Sunday, March 7, 2021

Sunday, 3/7/2021 to Saturday, 3/13/2021

This blog post is saved as I write it to avoid the Blogger "Auto Save" feature. I have found (as have others) that if you accidentally delete your entire blog post before you publish it that "Auto Save" will kick in within seconds to take you to a blank page. I have done this more than once! This feature is turned off once you publish the blog post. Then if you accidentally delete your entire post it is not final until you click Update (so you have a chance to realize that you are about to do something stupid).

I didn't snowshoe this week.
I walked once this week, 2.0 miles.
I ran 5 times this week for 17.8 miles.
I biked once this week, 12.66 miles.
I took 47,809 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate, hours slept and floors climbed (take those last 2 data points with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight.

RUNNING/BIKING: I am running shorter now (about 2 to 4 miles) at a nice and easy pace. I am happy to be able to run. I no longer push to get to 100 miles/month. I wear a Buff when I am out so I can slip it up when I approach someone. BTW, I am on a 256 day streak of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 3/6). There were a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

COVID-19: I work for Ricoh as a Site Leader. I work mostly from home now. I support the 169 Ricoh printers in the four L3Harris SAS buildings. I can remotely monitor them. I am required to wear a cloth mask when I enter any L3Harris building (actually when I exit my car in the parking lot) and also pass an automated temperature test before I can enter a turnstile. I also wear a cloth mask whenever I enter any public building ... like Wegmans or BJs. I realize that a cloth mask isn't a N95 mask but it's better than nothing. I don't have disposable gloves so I wear light running gloves. News links about gloves and clothing herehere and here. I don't want to spread COVID-19 if I am asymptotic (heaven forbid) nor do I want to catch it because someone isn't wearing a mask of their own. Remember ... wear your mask! It isn't a political statement! We are NY Tough!

Sunday, 3/7/2021

6706 steps, 42/143 resting/max HR, 8:29 hrs sleep, 173.8 lbs, 15 floors climbed
run: 4.0 miles, 34:30, 8:37 pace, 121 feet elevation gain, 135/145 avg/max HR, 160 avg cadence, 22F, 71F, 5 to 18 mph NNE wind, wind chill 16F, mostly sunny
I got out a bit earlier for a bit shorter run on my "Out by the pier" route. It was wonderfully brisk and sunny morning. I put on a little less clothing this morning. I was a bit cold when I started ... but I warmed up and didn't sweat as much when I got done. I set up a nice and easy pace. The run happened ... such a joy as always. My splits were: 8:29, 8:38, 8:44 and 8:36.

Monday, 3/8/2021

9715 steps, 46/135 resting/max HR, 7:29 hrs sleep, 176.5 lbs, 20 floors climbed
run: 3.1 miles, 26:35, 8:34 pace, 105 feet elevation gain, 125/137 avg/max HR, 160 avg cadence, 21F, 86% RH, 6 to 9 mph SSW wind, wind chill 15F, mostly sunny
Just a 5K out on my longer "Out to Stutson St Overlook" route. Why longer? The LOSP Trail is 99% clear of ice between Greenleaf Rd and Latta Rd so I am taking that instead of running through the complex to the hole in the fence to get onto the LOSP Trail. The difference in mileage is about 0.5 mile. My splits were: 8:36, 8:42, 8:20 and 8:26 over the last 0.1 mile.

I took my bicycle, a Trek 7.2, into the Bike Zone this afternoon for a tune-up. I thought I could stuff it into the back on our Chevy Trax but ... the back seats only go down halfway (if that) so there was no way my bicycle was going to fit. Luckily I had a bike rack and figured out how to hook it up. It was a perplexing puzzle trying to figure out how to reconfigure it into something that would hold a bicycle after it had been unused for several years. Also ... I was lucky that it was a bit warm since I worked without gloves.

My darling wife, Christine, bought that bike for me almost 8 years ago, blog post here. I've ridden it 174 times for 2648.88 miles (98 times for 1328.92 miles in 2020 alone). So ... it was a bit overdue for a tune-up.

Tuesday, 3/9/2021

5923 steps, 45/128 resting/max HR, 7:58 hrs sleep, 177.9 lbs, 10 floors climbed
run: 2.6 miles, 22:59, 8:50 pace, 59 feet elevation gain, 122/130 avg/max HR, 158 avg cadence, 38F, 87% RH, 4 to 10 mph W wind, wind chill 35F, mostly sunny
I cut the run a bit short and went to Lake Ave instead across to the Stutson St Overlook. I knew I had not taken a walk day recently (Update: 7 days). I also kept a slower pace than my normal 8:35 or so. The result was a nice and easy run. The sunrise was just as nice. It was also 16F warmer than yesterday morning. My splits were: 8:55, 8:51 and 8:38 over the last 0.6 mile.

