Sunday, April 17, 2022

Sunday, 4/17/2022 to Saturday, 4/23/2022

I walked 4 tim5s this week, 5.9 miles.
I ran 4 times this week, 10.5 miles.
I didn't bike this week.
I took 52,499 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate, hours slept and floors climbed (take those last 2 data points with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight.

WALKING/RUNNING/BIKING: I had a left ankle issue them seems to be OK now so I am back to short runs. A run is better than a walk in my 64-year-old mind but any exercise is good in the end.

BTW, I am on a 662 day streak of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 4/16). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

COVID-19: I've had the same blurb about COVID-19 for about 2 years with some varying details. Hey ... been doing it for 2 years so I will change it up.  I believe in science, vaccines, CNN, the CDC and try to wear a mask over my nose and mouth when I am in a public space like Wegmans or BJs even if it's not required. 

Sunday, 4/17/2022

9147 steps, 40/141 resting/max HR, 8:06 hours sleep, 181.6 pounds, 17 floors climbed
Run: 4.65 miles, 41:04, 8:50 pace, 67 elevation pace, 130/143 avg/max HR, 158/168 avg/max cadence, 34F, 74% RH, 11 to 24 mph W wind, wind chill 26F, partly cloudy
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey: 92.75 miles
It was still chilly and windy. Ahh ... mid-early April/springtime in Rocheter! So ... I still wore Brooks tights and my usual Brooks 1/4 zip long sleeve pullover, Brooks beanie and heavy running gloves. I went out at my nice and easy pace on my usual "Out by the pier and around" pace. The west wind was chilly and it was brutal for a while ... and even after when I turned into the wind ... brrr!!! My splits were 9:02, 8:36, 9:00, 8:59 and 8:19 over the last 0.65 mile.

I rented a couple of good Redbox movies: Death on the Nile (2022) and Scream (2022). The first was a cerebral who-dun-it with Hercule Poirot and the second was the Scream slasher 25 years on. Both excellent!

I also saw the Muddy Sneaker 20K results posted with 151 finishers, results here. I ran this race 5 times (2011 to 2015). It's a unique race in the Hi Tor Wildness Area down near Naples with all sort of terrain: mud, sharp rocks, single track, jeep trails with steep ups and downs, water crossings and a steep walk/run uphill finish. It was very tough and challenging race. I remember once running it one year with horizontal snow at the start and another year when it was quite warm.

Monday, 4/18/2022

4103 steps, 49/114 resting/max HR, 9:23 hours sleep, 181.7 pounds, 11 floors climbed
Walk: 1.75 miles, 24:34, 14:01 pace, 29 feet elevation gain, 88/123 avg/max HR<, 120/161 avg/max cadence, 46F, 39% RH, 5 to 25 mph SSE wind, overcast
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey: 94.5 miles
I got out after work for a walk to the Redbox to drop off the 2 DVDs from last night. It was in the high 40s with a stiff wind so I wore my usual winter running gear. The wind was cold so I was glad that I did. My splits were 14:08 and 13:52 over the last 0.75 mile.

I followed six people at the 2022 Boston Marathon: Prem Kumar in 3:22:11, Tim Dwyer in 3:15:09, Matt Kellman in 3:55:32, Wendy Abbott in 3:40:24, Christine Antonini in 4:01:55 and Heather Patterson in 3:14:35. I am glad for all the finishers but a big sad for myself. I know that I will probably never run another half marathon not to say a full marathon. I just don't think that my body will handle it.

Tuesday, 4/19/2022

8011 steps, 42/137 resting/max HR, 7:54 hours sleep, 183.3 pounds, 19 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 27:53, 8:50 pace, 69 feet elevation gain, 128/140 avg/max HR, 158/167 avg/max cadence, 36F, 91% RH, 6 to 15 WSW wind, wind chill 30F, cloudy
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey: 97.65 miles
I got out early for a run on my 'Out to "that" sidewalk'. It's my new name for running out to the Secret Sidewalk. I had a bit of right knee pain at 3/4 mile for a couple 100 yards. It went away so I kept going. The waves on Lake Ontario were calm. My splits were 9:01, 8:53, 8:44 and 8:06 over the last 0.15 mile. So ... negative splits ... nice!

Wednesday, 4/20/2022

3603 steps, 41/90 resting/max HR, 7:18 hours sleep, 182.8 pounds, 8 floors climbed
Walk: 1.5 miles, 22:01, 14:41 pace, 3 feet elevation gain, 78/86 avg/max HR, 118/158 avg/max cadence, 36F, 75% RH, 13 mph WNW wind, wind chill 28F, mostly sunny
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey: 99.15 miles
I got out in the morning for an "ehh" run. Why "ehh"? My left inside arch complained and it didn't go away. It was a manageable ache so I continued onward and made due. It was chilly and windy ... yet again. My splits were 14:51 and 14:20. Still ... it was OK outside. The sun was coming up and the birds were chirping.

Thursday, 4/21/2022

7122 steps, 43/137 resting/max HR, 9:37 hours sleep, 183.9 pounds, 20 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 27:48, 8:50 pace, 60 feet elevation gain, 127/140 avg/max HR, 158/210 avg/max cadence, 50F, 40% RH, 12 mph S wind, wind chill 46F, cloudy
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey: 102.3 miles
It was warmer so I wore shorts with a long sleeve tech! I went out at a nice and easy pace on my "Out to Clematis St" route ... whispers ... comes back on the Secret Sidewalk. My splits were 8:58, 8:45, 8:48 and 8:35 over the last 0.15 mile.

Friday, 4/22/22

7727 steps, 46/89 resting/max HR, 12 floors climbed
Walk: 1.5 miles, 22:41, 15:08 pace, 3 feet elevation gain, 79/89 avg/max HR, 115/132 avg/max cadence, 41F, 70% RH, 5 mph W wind, wind chill 36F, sunny
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey: 103.8 miles
Well ... it was just above 40F .... so it was back to tights and my usual winter running clothes. I have to wear more clothes when I walk because I don't warm up as much. My left arch hurt so my pace was a bit off until it loosened up a bit. It never really stopped hurting so I just kept on walking on my "Out to Ling Rd" route. My splits were 15:26 and 14:31 over the last 0.5 mile.

Saturday, 4/23/2022

12786 steps, 41/141 resting/max HR, 8:44 hours sleep, 181.1 pounds, 35 floors climbed
Run: 4.65 miles, 40:41, 8:47 pace, 88 feet elevation gain, 132/143 avg/max HR, 156/168 avg/max cadence, 48F, 49% RH, 10 to 16 mph SE wind, wind chill 44F, mostly cloudy
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey: 108.45 miles
I got out for a nice and steady run on my usual Saturday "Out by the pier and around" route. It was a bit warmer but still chilly so I wore shorts, my Brooks 1/4 zip long sleeve pullover, light running gloves and a hat. The run was uneventful and the lake was calm. My splits were 9:01. 8:42, 8:45, 8:51 and 8:29 over the last 0.65 mile.

Walk: 1.15 mile, 18:18, 15:56 pace, 30 feet elevation gain, 85/103 avg/max HR, 108/130 avg/max cadence, 44F, 85% RH, 12 to 23 mph NE wind, wind chill 38F, cloudy
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey: 109.6 miles
I got out again for a walk to the mailbox to drop off a Netflix DVD. It was still chilly and I wasn't really dressed for it so my hands were freezing. A bit of an oops.

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