Monday, May 13, 2019

Sunday, 5/12/2019 to Saturday, 5/18/2019

I ran 4 times this week, 21.9 miles.
I walked 60,389 steps during the week according to my Pebble 2 HR smartwatch.

Sunday, 5/12/2019: 9459 steps during the day, 5.45 miles, 4:08, 8:45 pace, 134 avg HR, 160 avg cadence, 46F, 86% RH, 16 mph E wind, overcast with light sprinkles

It was raining when I got up around 7:30 AM so I waited a bit before I got out. It has slowed to a real light sprinkle when I stepped out around 9 AM. The sprinkles had stopped by the time I got done. I didn't feel like an out and back 5 like usual so I headed "around the block" 5 like last Sunday ... when I tripped and tweaked my left hamstring. I set up a nice and steady pace. My muscles felt good but I didn't push. I did notice that the cobblestones around the solitary tree by Bill Gray's where I had tripped last Sunday weren't there. It had been paved over! So ... I was just an unfortunate soul who had happened by a week too early. My splits were: 8:27, 8:40, 9:02, 8:12, 8:13 and 7:52 over the last 0.45 mile.

I had left the 6 donuts that I bought yesterday at Walmart in the trunk of the 2018 Cruze. I retrieved them on my way back into our townhouse and presented them along with coffee to my darling wife, Christine. Happy Mother's Day! We spent some time together while we munched donuts and drank coffee. I also did the laundry so Christine cooked up a scrumptious Mother's Day dinner: rump roast, mashed potatoes with gravy and peas. I'm a good hunter-gatherer and cleaner-upper. She is a good cook who knows what I like to eat. I have to run to keep under 175 pounds (used to be 170 though). It's a good match!

Monday, 5/13/2019: 5752 steps during the day, rest day.

I took a look at my left leg when I got out of the shower this morning and immediately called out to Christine to come take a look. There were several bruises above and below where that tick beat me about 4 weeks ago (either 4/15 or 4/17). I am going to Google what I should do plus I am definitely going to email my PCP ... when I remember.

Tuesday, 5/14/2019: 12586 steps during the day, 6.25 miles, 51:37, 8:17 pace, 136 avg HR, 160 avg cadence, 48F, 87% RH, 9 mph SE wind, wind chill 45F, overcast.

I had all my running gear except my Nathan Zipster and Garmin heart strap so I went home to get them. I found them pretty quickly. The Nathan Zipster was in the basement where I had hung it up to dry on Sunday and the Garmin heart strap was hanging on my bicycle. I put them on, told Christine "goodbye" and headed out. I did remember about the bruises on my left legs but I figured I could walk so I could run too ... so I did. I set up a nice and steady pace. I thought of just an out and back 5 miles but I kept going until 5K before heading back ... a bit fast on the way back. My splits were: 8:20, 8:32, 8:18, 8:14, 8:08, 8:17 and 7:55 over the last 0.25 mile. Boom ... done!

Wednesday, 5/15/2019: 7072 steps during the day, rest day.

Thursday, 5/16/2019: 15783 steps during the day, 7.05 miles, 59:11, 8:23 pace, 135 avg HR, 159 avg cadence, 63F, 55% RH, 8 mph NW wind, overcast.

It was Thursday ... so I ran. Same old routine ... same time but a slightly different route to add on 2 miles. I went up the I390 trail to Latta and back. I'm not a fan of the addition because of its roots across the paved trail. My thighs felt a bit tired so I felt sluggish. It was a bit warmer than usual so I stopped for two tiny water breaks. It was kind of a blah run. My splits were: 8:21, 8:47, 8:08, 8:16, 8:16, 8:25 and 8:35.

Friday, 4/17/2019: 6773 steps during the day, rest day.

A couple of license plates that I have seen ... CURTC2ME at a Wendy's and NO1BUGME out driving. Nice!

Saturday, 4/18/2019: 2964 steps during day, 3.15 miles, 27:33, 8:44 pace, 126 avg HR, 158 avg cadence, 51F, 68% RH, 5 mph N wind, overcast

I was up early on a Saturday. I probably will be the rest of the summer and early fall because the sun comes up and shines right in onto my bed at 7 AM ... joy!.I don't normally run on the day before a race (Lilac 10K tomorrow) but I knew that Sehgahunda was being run at 8 AM and I wanted to run (just a bit) too. I saw Ellen's Facebook Live of the women's start come in 7:45 AM. I heard Boot's Facebook Live come in at 8 AM but I was already outside. I started up on a really nice and easy pace ... just for a out and back 5K. Just enough to get a bit of exercise but not enough to give up my race legs for tomorrow's Lilac 10K. My splits were: 8:50, 8:43, 8:42 and 8:35 ... a bit of a negative split.

My steps for today are most likely off. I discovered that my Pebble 2 HR smartwatch was in the middle of an update when I got home.

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