I got a call from the Bike Zone that my bike was ready so I went there after work. The total was $211. It needed a chain, gear cassette, brake pads, brake cable, rear tire and rear tube. I put on my Saris bike carrier and drove away. Well ... I saw the bike shift in my rear view mirror when I was getting on I390N so I stopped, put on my 4-ways, got out and checked it. It turned out that I was so excited to pick up my bike that I had forgotten to fasten it to the bike carrier! Luckily it had shifted TOWARDS the Trax instead of away from the Trax ... and into the road. Whew!!!

Wednesday, 3/10/2021

6329 steps, 43/89 resting/max HR, 8:01 hrs sleep, 179.0 lbs, 12 floors climbed
walk: 2.0 miles, 28:26, 14:13 pace, 66 feet elevation gain, 80/100 avg/max HR, 115 avg cadence, 36F, 88% RH, 6 to 10 mph SSW wind, wind chill 30F, partly cloudy
I thought about riding my newly tuned up bike but it was too cold. So ... I walked to rest my legs after running 7 days in a row.

I chose my "Out to Stutson St Overlook" route. I heard fire trucks coming down Lake Ave from my right when I crossed Lake Ave to get to the end of Latta. I didn't think much of it. I saw that 3 fire trucks were at the Lake Ave post office to my right when I crossed Lake Ave on Stutson St. Then ... I saw a guy burning something in a barrel behind his house on Stutson St. I continued on my walk. I heard something behind me and saw a fire truck by the house (and soon 2 more). I bet a burning barrel was frowned upon, lol! My splits were: 14:25 and 13:57.

Thursday, 3/11/2021

2454 steps, 43/115 resting/max HR, 7:29 hrs sleep, 179.3 lbs, 8 floors climbed
bike: 12.66 miles, 1:00:23, 12.6 avg mph, 22.1 max mph, 60 avg cadence, 59F, 36% RH, 5 to 23 mph S wind, cloudy
First ride of 2021! It was almost 60F so there wasn't anyway I was going to not ride! I almost wore my tights out of habit but I chose: shorts, a long sleeve tech, Brooks jacket, Brooks beanie and heavy running gloves. I forgot my sunglasses but didn't have any trouble with bugs (too early in the Spring). There was lots of ice on the LOSP Trail between Dewey Ave and Island Cottage. It was so thick that I had to walk my bike so 100 yards. The 2 to 3 inch chunks of ice that I had to ride between were throwing my bike from side to side. The usual ride progressed. I saw a runner and several walkers. Buck Pond was almost ice-free and had at least 40 swans on it. Long Pond had more ice and Cranberry Pond had the most ice. The wind was cold coming off the pond and was in my face when I was heading back. I got tired on the way back. I think I should eat something before I ride for a hour.

Friday, 3/12/2021

5589 steps, 43/137 resting/max HR, 9:00 hrs sleep 178.9 lbs, 13 floors climbed
run: 3.1 miles, 26:39, 8:35 pace, 92 feet elevation gain, 127/141 avg/max HR, 172 avg cadence, 41F, 77% RH, calm, sunny
The temperature dropped overnight so it was back to CW-X tights and the usual winter running garments. March is living up to its rep! The sunrise as I ran towards the Stutson St Overlook was nice! My splits were: 8:34, 8:44, 8:22 and 7:26 over the last 0.1 mile.

Saturday, 3/13/2021

11093 steps, 42/142 resting/max HR, 8:28 hrs sleep, 177.8 lbs, 18 floors climbed
run: 5 miles, 42:37, 8:31 pace, 128 feet elevation gain, 132/144 avg/max HR, 161 avg cadence, 24F, 59% RH, 8 to 25 mph WNW wind, wind chill 15F, sunny
The temperature dropped even more overnight. It's hard to believe that I biked in short 2 days ago. It was sunny but the wind really cut into me when I turned west onto the Ontario Beach Park boardwalk. I could see ice on the guidelines of the pier so I didn't venture out there. I went around on the Secret Sidewalk, Beach Ave and Greenleaf Rd. Then I added a bit to get to 5 miles. Boom ... done! My splits were: 8:30, 8:26, 8:43, 8:34 and 8:22.

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