Sunday, August 6, 2023

Sunday, 8/7/2023 to Saturday, 8/13/2023 - Run Our River 5K - August

I walked 3 times this week, 4.05 miles.
I ran 3 times this week, 10.83 miles.
I biked twice this week, 22.80 miles
I took 43,017 steps this week according to my Garmin Venu smartwatch.
My Venu gives me steps, heart rate, hours slept and floors climbed (take those last 2 data points with a grain of salt). My Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer scale gives my weight.

WALKING/RUNNING/BIKING: I have been hampered by a nagging ache in my left hip/hamstring for the past month. So ... I can do short walks (1.5 miles), somewhat painful runs (< 3.1 miles) or bike rides (< 20 miles). A run or a bike is better than a walk in my 65-year-old mind but any exercise is good in the end.

Walk/Run/Bike electronics: Garmin Venu (backup for the bike) and Shockz Air bone conduction headphones (discontinued on the Shockz website).

BTW, I am on a 1138 day (a bit over 3 years) streak of either a walk, run or bike of greater than 1 mile (as of Saturday night, 8/5). There were more than a few days when a mile was all I could walk or limp.

Sunday, 8/6/2023

3650 steps, 41/99 resting/max HR, 7:29 hours sleep, 173.5 pounds, 6 floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 22:06, 13:24 pace, 13 feet elevation gain, 87/99 avg/max HR, 116 avg cadence, 59F, 88% RH, calm, cloudy
Shoes: black Brooks Adrenaline GTSXX - 649.53 miles
I really thought about another run today but my common sense (believe it or not) kicked in and told me to either walk or bike. I hadn't walked in a while so I chose a walk on my usual "Out to Ling Rd" route. I kicked up a very brisk pace. My splits were 13:31 and 13:13 over the last 0.65 mile. Wow!

Monday, 8/7/2023

7374 steps, 41/103 resting/max HR, 8:27 hours sleep, 173.9 pounds, 8 floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 24:09, 14:38 pace, 10 feet elevation gain, 78/86 avg/max HR, 114/123 avg/max cadence, 70F, 94% RH, 3 mph SE wind, overcast
Shoes: blue Brooks Launch GTS8 - 307.16 miles
It was either a walk or bike day. I chose a walk. I got out on my usual "Out to Ling Rd" route at a slightly slower pace. My splits were 14:53 and 14:16 over the last 0.65 mile.

Tuesday, 8/8/2023

6661 steps, 41/153 resting/max HR, 8:19 hours sleep, 173.0 pounds, 14 floors climbed
Bike: 9.44 miles, 46:26, 12.2/28.6 avg/max mph, 91 feet elevation gain, 92/124 avg/max HR, 23/30 avg/max respiration, 58/104 avg/max cadence, 66F, 88% RH, 7 mph WSW wind, overcast with a bit of drizzle
I didn't want to walk again or run since I have a race tonight so that left a bike this morning. I wanted a change of scenery so I chose my "Out on the pier and around" route. It was different and fit the bill. I even got a little bit of drizzle to cool me off a bit.

Run: 3.13 miles, 25:54, 8:17 pace, 9 feet elevation gain, 145/158 avg/max HR, 158/167 avg/max cadence, 71F, 71% RH, 12 mph NW wind, cloudy
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 71.88 miles

Tonight was the second Tuesday of the month so it was a Run Our River 5K - August night. I got down to Corn Hill Landing in plenty of time for the race like usual. I stretched a bit but didn't take a warm up run.
And ... we were off! My left hamstring was a bit sore so I thought it would be a bad 5K. But ... I settled in and fought the urge to run fast. I had a water bottle and took a sip at halfway .... and choked it back out! I kept on running back up the other side of the Genesee River and took a little walk break before the Ford St Bridge. I caught back up so no harm. I pushed a bit in the last 1/4 mile and was happy to see the timer below 26 minutes! 
So ... fastest 5K of 2023! The chip time was 25:50. I was 51st out of 111, 3rd out of 10 in my M 6069 age group, link here. My splits were 8:19, 8:23, 8:16 and 7:14 over the last 0.13 mile.

Wednesday, 8/9/2023

8667 steps, 41/117 resting/max HR, 6:48 hours sleep, 173.1 pounds, 9 floors climbed
Walk: 1.65 miles, 23:39, 14:20 pace, 17 feet elevation gain, 90/123 avg/max HR, 115/125 avg/max cadence, 57F, 100% RH, 6 mph WSW wind, partly cloudy
Shoes: black Brooks Adrenaline GTSXX - 651.18 miles
I was up around 4:30 AM so I just stayed awake. It was either a bike or walk day after a hard 5K last night. I went out for a walk on my usual "Out to Ling Rd" route. My splits were 14:28 and 14:07 over the last 0.65 mile.

Thursday, 8/10/2023

7924 steps, 40/144 resting/max HR, 8:20 hours sleep, 173.2 pounds, 12 floors climbed
Run: 3.15 miles, 27:21, 8:41 pace, 56 feet elevation gain, 131/149 avg/max HR, 156/165 avg/max cadence, 66F, 83% RH, 7 mph SW wind, overcast
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 75.03 miles
It was either a bike or run day. My Withings scale said up 1.3 pounds so it was a run day. I got out on my usual "Out to Clematis St" route. I had the usual ache when I started out but it went away quickly. The waves on Lake Ontario were practically non-existent. My splits were 8:52, 8:43, 8:34 and 7:56 over the last 0.15 mile. A nice negative split!

Friday, 8/11/2023

1240 steps, 43/111 resting/max HR, 7:47 hours sleep, 175.1 pounds, 4 floors climbed
Bike: 13.36 miles, 1:01:45, 13.0/19.6 avg/max mph, 50 feet elevation gain, 93/111 avg/max HR, 25/34 avg/max respiration, 57/83 avg/max cadence, 64F, 88% RH, 6 mph W wind, partly cloudy
I got out a bit later but I still did my usual "Out to East Manitou Rd" route. I rode at an easy pace and made sure to look around a bit. There were a bit more bicyclists and a couple runners out today.

I took a couple pictures during the ride and one afterwards.

Saturday, 8/12/2023

7511 steps, 42/145 resting/max HR, 7:42 hours sleep, 173.3 pounds, 19 floors climbed
Run: 4.55 miles, 41:11, 9:03 pace, 87 feet elevation gain, 133/149 avg/max HR, 152/165 avg/max cadence, 68F, 78% RH, 7 mph SW wind, overcast
Shoes: blue Brooks Glycerin GTS20 - 79.58 miles
I got out for a longer run than usual ... and it didn't go as well as I hoped. I tried my "Out by the pier and around" route. It started out OK and then fell apart after mile 2 with 6 (yes 6) walking breaks. I just lost all energy. It wasn't pain or aches or anything else. My splits were 8:50, 8:29, 8:54, 10:19 and 8:24 over the last 0.55 mile.

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