Sunday, July 30, 2023

Sunday, 7/30/2023 to Saturday, 8/5/2023

I walked once this week, 1.65 miles.
I ran 3 times this week, 9.45 miles.
I biked 3 times this week, 26.59 miles
I took 38,981 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate, hours slept and floors climbed (take those last 2 data points with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight.

WALKING/RUNNING/BIKING: I have been hampered by a nagging ache in my left hip/hamstring for the past month. So ... I can do short walks (1.5 miles), somewhat painful runs (< 3.1 miles) or bike rides (< 20 miles). A run or a bike is better than a walk in my 65-year-old mind but any exercise is good in the end.

Walk/Run/Bike electronics: Garmin Venu (backup for the bike) and Shockz Air bone conduction headphones (discontinued on the Shockz website).

BTW, I am on a 1131 day (a bit over 3 years) streak of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 7/29). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

Sunday, 7/30/2023

3981 steps, 40/126 resting/max HR, 13:07 (LOL!) hours sleep, 172.1 pounds, 13 floors climbed
Bike: 13.31 miles, 58:13, 13.7/24.0 avg/max mph, 54 feet elevation gain, 108/125 avg/max HR, 28/36 avg/max respiration, 57/87 avg/max cadence, 57F, 94% RH, 3 mph SW wind, sunny
What a difference between yesterday and today! It was definitely cooler than yesterday. I wore a long/short sleeve combo on top to keep warm on my bike ride on my usual "Out to East Manitou Rd" route.

Monday, 7/31/2023

6444 steps, 41/95 resting/max HR, 7:28 hours sleep, 174.1 pounds, 7 floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 23:03, 13:59 pace, 13 feet elevation gain, 87/101 avg/max HR, 117/126 avg/max cadence, 57F, 94% RH, 5 mph WSW wind, sunny
Shoes: black Brooks Arenaline GTSXX - 647.88 miles
I got out for a very brisk walk on my usual "Out to Ling Rd" route. I just felt good I guess. My splits were 13:52 and 14:08 over the last 0.65 mile.

It's the end of July ... so ... it's stat time!

I walked 9 times in July for 14.96 miles, 1.66 miles/walk and 101 walks in 2023 so far for 153.32 miles, 1.52 miles/walk.
I ran 12 times in July for 39.36 miles, 3.28 miles/run and 109 runs in 2023 so far for 376.45 miles, 3.45 miles/run.
I ran one race in July:
 7/11 Run Our River 5K - July, 27:21, 8:42 pace, 57th out of 98, 4th out of 8 in my M 60-69 age group, 85F, 48% RH, 10 mph W wind, sunny
I took 11 bike rides in July for 145.53 miles, 13.32 miles/bike and 32 bike rides in 2023 so far for 422.73 miles, 13.21 miles/bike.
I took 179,421 steps in July and 1,462,456 steps in 2023 so far.

Tuesday, 8/1/2023

11115 steps, 41/146 resting/max HR, 8:22 hours sleep, 174.0 pounds, 15 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 27:17, 8:40 pace, 59 feet elevation gain, 133/149 avg/max HR, 156/165 avg/max cadence, 54F, 100% RH, calm, sunny
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 62.45 miles
I was up early at 4:40 AM so I could wake the end of the USNWT game between USA and Portugal. USA advanced out of the group stage to the round of 16 barely thanks to their side post. Portugal had a shot on goal at 90' which bounced off the right post. They will face Sweden on Sunday.

Then it was time to get up, get dressed and get out. It was my day to run so I got out there and ran. My left hamstring was just a slight ache which I just ignored. I tried to find a good stride and was a bit successful at times. Maybe next time. My splits were 8:43, 8:46, 8:34 and 8:08 over the last 0.15 mile.

Wednesday, 8/2/2023

3159 steps, 40/106 resting/max HR, 7:34 hours sleep, 174.7 hours sleep, 10 floors climbed
Bike: 13.28 miles, 58:40, 13.6/18.4 avg/max mph, 49 feet elevation gain, 96/111 avg/max HR, 25/30 avg/max respiration, 56/72 avg/max cadence, 54F, 94% RH, 7 mph SW wind, cloudy
I got out just before after 6 AM on my bike for a ride on my usual "Out to East Manitou Rd" route. I noticed that my Edge 530 was in "dark" mode for a few minutes because the sun wasn't up yet. Sunrise was at 6:01 AM. I had a nice ride as usual. 

Thursday, 8/3/2023

5776 steps, 40/150 resting/max HR, 7:59 hours sleep, 173.8 pounds, 18 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 27:23, 8:41 pace, 60 feet elevation gain, 134/156 avg/max HR, 155/163 avg/max cadence, 64F, 88% RH, 8 mph SW wind, light rain
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 65.60 miles
It was a run day but when I looked outside it was raining. I thought "Uugghh" ... as a non-runner. Then ... I thought "liquid sunshine" as a runner! So I got up, got dressed and got out there for a run on my usual "Out to Clematis St" route. My left hamstring ached a bit for about 1/4 mile and then mostly went away. I didn't have any tiny walk breaks. My splits were 8:47, 8:46, 8:35 and 8:12 over the last 0.15 mile.

Oh, TFG picked up his third indictment today in DC for a total of 78 felony counts between the 3. Yeah, I vote BLUE!!! I ride with Biden! No, Trump in not being politically persecuted ... he is being criminally prosecuted!

Friday, 8/4/2023

2186 steps, 40/106 resting/max HR, 7:18 hours sleep, 174.2 pounds, 1 floor climbed
Bike: 13.32 miles, 58:21, 13.7/23.8 avg/max mph, 52 feet elevation gain, 98/119 avg/max HR, 26/31 avg/max respiration, 56/86 avg/max cadence, 66F, 88% RH, calm, cloudy
It was either a walk or bike day. I chose a bike on my usual "Out to East Manitou Rd" route. It was as peaceful as ever.

Saturday, 8/5/2023

6320 steps, 42/149 resting/max HR, 8:16 hours sleep, 172.0 pounds, 23 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 26:59, 8:31 pace, 137/155 avg/max HR, 156/167 avg/max cadence, 61F, 100% RH, calm, sunny
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 68.75 miles
I got out for a run on my usual "Out to Clematis St" route. My left hamstring was a bit achy but I ignored it. The ache eventually went 90% away. There was a wind out of the north up at Lake Ontario. The KROC airport reported.that it was calm ... 13 miles away as the crow flys. My splits were 8:38, 8:37, 8:31 and 7:48 over the last 0.15 mile. A bit of a negative split to start a Saturday!

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