezeroo series. The race venue was the White House on Lake Ontario in Webster. I got to the race venue in time to snag the second to last close parking spot. The weather conditions down at KROC (about 25 miles southwest) were 18F, 73% RH, 7 mph SW wind, wind chill 10F, partly cloudy.
Run: 0.9 mile, 8:20, 9:14 pace, 124/144 avg/max HR, 156/163 avg/max cadence
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 100.70 miles
I got for a little warm up run. I found that the shoulders on Lake Rd and Holt Rd were snow covered. I ran in the road as much as possible.
Run: 4.38 miles, 36:25, 8:22 pace, 137/166 avg/max HR, 163/173 avg/max cadence
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin Stealthfit GTS20 - 104.08 miles
And ... we were off! We all turned left onto Holt Rd and immediately played chicken with oncoming cars until we turned left onto Woodhull Rd. The course is a double 2.2 mile loop. I maintained a steady pace on Loop 1. Loop 2 was more of the same. One foot in front of the other and maintain my position with my fellow runners. And ... last turn onto Lake Rd ... 0.4 mile to go ... 0.2 mile to go ... push ... turn onto Hold Rd ... last turn (wide to not fall) ... and done in 36:35 (36:34 official).
I did OK. I was 36th out of 99, results here. I was 2nd out of 7 in my M 65-69 age group, results here. I finished 2nd in the M 65-69 age group for the 6 race series behind the speedy Tim Dwyer. My splits were 8:27, 8:18, 8:38, 8:07 and 8:13 over the last 0.38 mile.

This week was an epic week of exercise ... 4 walks, 1 treadmill run, 2 snowshoe walks and 4 runs!!!

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