Sunday, February 28, 2021

Sunday, 2/28/2021 to Saturday, 3/6/2021

This blog post is saved as I write it to avoid the Blogger "Auto Save" feature. I have found (as have others) that if you accidentally delete your entire blog post before you publish it that "Auto Save" will kick in within seconds to take you to a blank page. I have done this more than once! This feature is turned off once you publish the blog post. Then if you accidentally delete your entire post it is not final until you click Update (so you have a chance to realize that you are about to do something stupid).

I didn't snowshoe this week.
I walked once this week, 2.1 miles.
I ran 6 times this week for 15.43 miles.
I didn't bike this week. 
I took 51,537 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate, hours slept and floors climbed (take those last 2 data points with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight.

RUNNING/BIKING: I am running shorter now (about 2 to 4 miles) at a nice and easy pace. I am happy to be able to run. I no longer push to get to 100 miles/month. I wear a Buff when I am out so I can slip it up when I approach someone. BTW, I am on a 249 day streak of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 2/27). There were a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

COVID-19: I work for Ricoh as a Site Leader. I work mostly from home now. I support the 169 Ricoh printers in the four L3Harris SAS buildings. I can remotely monitor them. I am required to wear a cloth mask when I enter any L3Harris building (actually when I exit my car in the parking lot) and also pass an automated temperature test before I can enter a turnstile. I also wear a cloth mask whenever I enter any public building ... like Wegmans or BJs. I realize that a cloth mask isn't a N95 mask but it's better than nothing. I don't have disposable gloves so I wear light running gloves. News links about gloves and clothing herehere and here. I don't want to spread COVID-19 if I am asymptotic (heaven forbid) nor do I want to catch it because someone isn't wearing a mask of their own. Remember ... wear your mask! It isn't a political statement! We are NY Tough!

Sunday, 2/28/2021

7708 steps, 46/147 resting/max HR, 8:11 hrs sleep, 177.2 lbs, 22 floors climbed
run: 4.0 miles, 33:54, 8:28 pace, 144 feet elevation gain, 139/148 avg/max HR, 159 avg cadence, 38F, 79% RH, 14 to 25 mph SE wind, wind chill 30F, cloudy
I was up at 5 AM ... I just couldn't get back to sleep. I didn't get out early but I did get out around a bit after 10 AM. I stayed on the way with a rarely used route, "Greenleaf, Beach to Dewey Ave". It's just an out and back. I got a bit out of breath as I was coming back on Greenleaf Rd. My splits were: 8:06, 8:22, 8:36 and 8:48. I guess I was slowing down with each mile. It's all good though. I'm just happy to be able to run.

It's the end of February so it's stat time!

I walked 4 times during the month for 7.3 miles, 1.83 miles/walk.
I snowshoed 6 times during the month for 12.72 miles, 2.12 miles/snowshoe.
I ran 18 times for 41.95 miles during the month, 2.33 miles/run.
I took 188,240 steps during the month.

Monday, 3/1/2021

7889 steps, 47/135 avg/max HR, 8:21 hrs sleep, 176.3 lbs, 14 floors climbed
run: 2.01 miles, 18:14, 9:05 pace, 75 feet elevation gain, 125/138 avg/max HR, 153 avg cadence, 37F,  90% RH, 7 to 24 mph W wind, wind chill 32F, cloudy
I got out before the weather changed again. It has been warmer in Rochester NY for the past week and most of the snow has melted. I have heard birds chirping on my runs. But ... it's not spring yet. Today a couple of cold fronts will swing through and bring the temperatures down to the teens with a stiff 30 to 50 mph wind all day. The wind chill tomorrow morning is forecast to be -5F. Brr! Anyway ... today my splits were: 8:42 and 8:56 (I forgot to pause my Garmin when I stopped at the Redbox at the Lake Ave 7-11 when I dropped off 2 DVDs).

