Sunday, December 20, 2020

Sunday, 12/20/2020 to Saturday, 12/26/2020

This blog post is saved as I write it to avoid the Blogger "Auto Save" feature. I have found (as have others) that if you accidentally delete your entire blog post before you publish it that "Auto Save" will kick in within seconds to take you to a blank page. I have done this more than once! This feature is turned off once you publish the blog post. Then if you accidentally delete your entire post it is not final until you click Update (so you have a chance to realize that you are about to do something stupid).

I walked 6 times this week for 7.48 miles.
I didn't run this week due to a right hip injury.
I biked once this week for 9.60 miles.
I took 26,729 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate, hours slept and floors climbed (take those last 2 data points with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight.

RUNNING/BIKING: My left knee has had issues with running. I can walk, bike ... and run. Let's say that I run ... carefully. I wear a Buff when I am out so I can slip it up when I approach someone. BTW, I am on a 179 day streak of either a walk, run or bike (as of Saturday night, 12/19).

COVID-19: I work for Ricoh as a Site Leader. I work mostly from home now. I support the 169 Ricoh printers in the four L3Harris SAS buildings. I can remotely monitor them. I am required to wear a cloth mask when I enter any L3Harris building (actually when I exit my car in the parking lot) and also pass an automated temperature test before I can enter a turnstile. I also wear a cloth mask whenever I enter any public building ... like Wegmans or BJs. I realize that a cloth mask isn't a N95 mask but it's better than nothing. I don't have disposable gloves so I wear light running gloves. News links about gloves and clothing herehere and here. I don't want to spread COVID-19 if I am asymptotic (heaven forbid) nor do I want to catch it because someone isn't wearing a mask of their own. Remember ... wear your mask! It isn't a political statement! We are NY Tough!

Sunday, 12/20/2020

3240 steps, 43/105 resting/peak HR, 11:11 hrs sleep, no weight (I must have forgotten), 3 floors climbed
walk: 1.25 miles, 24:35, 19:39 pace, 36 feet elevation gain, 92 avg HR, 111 max HR, 97 avg cadence, 34F, 100% RH, 2 to 12 mph S wind, overcast with light wet snow
My 180 day walk/run/bike streak was at stake so I got out for walk/limp. Why a walk/limp? Well ... somehow I injured my right hip yesterday when I took a really nice and easy trail run around the Lakeshore Country Club behind our Greenleaf Meadows townhouse. Yes ... I walked/limped. Yes ... it hurt. Yes ... I did it anyway. Yes ... another day in the books for the streak. My splits were: 19:30 and 18:38 over the last 0.25 mile.

Monday, 12/21/2020

3782 steps, 43/102 resting/peak HR, 6:18 hrs sleep, 173.2 lbs, 5 floors climbed
walk, 1.25 miles, 24.32, 19:40 pace, 20 feet elevation gain, 91 avg HR, 102 max HR, 103 avg cadence, 35F, 96% RH, calm, mostly cloudy
I got out for a walk/limp. I was stiff for about a half mile. It sucks but I hope I will get better sooner rather than later. But who knows? My splits were: 19:19 and 20:23 over the last 0.25 mile.

Tonight was the "Christmas Star" conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. Christine and I both went upstairs to look out our upstairs windows to see it ... but the skies over Rochester were cloudy. We saw it 2 nights before so we did see it.

Tuesday, 12/22/2020

3689 steps, 44/108 resting/peak HR, 7:06 hrs sleep, 172.2 lbs, 2 floors climbed
walk: 1.25 miles, 21:16, 16:57 pace, 13 feet elevation gain, 101 avg HR, 113 max HR, 114 avg cadence, 35F, 100% RH, calm, partly cloudy
I got out for another walk/limp. I was stiff again for a 1/2 mile. I burst for a very slow shuffle for the last 1/4 mile because it hurt more to walk. My splits were: 17:51 and 13:23 over the last 0.25 mile.

Wednesday, 12/23/2020

6077 steps, 44/110 resting/peak HR, 6:55 hrs sleep, 172.7 lbs, 6 floors climbed
walk: 1.05 mile, 18:18, 17:26 pace, 26 feet elevation gain, 97 avg HR, 117 max HR, 109 avg cadence, 34F, 73% RH, 2 mph SSE wind, mostly cloudy
I got out for yet another walk/limp. My right hip still hurts. I can't walk without a limp. I tried an awkward run/limp a few times but it didn't feel good so I went back into my walk/limp. Aarrgghh! Another mile in the book. 

Thursday, 12/24/2020

5542 steps, 42/104 resting/peak HR, 9:27 hrs sleep, (forgot to weigh myself), 10 floors climbed
walk: 1.63 miles, 35:36, 21:54 pace, 43 feet elevation gain, 95 avg HR, 108 max HR, 94 avg cadence, 54F, 71% RH, 13 to 26 mph S wind, overcast
I slept in until about 7:30 AM. I had stuff to do so I got out. First was a blood draw in preparation for my annual physical on 1/11/2021. I had to fast so no coffee before. I brought coffee for after though, lol! Then it was a bit of last minute grocery shopping at Wegmans. The last was a trip to Wendy's for a breakfast treat: a Breakfast Baconator for Christine and I. Mmm!!! I got my blood test results at 12:10 PM. Everything was fine except my TSH level (something to do with my thyroid) is way high. Christine said that it could be why I feel tired all the time. I do have to fight to get going. I still get going though.

Then it was out yet another walk/limp. The right hip pain was still there ... just slightly less. Progress, I guess. I walked a bit farther ... seeing the world on my "Out to Ling Rd" route at a slower pace. 

Friday, 12/25/2020

634 steps, 45/113 resting/peak HR, 10:56 (?) hrs sleep, 174.3 lbs, 0 floors climbed
bike: 9.60 miles, 54:24, 10.6 avg mph, 24.8 max mph, 99 avg HR, 121 max HR, 59 avg cadence, 31F, 93% RH, 11 to 25 mph SSW wind, wind chill 22F (or less), overcast
I slept in until 8:45 AM on Christmas. It was just my darling wife, Christine, and I like usual. I wanted to change things up so I chose to ride my bike. It was just above freezing so I dressed warmly. I chose my CW-X tights, Craft long sleeve tech, Brooks jacket, balaclava, Brooks beanie and heavy running gloves. I chose a loop, "Out to Island Cottage and around" so I wouldn't ride into a headwind for a long period. I still froze my fingers in my heavy running gloves. I did get in 9.6 miles and 98 rides for 2020. It did take a couple mugs of coffee and my new slippers to get my feet warm again.

Christine and I lazed around and ate Christmas cookies. Who knew that Wegmans sold cut-out Christmas cookies by the pound?

Saturday, 12/26/2020

3765 steps, 
walk: 1.05 miles, 24:07 (estimated), 22:58 pace (estimated), 46 feet elevation gain, 82 avg HR, 97 max HR, 87 avg cadence, 21F, 92% RH, 10 to 30 mph SSW wind, wind chill 8F, overcast
Yet another f***ing walk. It has been a f***ing week since I injured my right hip when I taking a trail  run in the Lakeshore Country Club behind our townhouse at Greenleaf Meadows. I have no f***ing idea what I did but it is really pissing me off! 

Anyway ... I went out. It hurt to walk/limp but I did because I am stupid cuss or fool ... I am not sure which one. My Garmin is only for 0.83 mile. Why? I accidentally set off my Garmin Venu Incident Alert when I stepped off the road to let a car go by. I was bent over and must have pressed one of the buttons more than for 5 seconds. I really need to read the manual on how that part of my Venu works.

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