Monday, October 10, 2022

Sunday, 10/9/2022 to Saturday, 10/15/2022

I walked 2 times this week, 3.15 miles.
I ran 5 times this week, 15.31 miles.
I didn't bike indoors this week.
I didn't bike this week.
I took 51,037 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate, hours slept and floors climbed (take those last 2 data points with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight.

WALKING/RUNNING/BIKING: My left arch issue is OK now so I am back to short walks, runs or bike rides. A run is better than a walk in my 65-year-old mind but any exercise is good in the end.

Walk/Run/Bike electronics: Garmin Venu (backup for the bike) and Shockz Air bone conduction headphones (discontinued on the Shockz website).

I don't buy my electronics retail. I buy my Garmin stuff used off of eBay or an online vendor when it's a generation or more old. I bought the helmet and pedals off of Kickstarter or Indiegogo so I got them at about a 40% discount. I usually buy my running shoes online or on sale at Fleet Feet.

BTW, I am on a 837 day streak of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 10/8). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

Sunday, 10/9/2022

7574 steps, 42/141 resting/max HR, 8:17 hours sleep, 178.4 pounds, 14 floors climbed
Run: 4.55 miles, 39:36, 8:42 pace, 73 feet elevation gain, 132/144 resting/max HR, 161/169 avg/max cadence, 46F, 71% RH, 14 mph SW wind, wind chill 41F, sunny
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey - 449.75 miles
I puttered around for a bit but I needed to get out for a run so I got it done. It was a bit warmer than yesterday but just as windy. I decided to wear shorts, a long sleeve tech and Brooks light running gloves. I struck up a steady pace and held it except for a tiny walk break.

I watched the Steelers play the Bills at home. I had barely turned the TV on the Bill were already ahead 7-0 after a 98 yard TD pass by Josh Allen to Gabe Davis. They were up 31-3 at halftime and won 38-3. Josh was 20 for  31 with 424 yards (a Bills record). Josh has 4 400+ yard games (so far) and the all the other Buffalo QBs combined had four! A boring game but a win is a win!

Monday, 10/10/2022

4214 steps, 44/131 resting/max HR, 8:31 hours sleep, 178.1 pounds, 10 floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 21:58, 13:20 pace, 36 feet elevation gain, 122/139 avg/max HR, 121 avg cadence, 54F, 54% RH, 8 mph N wind, partly cloudy
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 black - 537.52 miles
I slept in and felt a bit off all day. I got out for a brisk walk after work. My splits were 13:14 and 13:28 over the last 0.65 mile.

Tuesday, 10/11/2022

9512 steps, 43/143 resting/max HR, 6:49 hours sleep, 14 floors climbed
Run: 4.55 miles, 39:21, 8:39 pace, 67 feet elevation gain, 134/146 avg/max HR, 161/171 avg/max cadence, 43F, 87% RH, 5 mph WSW wind, partly cloudy
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey - 454.30 miles
I made the mistake of looking at the clock after I got up to go pee ... 3:58 AM. I tried to go back to sleep but soon gave up. I had plenty of time to gird myself for getting out for a before dawn run. It was around 40F so I wore shorts, my winter long sleeve pullover (which I really didn't need), Brooks beanie and Brooks light running gloves. I struck up a steady pace and held it with no walks. My splits were 8:44, 8:40, 8:32, 8:45 and 8:29 over the last 0.55 mile.

Wednesday, 10/12/2022

7352 steps, 43/142 resting/max HR, 6:38 hours sleep, 180.7 pounds, 12 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 26:45, 8:29 pace, 21 feet elevation gain, 129/144 avg/max HR, 161/170 avg/max cadence, 48F, 81% RH, 3 mph SW wind, cloudy
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey - 457.45 miles
I put on my eye shades before I went to sleep and got about 7 hours of sleep. I felt rested when I woke up at 5:30 AM. I was out in shorts and a short sleeve tech just minutes after 6 AM. I had on my usual Noxgear Tracer360 lighted vest and new eBay headlamp. I struck up a steady pace. I noticed that mile 1 was 8:50 and mile 2 was 8:40 so I pushed the pace to get a negative split ... mile 3 was 8:08 and 7:15 over the last 0.15 mile. Sweet!

Thursday, 10/13/2022

7256 steps, 41/103 resting/max HR, 7:48 hours sleep, 179.8 pounds, 11 floors climbed
Walk: 1.5 miles, 21:27, 14:18 pace, 13 feet elevation gain, 90/103 resting/max HR, 116/126 resting/max cadence, 63F, 77% RH, 16 mph S wind, overcast
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 black - 539.02 miles
It was a walk day after two running days. It was warmer and my weather app told me that it there was a light rain. I wore shorts, a long sleeve tech and a hat. It was windy and didn't start sprinkling until I was on my way back. I barely got damp.

Friday, 10/14/2022

6845 steps, 43/137 resting/max HR, 6:07 hours sleep, 22 floors climbed
Run: 3.16 miles, 27:01, 8:33 pace, 37 feet elevation gain, 129/141 avg/max HR, 157/169 avg/max cadence, 39F, 100% RH, calm, clear.
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey - 460.61 miles
My alarm went off at 5:30 AM whether I wanted it to or not just like it always does. It was a run day so I got up, got dressed and got out there before my mind registered that it was 43F, calm and clear. I wore shorts, a long sleeve tech and Brooks light running gloves. I struck up a steady pace and was rewarded with another negative split: 8:49, 8:39, 8:21 and 7:37 over the last 0.16 mile.

Saturday, 10/15/2022

8284 steps, 43/142 resting/max HR, 8:32 hours sleep, 17 floors climbed
Run: 4.55 miles, 39:16, 8:37 pace, 65 feet elevation gain, 131/144 avg/max HR, 160/168 avg/max cadence, 57F, 44% RH, 18 mph SSW wind, cloudy
Shoes: Brooks Adrenaline GTS20 grey - 465.16 miles
I slept in like I usually do on Saturdays so I didn't get out until after 9:30 AM. It was around 50F so I wore shorts and a short sleeve tech. I struck up a steady and easy pace ... aka a "get it done" pace. I held it and didn't take any walk breaks though my body really wanted me to. My splits were 8:45, 8:32, 8:35, 8:38 and 8:33 over the last 0.55 mile.

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