Tuesday, 3/2/1021

4805 steps, 45/88 avg/max HR, 177.4 lbs, 10 floors climbed
walk: 2.1 miles, 29:22, 13:59 pace, 69 feet elevation gain, 77/95 avg/max HR, 118 avg cadence, 13F, 82% RH, 9 to 34 mph WNW wind, wind chill 1F, overcast
Well ... it got colder and windy overnight. It was 13F when I stepped outside. I wore about all the cold weather running clothes that I had: CW-X tights, shorts, Craft long sleeve pullover, Brooks 1/4 zip long sleeve pullover, Brooks jacket, balaclava, Brooks beanie, GRTC neck gaiter and ski mittens. I decided to walk not run to rest my legs after 6 running days in a row. So ... I walked fast since the wind chill was a chilly 1F. I wore my Salomon SpeedCross 4 trail shoes but they were overkill.  There was snow on the cutout to the LOSP Trail but it wasn't too slippery and there wasn't barely any ice on the LOSP Trail. I could have walked one but I did 2.1 miles instead ... boom. My splits were: 14:07, 13:41 and 14:09 over the last 0.1 mile.

Wednesday, 3/3/2021

7246 steps, 46/137 avg/max HR, 7:34 hrs sleep, 179.0 lbs, 12 floors climbed
run: 2.42 miles, 20:36, 8:30 pace, 102 feet elevation gain, 129/139 avg/max HR, 160 avg cadence, 34F, 71% RH, 4 to 23 WSW wind, wind chill 31F, partly cloudy
I got out for another "Out to Stutson St Overlook" route. I added all the way to Greenleaf Rd on the LOSP Trail since there was little to no ice. Spring is coming! My splits were: 8:40, 8:31 and 7:59 over the last 0.41 mile.

Thursday, 3/4/2021

9520 steps, 44/137 resting/max HR, 7:00 hrs sleep, 178.2 lbs, 16 floors climbed
run: 3.5 miles, 30:24, 8:40 pace, 95 feet elevation gain, 129/139 avg/max HR, 95 feet elevation gain, 7F, 80% RH, 7 to 19 NNW wind, wind chill 20F, cloudy
I went a bit longer this morning on my "Out by the pier" route. My right knee felt a bit off so I kept the pace nice and easy. There is almost no ice on the LOSP Trail and none on the sidewalks or boardwalk at the Ontario Beach Park. Spring is coming! My splits were: 8:35, 8:39, 8:34 and 8:41 over the last 0.5 mile.

Friday, 3/5/2021

6023 steps, 42/136 resting/peak HR, 7:47 hrs sleep, 176.2 lbs, 18 floors climbed
run: 2.41 miles, 20:46, 8:38 pace, 108 feet elevation gain, 128/137 avg/max HR, 156 avg cadence, 18F, 66% RH, 8 to 22 W wind, wind chill 8F, mostly sunny
I got up and out for a chilly "Out to Stutson St Overlook" route. It was windy so the wind chill was in the single digits. It is March? March is roaring in like a lion ... hopefully it exit like a lamb. There is visbile hope ... there is barely any ice on the LOSP Trail and is easily avoided. My splits were: 8:13, 8:34 and 8:01 over the last 0.41 mile.

Saturday, 3/6/2021

8346 steps, 44/137 resting/peak HR, 8:25 hrs sleep, 174.6 lbs, 18 floors climbed
run: 5.0 miles, 43:05, 8:37 pace, 137 feet elevation gain, 137/149 avg/max HR, 160 avg cadence, 21F, 69% RH, 10 to 24 mph WNW wind, wind chill 9F, cloudy
It was Saturday so ... I needed a longer run. It was still cold and windy so I bundled up with the usual winter weather running gear. I know what to wear (which is usually the same or a slight variation) ... so I wore it. I also discovered that my newest pair of CW-X pair of tights have a couple of small holes in the crotch besides the one in the right knee area that I created when I fell while on snowshoes a couple weeks ago. I picked a longer version of my "Out by the pier and around" route to stretch it to 5 miles. There was almost no ice on any sidewalk. The Lake Ontario lakeshore had about 50 feet of ice. My splits were: 8:36, 8:33, 8:41, 8:37 and 8:29.

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